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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. 1. We need a healthy line to compete with playoff teams 2. Our defensive backs without tre white will struggle 3. We are a wild card team until the team builds offensive and defensive game plans to let Allen be Allen
  2. How I feel is that they won a game they should have won and things that I would like see improved didn't get improved Mostly coaching but I'll hold out hope they will realize there mistakes and they will learn
  3. How so? The run that he took the personal foul counted. Am I forgetting a different run?
  4. I thought after the time out McDermott was going to kick a field goal
  5. I think he just makes it up as he goes and is actually clueless. Was just getting lucky making calls before
  6. This game shouldn't be a 10 pt game The bills should be up 20+, they let teams hang around
  7. I really wish this coaching staff would coach aggressively I mean even they are content on the Panthers running out the clock Put your foot on the panthers throat and end their day
  8. How often do bend but don't break defenses win super bowls? Was the colts with Manning the last one?
  9. Should be just bringing heat on every down If he makes a pass, then good for him (he won't because he can't)
  10. Hope McDermott has a note pad and sees how to use all 4 downs here
  11. I dont think ive ever seen a pressure like that from a mcdermott team
  12. I was/a lot of people were wrong on this team They arent that good
  13. The next head coach of the jags should be leftwhich If not they should look into a defensive minded guy, then bring in top young hungry offensive coaches Build a team and coaching staff that allows you to compete for wins now and allow your young qb to not have all the pressure on him to win right away
  14. You are just thinking with current players Wallace would be gone then a bigger corner would replace him Short term say the first season you are right but once teams build a defense around this rule its over Hockey is a great example of what can happen. Late 90s early 2000s is know as the dead puck era, during this time they allowed players to get away with clutching and grabbing. Teams began to build their teams around guys who were the best at clutching and grabbing
  15. It would be terrible. It would kill all game flow. It would kill offense There are enough flags as is, no need to increase the amount of flags Because 15 yards and live another day You are right you wouldn't see out right tackles but what would happen is you would see more press coverage where the dbs would get their hands on a wr early and not let go
  16. If the pass interference penalty got changed to a 15 harder, NFL players would be coached to just haul any receiver down that beats them. Take a 15 yard penalty over a touchdown any day
  17. As the QB leaves the pocket and he may look like he is becoming a runner. As this happens defenses are able to get physical with the receivers
  18. How much of lack of holding calls is because of Josh allens mobility and moving out of the pocket?
  19. I get the idea and agree it carries weight in a debate. Think of all the "thunder and lightning" back fields of the past If you're a run oriented/physical team. The run game is all about just pounding away, and sticking with it. So maybe you only average 3 yards on say 20 carries but because you continued to run that 21st carry the defense broke down and wore out and the run goes 80
  20. I hate when people say "well if you take this one run away" he would have only had x yards Never said wildly successful. Said it was successful. 7 for 64 is success. Even 6 for 35 is successful (nearly 6 yards per carry)
  21. In the second half the bills were successful at running because how much they threw in the first half Its all about coaching and play calling. A coach needs to be able to set his players up for success.
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