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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. He's no good. Neither is Mills. The fact that Seantrel was signed so quickly this year leads me to believe what I believed all along, which is he should have been playing instead of Mills last season. Miller or Groy should have been playing instead of Ducasse. I trust the process and all, but their O-line decisions have been horrendous imo. I'd rather roll with Conor McDermott than sign Newhouse. He will give you at least equal value for a quarter of the price. Maybe Cam Fleming will be cheap...his FA interests has been lukewarm at best thus far.
  2. He was the starter at ILB and then Brown took his spot. His best year was 2016 I believe. Compton is on teh smaller side and struggled being inside in a 3-4. I think he will do better inside in a 4-3.
  3. I can think of Mark Sanchez. The Jets went from 17 to 5. RG3 obviously did not work out. The Falcons flipped 1 and 5 for Vick. Not a bust, but clearly did not work out in the long run. Wentz is really good. Goff had 1 good year.
  4. I was gonna ask, this usually means a signing is imminent? Like they don't take physicals before agreeing to terms no?
  5. I happens. It is one of the most difficult positions in sports. It's hard to do physically and mentally. Colleges do not do a good job of preparing these kids, and generally they get drafted by teams that suck. Then they get thrown into the fire too quickly, develop terrible habits, and flame out. When there are only about 10-12 good quarterbacks in the NFL, it tells you how hard it is. But it is also about opportunity, fit, and coaching. How many of these guys started too soon for coaches who got fired? I mean if Trent Edwards got drafted by New England he'd probably still be in the league. Steve Mariucci completely ruined both Giovanni Carmazzi and Joey Harrington. If Gio got drafted by New England in the sixth round, maybe history is quite different. If Mo Lewis doesn't blow up Drew Bledsoe's spleen, we probably never even hear of Brady. If San Diego doesn't move on from Brees, giving him to Sean Patyton, Brees' career is probably quite different. A lot of things have to go right, but first you have to have the talent. Once they are in your building it is on the organization and player to make it work.
  6. That's why I think the Jets decisions have Woody Johnson written all over them. McCaggnan is regarded as a pretty smart guy.
  7. True. I don't like him much, but he may be too good for the Giants to pass up.
  8. If the Broncos don't want him, we may not have to trade up. Browns go Barkley, Broncos Nelson, Colts Chubb. We would probably have to trade to 7 or something to jump the Dolphins.
  9. If Darnold is there I think the Giants have to take him. I don't love him, but everyone seems to agree he should clearly be #1 overall. If this is true, the Jets jumped the Broncos for Mayfield and we may see Rosen fall a bit, which is good for us.
  10. Good pickup.Maybe it's the Eric Wood money? I still think Hughes could be out, maybe through a trade. But I do hope we keep him. He is just a bit too expensive for what he offers. If Clay is cut now its a 9 million dollar dead cap. If its post June 1, its 4.5 this year and 4.5 next year with a 4.5 cap saving this year. I think Clay stays.
  11. Fair point and it makes sense. Nate Peterman's grade was in that 5.7 range as well. This amounts to backup/possible average to below average starter. Once you get over the six, there is some more potential. To me, if you aren't getting Darnold, Rosen, or Allen...I'd roll with McCarron.
  12. Kyle Brady? Rudolph might make a good tight end. Definitely has the size, but way too slow.
  13. So we get 4 first rounders, 1 second rounder, and 2 third rounders. We need to get one of those top 4.
  14. Woody Johnson is a meddling owner and I think he would want Mayfield or Josh Allen. I don't think Rosen's off field stuff is a big deal, but for Johnson it probably is. Donald Trump assigned him as Ambassador to the UK. That's his boy. He and Johnson both live in Bedminster Township, NJ. This clearly seems owner driven and I think he wants Allen or Mayfield.
  15. There is probably the framework of a deal worked out with either the Giants or Browns at 4. Trading up at this point is just rash. I mean what if the Jets jumped up for Allen and he tears his ACL or something in training? You still taking him at 3? It's way too early to make this aggressive of a move. Knowing the Jets they probably traded to 3 for Vita Vea.
  16. He did say they would keep an open mind. If the Giants won't trade because they want Allen, and Jets want Baker, we can get Rosen at 4 or even later. We would have to jump the Broncos, or know the Broncos don't want him. Now if the Giants don't want a quarterback and the Jets want Baker, and the Broncos want Allen, we really don't have to trade at all, just have to be weary of a team like the Cards jumping us. If we want someone other than Rosen, looks like we might be out of luck. I suppose this is why Beane is waiting so all of this sorts out.
  17. Brown was moving so slow that Mayfield had a clear line of sight around him.
  18. Agreed. I think he will too and I think we will pass. Way too much talent in round 2-3. I suppose there is a chance though. I'd be ok with him in the third. No earlier.
  19. So true. He will also be there at 31 and after that as well. This is actually the best argument I have heard to take Rudolph.
  20. The Jets overpaid and the Colts had to take the deal. No reason to wait. They are still in postition to draft Chubb and they have a bunch of extra picks now. Plus if Allen or Rosen drop to six, they could still drop to 12 and rob the Bills as well.
  21. Trappaso is out of his mind on this one. They must share an agent.
  22. Agreed. Aside from tickets, he is going to have a tough time selling Pegula. I think it's clear Pegula wants a quarterback and I think he really wanted Trubisky last year. I understand why they passed on the trade up, but they have to get that guy this year.
  23. I think Castillo is a good coach. Problem is he was a downgrade from Aaron Kromer and guys really regressed. He never gave Groy a shot at guard which made no sense. He stuck with Mills who was pretty awful all season when they had Seantrel on the bench. Cleary with his quick signing with Houston, Seantrel was a sought after commodity. And his loyalty to Ducasse is just strange.
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