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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. So did Denver hire Hackett to just try to get Rodgers? Didn't Kendall Hinton play QB before Denver, should try him back there
  2. Have the bills gone 3 and out yet this season? Denver 8 possessions and 6 three and outs
  3. I've been on the McDermott sucks at in game coaching decisions for a while, more and more people are realizing it now The issue is that McDermott is also a great coach in every facet/measure besides in game/split second decisions I stand by that he continue to improve but it's starting to get frustrating because the same issues are starting to pop up - mostly conservative defensive calls in key situations
  4. I want no part of the phins early in the playoffs (late I'd take all day) Not because of talent level but because they are dirty, cheap late shots (Wilkins) constantly turning Allen's ankles. They take a lot of liberties out there
  5. Did Miami have any defensive penalties today? Can't really remember any besides on the first drive Kind of crazy considering the time of possession
  6. Yeah true Still think McKenzie's first thought was get yards and out of bounds, when in Hindsight it should have been yards and get down. Would have gotten a spike off
  7. Curious how they respond from here This game meant a lot to the phins
  8. I think missing Morse was the biggest loss today, dolphins were killing the line today
  9. Would he have been in range for bass? I remember him needing a few more yards from when he caught it (I don't have the ability to rewatch until highlights are out)
  10. He couldn't get there He should have gotten done earlier though
  11. Hopefully the coaching staff learned you don't have to coach scared. Play the same way you would if there were no injuries You don't have to put training wheels on
  12. The previous 2 plays the offensive line was actually getting a push. I would have loved to see them hurry to get a play off before the 2 minute warning, we had Miami's defense there
  13. The rush 3 on 3rd and 22......have the coaches actually learned from the thirteen seconds debacle
  14. Why did the bills rush three on a 3rd and 22? No experience in the secondary vs 2 very good wr Feel like that's a bad idea
  15. Someone on this board posted about McKenzie being +550 anytime td on fan duel Thank you kind sir
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