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Cheektowaga Chad

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  1. Very young for that job, probably a smart and good hire though Just at that young of an age in that position , it's not easy to succeed
  2. The QBs in the NFC are already a joke compared to the AFC Gonna get even more lopsided
  3. This is one of the reasons I don't mind how cook is handling it, he has made it known publicly what he feels he is worth and what he is asking for If he waited that's trying to put one over on his team, he didn't do that As well as he has never once mentioned sitting or holding out. And for someone so direct with the money he wants if that was an option he would have mentioned it This all tells me he is just being open and honest about what he wants and expects. He hasn't made one threat or negotiating in poor faith
  4. Is he a guy you could transition to safety? I don't recall his tackling abilities, but size wise,speed wise, and being more a zone guy all points to this in my opinion
  5. I don't know the exact details but something happened with their head coach and he got fired in July
  6. Likely too small and not a good enough tackler If he was interested in a practice squad spot, he is the ideal kind of vet practice squad corner/defensive back
  7. As a 4th or 5th corner who knows the defense and has shown a willingness to help anywhere as needed Yes He is probably a perfect practice squad player next season for the bills
  8. The criticisms monos has are very valid, and beane McDermott and the management team I hope have ways to fix these issues But how this is presented as some genius or great football mind, is kind of hilarious The guy was around some of the darker drought years and he has advice for the current group. Like come on He is a poster on this board just like everyone reading this message It's super easy to criticize and complain and tell people be or to do better How would Mr. Monos fix the bills.....that's right draft more ej manauls in the first round
  9. Looking at the draft and reading about how deep the defensive line is I'm convinced the bills will go for vet help in the secondary and young draft picks along the line
  10. This is how I would do things with rbs, get term and get the contract as near to fully guaranteed as possible The free agent carousel is too much of a wild card
  11. I think one of the reasons Bishop looked bad/like a rookie/not ready was because of the guys he would play with. Rapp and Hamlin You have rapp who is Uber aggressive, too aggressive Then you have Hamlin who is Uber conservative, too conservative You're then asking a rookie not only how to figure out playing at the NFL level but with two very drastically different players and styles. That's not an easy ask
  12. My honest guess for his extension would be in-between the following 4 years 32 million but 20 or slightly more guaranteed 4 years 40 million but 15 guaranteed
  13. Maybe a bit of a hot take but if the bills don't resign or extend any of those defensive players, is anyone actually upset? Would the bills be actively worse off? Before the concussion to benford he would be a must extend but the defenders others meh in my opinion
  14. Dude is excited, his friends are excited I bet they all know he won't get an average of $15 million a year Key word average
  15. I honestly figured when Allen mentioned "slick Rick in the mail room" I figured it was just a made up name to describe all the admin/clerical/reception/janitorial/cafeteria/etc. the employees that make the day to day running of the business and building possible Awesome that he is a real person, and glad to have met/heard slick Rick speak about what it felt like to be mentioned. That's really cool
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