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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. I think both teams should finish with 7 wins. I think the browns are the safer bet to get to 7 but the bills have the higher ceiling
  2. I think the main reason Tyrod isnt here is how he leads, which comes across mostly by example. With a rookie qb you plan to develop you would want a more hands on approach from the other qb's Josh Allen could have learned a lot from tyrod but it would have been up to himself to watch and learn, mostly training himself With mccarron he comes across as another qb coach so to speak. In the few interviews I've heard it sounds like he is on board training Allen to be the guy
  3. This is the correct FIRST response but anyways 1.lindell 2. Carpenter 3. Does moorman count?
  4. Now knowing Embiid trademarked "the process", it makes so much sense as to why he so into it Smart guy
  5. Think the better question for Dabol would be, what is the base scheme or go to scheme based on your current players strengths
  6. I'd also add flying and getting to away games is easier and cheaper than it was in the early 90s I can't see a playoff game in buffalo not being a sell out
  7. to the bolded, whenever i would read their articles they read like they didnt actually know the sports they covered
  8. I still believe that the best route to financing a new stadium for the bills is partnering with Ub. This should open up a lot of different ways to play with the money needed. Or if you wanted to get really creative a facility that could house both the bills and sabres would be awesome. There is a lot of ways to go with new stadium talks
  9. The pegulas trying to get some sort of funding for the new stadium With them owning the sabres also, it will be difficult to play the we will move the team angle
  10. I think best case is you keep Peterman on the practice squad. However you roster him under a couple circumstances. 1. His camp and preseason are better than his lasts years camp/preseason 2. Allen or McCarran look bad in camp
  11. Wonder if he thought something was gonna come out about the alleged incident in Jacksonville. He proceeds to retire to keep his current imagine as clean as possible to get a job in broadcasting
  12. I haven't really watch this series in a few years, but I will this year. The browns should be interesting to watch
  13. I am 99.99 percent sure if given the opportunity every single nfl team would roster josh Allen
  14. ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL ___^___ _ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \___ ___ ___] I I ----------/
  15. I have heard all about Allen's analytics, but I am curious about the analytics of his team mates. His oline rbs wrs tes. Are there any reports or articles disscusing this?
  16. This makes me wonder how high they had Edmunds rated, if he was sticking out on their board at pick 13. Top 5 or 6?
  17. If the browns wanted mayfield and Barkley wouldn't it have made more sense to leak Mayfield is your guy early? This way teams wouldn't scout or look into him as much thinking its a done deal at 1
  18. I have watched a few and agree 100 percent that he has a way to go. I thought it was unfair to him to be compared to guys that were obviously drafted too high from the moment their names got announced
  19. I think the biggest difference between those picks and the Allen pick is no one had maybin over orakpo or whitner over ngata in player rankings. A decent number of scouting/mock drafts had Allen as a higher rates qb
  20. ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL ___^___ _ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \___ ___ ___] I I ----------/
  21. Probably referring to the fact that every topic ends up boiling down to this thread one way or the other But who cares its draft day and everyone is EXCITED and trying to kill time before the draft starts Only 8 hours to go woooooooo!
  22. I dont believe Rudolph is a "franchise" guy either. I do believe he can become a top half qb for a handful of seasons if developed properly. To me drafting is basically hiring employees, if youre interviewing a person they have the qualifications to be hired and what you're really looking for is the right fit. I think a lot of teams don't do right by the player and draft based purely on skill/athleticism and hope they fit rather than taking the time to find the right fit
  23. Best case: drafting a franchise quarterback Worst case: drafting a bunch of bums
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