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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. Just breaking yer balls Yolo - I do enjoy the updates....GO BILLS!
  2. Cancer DOES suck.....best of luck to the folks on this board and best of luck to RR.
  3. Daily please.....and Come ON Yolo!!! This is YOUR destiny!!! ?
  4. It is still The Ralph for me.....had my season tixs while it was The Ralph....It's always gonna be THE RALPH.....
  5. The man never really truly goes away......like a hard to reach itch.....just always there......
  6. Huge Blow was a GREAT way to start this thread off tho..... This seriously had me laughing......would be VERY hard to pull off but dang if it wouldn't be the funniest thing ever!
  7. It kinda works and it kinda doesn't.....I personally am not a big fan of canned noise.....
  8. I have to agree with this 100%. Focus on real crimes rather than hand jobs after a massage. That is the lowest of low hanging fruit. If there was evidence of sex trafficking then fine go for that but a BJ or HJ after a massage?!?!? SMFH....
  9. Well a fair number of those folks had masks on.....def no social distancing that's for sure especially for the non mask wearers but more than a large percentage had masks.....
  10. You seriously have to be kidding right?
  11. Pretty funny - I was cranking some Def Leppard this am on the way into work......yeah thats sum newz!
  12. Cull The Herd Before November 3rd? I am down with that....
  13. Straight....cuz someone told em that!
  14. Sadly there are going to be "those people" to whom they don't give a crap....THEY will be the ones to eff it all up for the rest of us and then act like it wasn't my fault.....this is why we can't have nice things.
  15. At the risk of sounding like a cranky old guy please remember than Kelly SUCKED THE BIG ONE his first three years as a Bill and that was after a hugely successful career in the USFL AND a Miami U stint too. All this CRAZY talk to JA needing to be Super Bowl ready in 4-5 years is just that....CRAZY TALK! Get some perspective here!!!! Sheesh!!!!
  16. A viable vaccine will not be around until AFTER the season is over at best. Hanging your hat on that vaccine availability will leave you wanting.....
  17. Reading through this thread I was wondering who would bring up Peterpick and when. Thanks!!!
  18. Altho the McClappy part get s a wee bit old at times he is the best we have had here in quite awhile. As another poster said - get Beane done now too.....McClappy is a FAR cry from Jauron....far and away better with a MUCH better locker room.
  19. Keep yours eyes on the road and hands upon the wheel! I used to officiate HS and D2/3 college ball. A number of my fellow officials were either sheriffs or troopers. In the whole they ALWAYS reiterated that if they walk up and see your hands on the wheel and you acting like you have a brain you are automatically going to get some slack depending on the severity of what you get pulled over for. Food for thought. It worked every time for me and I never heard otherwise from the people I told. Respect goes a LONG way......of course I am white so there is that. Sadly.
  20. Sounds good to me! The rook wants to play...not ride the pine...thats the attitude to have knowing the playbook and what to do. First step in the process.....
  21. Not a chance in hell it would happen but I like the premise of it. Gonna be interesting thats for sure. A bubble would certainly help too.....
  22. No Bueno! I would def not do this no matter any of the arguments for. Just not good football management. Thankfully the Bills have a trustable brain trust in place right now. They have yet to do anything that made me think Wholly Crap thats a bad move..........yet.
  23. Wow to be the Jests.....2 first rounders! Wonder how they will manage to screw the pooch with those picks.......actually in 4 -5 years with all the first rounders they will be picking they are gonna have a Salary Cap nightmare....
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