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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. Bodine went to the same high school as Christian Hackenberg!!! Does this mean we are trading for him? Damn you McBeane!!! Good point!
  2. Travis Swanson is the guy to go after, but might be expensive. Groy and an upgrade at guard and tackle makes sense. Unless you want to give up a second round pick for Matt Paradis.
  3. Remember guys, Deshaun Watson, who was the consensus #1 pick to the Browns this time last year, went #12. Teams like to push up the quarterbacks so position players drop. Happens every year. That's why the Jets trade up at this point makes zero sense. They guaranteed themselves the 3rd best quarterback in the draft. It's too early.
  4. If any of the guys get past the Broncos, we are in prime position to trade up. If the Giants take Barkley we can jump the Broncos at 4. It isn't all doom and gloom. People need to stop mocking Rudolph in the first round. And they will as we get closer to the draft.
  5. That's a good point and I do think that is the biggest issue with Rosen. All the other stuff doesn't bother me. His talent is certainly worth a trade up, but if team doctors are concerned then it isn't worth it.
  6. Could also be Brian Allen, the center from Michigan State.
  7. I think people are misguided when it comes to offensive line play. Eric Wood was extremely average as well, but overpaid and hurt our cap. Bodine will be cheap and probably serviceable. Alex Mack, Travis Frederick, Rodney Hudson guys like that are special centers. The rest are usually meh.
  8. Agreed. That center quarterback connection and communication is pretty important. It's something.
  9. To me this is all smokescreen stuff. The rumors about us loving Darnold and Rosen that came way before the combine are the rumors I feel are closest to the truth.
  10. Okay cool. So you don't want him, and that is fine. I just hate the media crap that is obviously made up. It's all dramatic stuff. I want him because he's good at playing quarterback. On the field his arm can cut through the wind, he is able to read coverages and make amazing throws from inside the pocket. He has good size and height, hands etc. This is the type of quarterback we haven't had in a very long time. I think the biggest issue is the concussions. I have no problem with the spoiled white kid stuff..or the cockiness. People seem to love the same things about Mayfield but it comes in the form of small, unathletic white trash, so he is confident? We can call him a quitter for leaving Texas Tech, or call him out for making excuses for the 8 uncatchable balls he threw at his pro day. We can frame things up to be anyway we want them to be. To me all that stuff is all semantics. It is the job of the coaches and GMs to make sure a person works in your locker room. This is the NFL, not cumbaya. If McDermott can't get a guy like Rosen to work in his locker room, he should not have a job. If they decide they don't like him, fine, but I think, based on talent and the way he plays, that he is the best quarterback in this draft.
  11. I think he is a pretty average player, which is what Eric Wood pretty much was as well. He could compete with Groy. Bodine I believe is a center only, whereas Groy could play guard.
  12. Ok fair enough, but you are singling out Rosen. So what is your ultimate point here?
  13. Says who? This is your opinion based on no actual factual evidence. Unless you know him personally, I'm not sure what to say.
  14. You are making this up dude. This is all your opinion and not based on fact at all. He never said anything like that. Rosen never said anything about weather or anything. YOU are making things up that aren't there to substantiate your opinion. Oh and btw, it's pretty freaking windy and cold in New Jersey too. And if you want to knock Rosen for giving a shout out to the Giants, you have to knock Allen. Allen actually explicitly said he'd be stoked to go play for Shurmur. What are you missing here?
  15. This is what he actually said: "I'd rather be a lower pick at the right team than a higher one at the wrong team" Nothing about Cleveland or Buffalo in there. He also said this: "I think the teams know more than I do in the sense of where I'd best fit," he said. "I might be a bit of a unique personality, so hopefully they can pick me apart and if a team really feels that I'm their guy, hopefully they'll go and get me.'' I see nothing wrong with anything. As we all know, the right fit is what is most important. If we want to read into things we can spin it positive: "He doesn't care about the money or high he gets drafted, winning is everything to Josh Rosen." See what I did there????
  16. It's just projection. Rodgers was an anomaly. Happened one time and teams are going to make sure it never happens again. The draft is about projection and potential. In every sport. When you are drafting at the top you are going for the guy with the most upside. You aren't plugging holes. When you plug holes you draft Eric Fisher #1 or something like Aaron Curry..solid and unspectacular. You don't draft Rudolph because he has zero upside and is the same prospect as Nate Peterman, bigger frame, smaller hands, terrible footwork, spread offense, less arm strength. The guy is terrible. You are better off taking a shot on a guy like White or Lauletta later in the draft. Jackson I could see, but it is going to take some big time commitment like the Jets had with Hackenberg, and it is going to force you to pass on quarterbacks like the Jets did with Mahomes and Watson last year. Get one of Darnold, Allen, or Rosen or don't bother. This is more media BS man. He said: “For me the coolest part of this meeting people from all around the country,” Rosen told Mayock. “I remember sitting in a meeting with the Giants and I kinda double-took it. Coach Shurmur, I just saw your press conference like two weeks ago. This is kinda cool.” The kid is answering a question. How is this giving the Giants a shout out? This is the media making a story. It's BS. Josh Allen said this: “Coach Shurmur is a super bright mind. I like him a lot. I actually got the chance to talk to him in Mobile. Sat down with him for a little bit. He’s a really good dude. If I was fortunate enough to play under him, I’d be super stoked,” Allen said. Why aren't there stories about Allen not wanting to go to Cleveland or Buffalo? Don't believe the hype brother.
  17. Yes, and I don't believe any bullcrap media assumptions made by Tedy Bruschi. He may have had 1 too many concussions. There is no actual proof that Rosen ever said anything about wanting to play anywhere. He said that it is sometimes advantageous to drop in the draft because you go to a better team, ala Aaaron Rodgers. This is obvious. He said nothing about Cleveland or Buffalo. As a person who worked in media, I can tell you it's media BS.
  19. I love Rosen and he is my number one guy. He is my favorite player in this draft and my favorite quarterback prospect since Luck. I guess some teams are turned off by Rosen or the concussions. I agree with you, but Allen has a higher ceiling with a much lower floor. Remember that Trubisky and Mahomes when before Watson last year because they had the bigger ceiling. NFL teams and scouts are often all over the place with these things.
  20. It's a fair question. Allen is going way higher than you think. And my answer is yes. This franchise has need a true franchise quarterback for so long. They have spinned their wheels on Ryan Fitzpatricks (marginal talent) and JP Losmans (5th best quarterback in a class). We need a true, high upside quarterback. Sure Allen might be Jake Locker, but he could be big Ben. Lamar Jackson could flame out, or could become Michael Vick. Mason Rudolph is probably somewhere between Christian Ponder and Brandon Weeden. A move like this would make absolutely zero sense. Even Nathan Peterman projects as possibly becoming something like Kirk Cousins. Rudolph is Peterman with less upside. There is always risk involved when acquiring high level talent. Heck Rosen and Darnold are risky in their own ways as well. But we need a high ceiling quarterback prospect, otherwise we will keep having these same conversations for the next 20 years.
  21. I think the league likes Darnold a lot, but a lot of it is projection. I think they see him as a possible Luck type. I also think the league loves Allen way more than the fans. With these quarterbacks it's about projection down the line and big tiem potential. That's what you go for at teh top of teh draft. Not sure it's right, but that's the way it is. . I could see Rosen slipping out of the top 5. All it takes is the Giants and Broncos to pass on a quarterback. I would assume we would jump up if he got to 4. It happens. Last year the Browns, 49ers, and Jets, all with clear quarterback needs, passed on Watson and Mahomes. When they got to us, we traded out. There is a possibility that Allen and Darnold go high, Rosen and Mayfield slip a bit. We are in a great spot if that is the case.
  22. I know we love making fun of the Jets. I really like Rosen, but there is a good chance our board also looks like this. There is also a chance we or the Browns have Allen #1. Nobody knows at this point.
  23. The issue is that his skills are really not projectable for the NFL. Yes, our brass may like him, but he in no way whatsoever improves our quarterback situation. He has very little upside and has small hands. He is basically just really big and put up ridiculous numbers in a simple offense surrounded by some really good players. Guys like Brandon Weeden and Zac Robinson were very similar. In terms of arm strength, Nate Peterman probably has more. At least Peterman had some experience in a pro style offense coming in. The thing that grinds my gears is people talking about taking this guy in the first round. It's lunacy. People complain about Josh Allen and Mayfield having footwork problems etc etc. Rudolph has all of those problems without any of the upside. He is unathletic and a future backup quarterback. Taking him would be a wasted pick. He seems like a very nice guy, but does not move the needle for us. I could see him going in the 2nd, but that team will definitely regret that selection. He is a 3rd or 4th round pick. People would rather not trade up and I get that, but convincing yourself we don't have to trade up while completely wasting the 22nd pick on this guy is just ludicrous. The Jackson thing, while I don't like it, I get it. He has ridiculous athletic upside. Rudolph is so ordinary and besides his frame, is not projectable as an NFL starter.
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