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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Anyone think Allen's hand is injured, after reportedly having x-rays after the phins game
  2. Can McDermott win a close game as the favorite is what the question really should be, as your stats show above He has proven to be a great under dog coach, getting a team to believe and out perform expectations but hasn't shown the finishing as the favorite yet
  3. The acquaintance line should tell you everything you need to know with how much he has or hasn't grown
  4. This would have some actual funny/meme potential if not for the weirdness of the tua donation thread
  5. It's sad that this needs to be a "rule" I understand that every player is always going to want to play, that's why you have coaches/doctors/gms to make that choice for the player. This is the job of the coach to make sure he doesn't go back in. His job is to make the tough decision, to make the unpopular choice, to take the heat off his player
  6. Something that gets over shadowed because everyone sees and thinks head injury but back injuries are serious matters too A back injury caused a player to fall down while walking, to me that has to be a pretty serious back injury, how does he clear that Backs are really important in life too, not as much as a head but backs can be scary injuries
  7. Fitz is great, Sherman has been great as well, feel like he brings actual insight to the game
  8. Tony Gonzalez brings this post game show down Got a good group otherwise
  9. And that throw is why no one should be scared of the phins Imagine as the weather gets worse
  10. A late hit, almost like the refs watched the bills game and noticed how often the phins did it
  11. I am here for a Miami beat down Just see benefits if they win
  12. True I'm also not all that impressed with Miami, it's still early in the season Would rather eliminate Cincy as soon as possible Miami screams those bills teams that started 5-1 and ended 6-10 or 7-9
  13. I hate miami but them winning I think helps in the long run because Cincy is more of a threat than the phins in my opinion With that said I wouldn't hate seeing Miami thumped
  14. The jags are also closer to a 50/50 split on run vs pass And James Robinson is very good
  15. Run blocking vs pass blocking, I imagine that the offensive line is more worried about pass blocking on nearly every rpo since Allen is going to keep it plus Allen likely keeps it more often than he should to begin with (which isn't necessarily a bad thing since most want the ball in his hands as much as possible)
  16. A lot of the issues running the ball are that it's run out of RPO's Would like to see actual run plays called and see how they do
  17. Team #1 is obviously vastly superior Guess we gotta let the phins have the spot light for a week or two Once teams get a read on how McDaniel coaches tua and the phins offense things might fall apart quick
  18. The strategy the phins used to beat the bills isn't sustainable In my opinion it's very similar to when the pats beat the bills last season in the wind game, a lot of breaks
  19. Lots of experience in zone defense Could potentially help as a safety as well if the bills ever get healthy corners
  20. The punt would have been better in my opinion Would have needed a touchdown but the bills likely would have started around mid field if not closer to the 40. Plus the bills are great at scoring from just outside the red zone
  21. The run game will also pick up later in the season, it's a similar method the Patriots would do. The bills did this last season as well When the weather is nice throw, keep your backs as fresh as possible for when you need them
  22. That possession ended once the bills were fine getting to the 2 minute warning They got to the goal line with rushes from singletary and the line for the first time all game was got a push on back to back downs. Letting the 2 minute warning hit allowed the defense to catch their breath
  23. Considering that for the first time cook got more playing time and moss wasn't seen again until the 4th right after a couple really bad series by moss tells me moss might be falling fast Honestly if he doesn't have that 46 yard run when he comes back in I wouldn't have been shocked to see the bills cut him and bring in duke Johnson (Also had a great catch and play for a first down late too)
  24. Wilson isn't good, these throws are brutal Makes a good one as I posted lol
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