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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. A warning for those who want to fall in love with flawed prospects like Hogan. He was hyped as having these great intangibles and ridiculous stats etc etc, but he was flawed and here we are. Mid round quarterbacks are more likely to become Hogan than Brady.
  2. Man this guy hasn't changed a bit. Still making excuses and blaming others. I mean seriously....Isn't one of the first steps coming to terms with the fact that you have a problem and you have to fix it, taking responsibility for your actions? Loser. I'm curious to see if they would come out and admit it
  3. Smith, Vander Esche or Edmunds. Any of those three would be perfect for the middle of the defense. I also love the way Billy Price plays.
  4. I think Beane is going to look for post draft cuts at reciever. I'm sure we will draft one at some point as well. I think quarterback and middle linebacker are greater concerns. I think that KB is much better than the injured, "I have to play with a guy who can't throw" version of KB we saw last year. And they obviously expect a different season from Zay Jones in year two.
  5. Would definitely give McCarron a run for his money for "guy with douchiest tattoos." But yeah this guy looks interesting as a late round flyer type guy to develop. Certainly looks to have some tools.
  6. The Allen thing is a little weird. Could a be a smokescreen trying to the Browns to take him. Maybe it is really who they like. It is too hard to know. As long as they can get up in front of the Jets and get the guy they want, I will be happy. I still think they want Darnold or Rosen which was the early, pre smokescreen chatter and they fit the profile Beane has been talking about for awhile now.
  7. I think Beane's approach is to offer all of these guys minimum salary. Leaving the offer on the table and letting them try to find something better. I feel like that is what happened with Compton and why he wound up with Tennessee. I'm guessing there is a deal on the table for guys like Minter, Dansby etc and they are still out there gauging interest. I like the approach at this point. Fede probably saw nothing else out there and circled back quick. At the end of the day I have already typed way to many letters about Fede.
  8. I think you will be very disappointed if these are the expectations for these guys.
  9. Thank you. There is this misconception that Gems can always be found because Brady was drafted in the sixth round 18 years ago. There are not always gems and a lot of times the quarterbacks after the first round are crap. Sometimes the quarterbacks in the first round are also crap. The odds of hitting on a late round guy is much worse. The OP literally named like 6-7 guys in the history of the NFL. Gotta love those odds.
  10. McGlinchey has Patriots written all over him. They are in a great spot to grab him. They also probably trade out of 31 to get more picks later in the draft. They are in the perfect trade down spot for someone who wants to get a guy with that 5th year option. The quarterback stuff just pushes position players down the board.
  11. Remember that Mora is a Steve Mariucci guy. Mariucci built an entire career off of having Steve Young. Outside of that he sucked and he absolutely destroyed both Joey Harrington and Giovanni Carmazzi. He also cut Kurt Warner. From all accounts he is not as fun as he seems on TV and is a total shitbag to his quarterbacks. So maybe Mora is built from the same stuff.
  12. It is possible that Mora is trying to help get Rosen to the Broncos. Totally my speculation, but their OC Bill Musgrave and Mora are pretty close and worked together a number of times. When the Broncos fire Joseph so Kubiak can take his job back, Rosen and Musgrave will still be in place.
  13. Man I like Troy Niklas. He will be a beast there. I'd love to have him here. Mathews not so much. I suppose he would replace Amendola? Unless they are going to wind up cutting Chris Hogan, which is possible.
  14. This board is very funny. I love Rosen and I have no problem this, though I'm not sure what if means exactly. But we keep comparing guys to Brady and other great quarterbacks when it suits our arguments. If you like Mayfield, his stupid list makes him like Brady cuz he wants revenge blah blah. He's short, but Drew Brees and Wilson! Competitive spirit blah blah. If you like Rudolph and his noodle arm he is like Brady because he never had the greatest arm strength...blah blah..,neither did Manning or a Brees! If you like Rosen, his questioning of coaches proves that he's like Brady because he asks why! If you don't like him he's a spoiled dick. Darnolds wind up is weird, but Philip Rivers! Then if you don't like these guys they are Ryan Leaf or some other bust. It's really funny actually. What all of these legends and busts have done in the past has absolutely nothing to do with the guys in this draft. Using one of the greatest of all time as an example is just a silly way to defend your arguments. I guess all of these guys have a little Brady in them and probably a little Ryan Leaf too. Except Rudolph, he's just Bryce Petty
  15. I believe that is Terrance Gray, director of college scouting. Edit: Nevermind, you already knew that!
  16. Well grad school was a while ago. But I do like him. I don't like this aspect of him. I think he is really going to struggle with the criticism of his play in the pros if he continues to keep this type of mindset. Wanting to prove people wrong as a way to motivate yourself from within isn't necessarily a bad thing. Keeping a list is weird, strange, obsessive, and a sign of insecurity. I mean if you had said list, why would you tell anyone about it? Napoleon complex is not cool for a starting quarterback to have. I think he has potential for success if he ignores the haters and just does his thing.
  17. I feel like they were never really all in on the guy. He got a few chances when he wasn't ready, so he was clearly going to fail. I think drafting a guy and expecting things to magically click is short sighted. I agree with you and I think people need to realize that college quarterbacks are going to take time these days. It isn't worth the investment if you aren't going to be all in.
  18. Good work dude and thanks for taking the time. Obviously, the Allen stuff really stands out, but your analysis is fair. Let's go get Rosen!
  19. Fair enough. I really am just quoting everything I have ever learned about psychology and how the brain works and how these things affect who we are and how we handle stress. Everything I have ever learned says this is unhealthy. It usually comes with some sort of mental health disorder or disability like Asperger's. But I do think he has a chance to be very good if: A. His team fully embraces him and makes their offense fit his skill set. B. He ignores the noise and just plays. That fact is that he is going to have some bad times. No matter what. Everyone does. When he is criticized during those times how will he react? With anger and disgust? Will he make excuses like he did after his pro day? Or will he simply let it roll off his back and work harder and says it is part of the process? He is basically telling us he is incapable of doing the latter.
  20. If you like him its Brady, if you hate him its Leaf. Both of these things are outliers. We are comparing this guy to the greatest of all time and one of the biggest bust of all time. The fact that Brady made it and Leaf didn't has nothing to do with Mayfield. Using examples from the past, that are both 1 in a million, aren't great way to defend this guy either way. The fact is that this guy is making a list of people who doubt him is weird, obsessive, and shows a huge amount of insecurity. This is not confidence, this is the constant feeling like he has to prove people wrong. He's gloating and talking about it as well which is really sick. This list is probably something he should have kept to himself. It doesn't show a guy with competitive fire, it shows a guy who probably needs therapy and could use some prozac. A quarterback needs to be able to block out all of the noise and the haters. This is not healthy for the leader of your team. What if he decides to throw the ball deep on a play because he wants to prove Colin Cowherd wrong and he throws a pick, when there was a wide open checkdown? That would be selfish and puts himself before the team. I've also seen hims make excuses quite a bit and this what insecure people do. When he had 8 uncatchable throws at his pro day he blamed it on the fact that he hadn't had practice with the recievers. It's a scripted pro day. None of this stuff is healthy guys. You might like it and it reminds you of Trump and whatever, but this dudes attitude is strange and it will only get worse in the NFL when there will be even more haters and talking heads. "The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment." --Elbert Hubbard
  21. Yeah I don't like it. Sounds like a bullied emo teenager. Not a fan of this type of thought process and I find it very self-centred, woe is me type stuff. It really is putting yourself before the team, and if people can't see that, I'm not sure what to say. Then when he wins a game he will grab his crotch. The guy is trashy. Not a fan. Good player, but I really dislike the person. There are going to be haters everywhere. You just have to brush your shoulders off. Motivation needs to come from within. And yes I know Tom Brady blah blah, then you have Ryan Leaf too. Previous examples mean little.
  22. I've mentioned this before, but if you read everything that Brandon Beane has said he looks for in a quarterback, size, accuracy, arm strength, winning from the pocket etc etc, there are three guys in this draft who fit the bill...Darnold, Rosen, and White. If they can't get into position to draft one of the top two, White makes some sense as a later round project. White is not some lower level player as he started games as a true freshman at South Florida. He is also a former baseball player and McDermott likes that. I will say he is a third round pick imo.
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