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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. I'm actually shocked that autographs are still a thing Always thought of it as a way to remember/prove that you met someone famous. With cell phones being a camera and the popularity of selfies would imagine that would take the place of autographs in a lot of ways
  2. My thoughts on the adult autograph seekers are that nothing wrong you want to meet a top athlete/get an autograph but the time and place should be a card show or some place where its a meet and greet. Training camp is and should be about the kids and them having a great experience
  3. Another caller came in yesterday to defend the original caller/adult autograph seekers from the day before I heard a part of it probably a little after 6pm. Think their show starts at 3 so I would look around the 3 hour mark
  4. I didn't hear it but please tell me it was satire
  5. Wgr used to play a game where they would play a clip from belichick and they would guess what quarterback he was talking about The best one was where he praised jeff tuel Ive come to the conclusion that the more descriptive belilchick is the lower he thinks about that player, almost like he is mocking them and he finds it funny
  6. With so many streaming services now a days, it would be awesome if a company would package a bunch of theses apps together into one single service That way you get the stuff youd like and only have 1 payment to make Wouldn't that be convenient? (Patiently waiting until people start describing cable after all these years of "cutting the cord")
  7. About the turkey burger? Ive heard great things about the cafeteria
  8. Is Crowder starting out on the second team?
  9. Wish carolina signed him Imagine that QB room baker,darnold and rosen
  10. I was very surprised by the diggs hot sauce Had low expectations and it was very solid
  11. To me the weird thing is that this story keeps being brought back up Has to be the 4th maybe 5th time since he signed here that this is a story
  12. The trade itself, I would have tried to sell myself that its a good move and he isn't a scam bag. But as soon as that contract extension was signed, I 100% would have been done. Fully guaranteed huge money deal for someone with that many red flags.
  13. Is the extended practice squad still a thing? If so he could be a solid guy to have there to be a back up gadget/speed/shifty type player if McKenzie is ever out
  14. If tied I assume they play the 13....... Oh no
  15. I'm assuming this would target the season ticket holder who has double digit tickets and they instantly get placed on the market not all together Not the guy who has 4 together but uses 2 every game but re sells his other 2
  16. As someone who use to go to every game and just buy re sell or scalp for tickets each game this is what I found for the home opener Prices right now will be high Most reasonable prices will come in June/July/leading up to training camp Lowest price is always after a loss (even a pre season loss, which is kinda funny) If you're cool with a price, pay it. Don't wait over what will amount to be maybe $30
  17. I see those , along with one's that say tua was better than Allen in his first 2 seasons and to expect a huge jump in play like allen I just laugh
  18. Not a fan of the 1230 or 430 starts on Thanksgiving I want to enjoy watching the bills and not worry about conversation with family lol
  19. The red eyes thing is a bit coin symbol
  20. Its people bored at work that want to talk shop
  21. Could see a couple of those guys sign deals back with the bills as the season gets closer
  22. So Dorsey raised his prices on the pick because he knew the bills were taking a QB and didn't want to be the guy who took the wrong QB and allowed another team to trade up and take the better QB Now I wonder if the rumors that the browns liked Allen at 1 were to get the bills to show their cards in regards to the potential trade
  23. Isn't the max prime time games 6? Or 5?
  24. Might be beanes way of forcing McDermott to go for it on 4th down much more often near mid field
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