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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. Thanks man! Your screen image is the very pix I am talking about too!! What a day that was......I had this STOOPID foam finger that my wife screamed to me to give her as I took off down the stairs to get my ass on the field.....I was no kidding on the ground on my hand and knees and tons of people milling around at one point thinking this ain't good - all of a sudden this dude the size of a NFL Lineman just picked me up - man was I happy! Oh and the Foam Finger? Made it back in one piece much to the amazement of my now ex wife. Man those were the days!!! I will never ever stop watching and rooting!!! GO BILLS! OMFG!!! THAT was hilarious!!!
  2. Some of you like her - some of you loathe her - but bottom line the message is right on. Just Beat the Pats!
  3. Cool interview for sure......nice to see some Bills getting the love!
  4. THIS surprised me more than anything.....thoughts?? http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2018/02/a_return_to_the_buffalo_bills_you_never_know_says_wr_sammy_watkins.html
  5. Grew up in Philly, never really became an Iggles fan, kinda liked the raiders with The Snake and the motley crew of players they had then. Graduated from RIT, on my first job a co worker said lets go to a Bills game!! I nearly spewed my drink all over him and managed to sputter the Bills SUX! Well in 1985 they sure did!! After lots of cajoling and being told the tailgate will be worth it! I went. Even after being involved in a minor multi car accident trying to get into the lot after that first tailgate I was hooked. Bruce and Andre were drafted that year too. Actually ended up going to all 8 games.....then the Bills acquired Kelly, midway thru the season Marv took over and season tixs were bought, sat in the scoreboard endzone for a long time.....saw some epic games, the comeback, the mashing of the Raiders in the AFC Championship, the Monday night game against the Lambs when the scored 17 in the 4th quarter to win! Was on the field after the Jests game when we clinched the division in NOVEMBER and was nearly knocked down by the posts coming down - I can actually see myself in the picture where the fan is standing on the goalpost in '88. Was standing on the buffalo for the last time we would be allowed on the field (then the dogs showed up and no more of those hijinks) and watched the goal posts get passed around the lower bowl - up into the upper deck and then over the side - amazeballs no one was hurt. Saw the posts or what was left of them being paraded around while partying in the lot after the game. Many many many crazy Parking Lot adventures, one Miami game, it was snowing pretty good - for some reason we had a mannequin that had a Marino jersey and a phin's helemt that we drove to the game with while it was strapped to the roof, once we got set up in the lot we leaned it up against the guardrails - people would come outa NOWHERE to make flying tackles to that thing......we ended up burning the marino effigy after the game......security was NOT happy......home Raiders games were ALWAYS the best, them fans are FREAKS! Made it to 2 super bowls, thot for sure they were gonna win that last one against the cowpokes!! Was a miserable night in Atlanta that nite..... Ended up moving my season tixs to the Kelly Club Section....heated seats and just under the overhang, they were sweet - right on the 20 yard line - those damn tix ended up being one of many reasons that I ended my 22 year run with the Bills, only missed 3 games in that span, just the cost of it and the putrid product that was on the field led to me watching on TV. Was there for that STOOPID "Miracle" Forward Pass game. Still go to games now and then and still witness the tailgate hilarity only on a single game basis now. Starting to seriously think of getting season tix now that the coaching and front office is looking good. Baby steps. Sorry for the long winded diatribe but them tailgates, the SB's, the players from those teams, hanging with those same players. THATS why I am a Bills fan for life. For awhile there it was a GIVEN we would make the playoffs....then the drought and the patsies came along......ugh! Things are turning around tho! GO BILLS!!
  6. Agree with diggz.....beat them from the start and keep applying pressure until the clock strikes all naughts. Patsies would be a tough to come from behind on and Foles proally ain't the guy to do it....
  7. Where do you get the Harvard thing - He is an FSU grad......not understanding that Harvard reference at all. Right there in his bio that you provided the link for.... He needs a QB that can consistently get him the ball with the soft touch throws into that sweet spot in the d.
  8. Sadly you are probably right - BUT - I have faith in the Bills to fill that opening competently. I do however worry about what is going to happen to fix the QB situation. They need to not check into the Crazy Town motel on that decision. IF they get the QB situation heading down the right track many things will fall into place just like when the Bills got Kelly.....after he got here and it took a few years, things started to fall into place, crazy things happened even which were good - ie: the Bennett trade. That would not have happened in years past with the line up the Bills trotted out both on the field and in the office. Trust the Process........
  9. Wow - I woke up to read this??? I am going back to bed. No thanks for Krap-a-dick, no thanks to Anderson. Just NO! Anyway you slice it this doesn't make any sense for all the reasons already stated. NO!!! And what part of no didn't you understand? NO!
  10. Plug in Gloy in that hole in the Center spot......hopefully Glenn come back healthy, draft another Dawkins or two and O-Line issue is pretty much solved kinda easily. I feel for that bathtub guy tho........glad it isn't me but I wasn't at the party of yours.....interested if the girl was hawt or beer goggles hawt??
  11. Beautius!!! Just awesomeness.....GO BIRDS!
  12. Really you would trade a RB that is FAR and away better than ANYTHING we have had since Thurman for a first??? The Eagles first woulda been pick number 31!?!? Come on man really? That's seems kinda goofy!
  13. Eagles win...... no question - EAGLES WIN!!!
  14. Ummmm - no words - cute pups but no words.....
  15. Yeah ole Peterman started it all up........ole Peterman. He musta just got out of one of his high level meetings where he was surfing the net and rushed to get this up there.....
  16. Good teams get a pass on the subtle but obvious penalties.....sad but true.
  17. WTAF!!! Are you serious??? Matthews and KB both showed up healthy - they got injured - this is the NFL cupcake - see the Eagles - injuries happen. WTF is a McBeane??? Get a freaking clue dude - really! They off loaded all those guys for various reasons - again it is the NFL - this stuff happens. Why wood you post this??? Did you pass the 3rd grade? No seriously - you can't type would, you have no clue about HOW to use the english language??? ENGLISH MUTHEREFFER _ SPEAK IT! SMH!
  18. OMG Peterman......find a huge rock, crawl under it......STOP. POSTING. BS!
  19. Its the off season.....but not for Savior Peterman! I have a high level meeting to attend to...I'm outa here.
  20. Frankly I am all in......let it rip! Damn - just spewed my beer all over my screen......damn
  21. Sign me up for the DUNKIRK DON Roast.......epic I say - just EPIC!!!
  22. Dude - do you really believe this or are you just trolling??? Pretty sure NP will be a 1st rounder??? I sure hope so but the reality right now doesn't support such a ludicrous statement.
  23. The title to this thread confused me - the 2 paragraphs confused me more......not understanding the train of thought on this one at all.....too early in the morning for this.
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