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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. Also prince emili absolutely destroying Ricard was key to that play
  2. I feel sanders is a guy that once he announced retirement he was all in on retirement
  3. If the ravens player doesn't wrap his arms around Allen I don't think it gets called. If he just kind of ran through making an attempt to avoid him it doesn't get called Really no reason he needed to wrap up which is why it was called in my opinion
  4. The initial game plan sucked, ball control, play to the weather The adjustment to go back to throwing the ball on offense and blitzing on defense worked
  5. Don't disagree but if poyer is out and the bills have the inexperience of Hamlin/Johnson/Elam/Jackson Having a guy who has played in zone defense and was pretty good would be huge to have just for set up and communication purposes
  6. Yeah that's what I was thinking but I don't think he is ready Need a bigger body or someone with some experience/ability to draw coverage in the mean time
  7. I see this post often so not singling you out It's an anonymous message board, it's what you're always going to get; deserving or undeserving People aren't going to whine and complain to their family/friends they are going to let it out on a message board
  8. What's tre whites time table and Xavier Rhodes time table The bills need some vets
  9. The bills need to find another outside wr until Davis is healthy
  10. Did he come down with the ball? Surprised no defenseless receiver
  11. It's a message board people are gonna let their emotions fly lol
  12. This is bad, what happened to the play calling? We can throw the ball I will never understand the well Allen accounts for x% if the offense.....he is the QB he should account for the majority
  13. Not a great start Need a td here, gotta show some life Not much confidence in the defense today
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