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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. What McBeane and McDermott do at quarterback is pretty much going to define the rest of their careers. I think they have to take the surest thing in the draft with true upside...Darnold or Rosen. Anything short of that is a huge failure to me. I understand why people like Allen. He has huge upside, but not sure they will want to risk it. I understand why people love Mayfield, but not sure they will want to put their careers on the line with shorter guy who has off the field things. I understand why people like Jackson, as he also has a huge upside, but needs a ton of work. Not sure they stake their careers on that. I don't understand why people like Rudolph. He has limited athletic ability and needs a ton of work. McBeane are not putting their entire careers on the line with this guy on a huge reach. After Darnold and Rosen I think they might take a shot on Allen. As Geg Cosell has said, if you fail taking a shot on Allen it isn't as bad as failing and taking a shot on some of these other guys. I still think they get into the top 2 with Rosen probably the target.
  2. Ok so Ragnow, Mason Rudolph and Chris Trappaso...same agent?
  3. Same. I have definitely been wrong on guys who I thought were going to be good who sucked. I've never been wrong on guys I thought were going to suck and wound up sucking. That's probably because I think everyone sucks. Popular thought is that he is really good. He really isn't. He is ok. He is totally reliant on having a good supporting cast and can't really make plays when he is the man. I think he does still have some upside because he has the physical ability. If he doesn't make a huge jump, the Cowboys will be drafting another in a couple of years. http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/nfl/dallas-cowboys/article192404149.html https://247sports.com/nfl/dallas-cowboys/Bolt/Dak-Prescott-isnt-even-a-game-manager-110956037 So people want a supposed version of Dak....with significantly less ability ....in the first round. Makes sense.
  4. Daniels and Price go before him imo. Centers tend to drop a bit and there is not a huge need at the position around the league. So I think there is a chance we can get him. Teams often have to talk themselves into a center when there is other talent around on the board. Everyone laughed at the Cowboys when they reached on Travis Frederick, who is the best center in the league now, so there is always a chance.
  5. I'll eat crow too, there is absolutely no way that will happen in this dude's career. He is more likely to be a career #2 who starts a handful of games. But overall, my point is that he is nowhere near the prospect that Dak Prescott was. It's a lazy comparison to make him sound good. The only thing they had in common, which they also have in common with Mayfield is that they threw to wide open receivers. Not many people get better when it comes to tight window throws and accuracy. Dak really has not improved in that regard very much, but the running game, his athletic ability and offensive line allow him to make plays. Rudolph is a guy who needs work and solves nothing for a team like ours. He is not a true franchise quarterback. He could be serviceable in the right system. He needs just as much work as a guy like Allen, without any of the immense upside. He is not a first round pick. Dak is good. Not great. He cannot carry a team and they will likely be looking for another upgrade in a few years. He's a second round pick who went in the fourth. Rudolph is nowhere close to that. Maybe he becomes a below average starter, or ok backup. You don't draft those in the first round. His upside is much closer to what we already have and doesn't solve the conundrum we've been in for 20 years.
  6. Rudolph's arm strength is nowhere near Dak's is my point. It's closer to Nate Peterman. Trappaso is using Dak to make Rudolph sound good. It is lazy. Dak's arm strength is in that class right under huge. Rudolph's is below average.
  7. Trappaso's argument is just simply wrong. It is inaccurate. Plus I have to take all of his articles with a grain of salt because he clearly has an agenda when it comes to his Rudolph love. "Prescott didn't enter the NFL with a huge arm" This is wrong. Comparing Dak's arm strength to Rudolph is such a lazy way to try and support his argument. Here is Greg Cosell: Arm strength is not an issue with Prescott. He can make every required NFL throw. He doesn’t have the arm strength of Joe Flacco or Matt Stafford, but he doesn’t have limitations like many quarterbacks around the league. Rudolph has a limitations in his arm strength. Dak had a really good arm, huge hands, and physical specimen. He dropped because the spread offense and his arrest. What makes them most similar is that they often threw to wide open receivers and struggled making accurate tight window throws. The Cowboys offense allows Dak to continue to throw to mostly open receivers. Plus he fell into a great situation. The Cowboys only took him because they couldn't trade up for Paxton Lynch and missed out on Connor Cook. He was a second round pick who fell to the fourth. Rudolph is a third round pick who people want to draft at 12.
  8. Last season Jerod Evans of Vigninia Tech was said to be the next Dak. Oh and here is an article that lists the top 5 possibilities of being the next Dak Prescott from the 2017 draft. #1 on the list: Nathan Peterman https://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/nfl-draft-2017-5-quarterbacks-who-could-be-next-dak-prescott-120516 This what someone wrote about Nathan Peterman: "Peterman wasn't asked to be "the man" at Pitt, but when you watch his game tape, it's hard to say that he wasn't. I love his footwork. I love his accuracy. I love his tenacity. He doesn't have the best arm in the world. He rolled out on a lot of bootlegs. He doesn't have a totally ideal frame. To all that, I say put on the Clemson tape. This guy is the top sleeper at the position and could prove to be a Day Two steal." So yeah. We can find articles that defend our guys, or we can do true analysis and see that Rudolph is a guy who will not be able to make NFL level throws. Teams are trying to push him up the board to get a team to panic which forces talent down the board.
  9. Article on how finding the next draft steal is an inexact science and very difficult to identify. It basically talks about how Dak stepped into an ideal situation for success in terms of players around him. Interesting read. It also mentioned how Cincy had Andy Dalton #2 on their board after Cam that year. They still waited and did not overdraft him. https://www.theringer.com/2017/4/24/16042746/nfl-draft-quarterback-steals-dak-prescott-russell-wilson-4ec09ab7f4a1
  10. We do it different here because we compare the guy we like to one of the greatest of all time to justify their flaws. Then we make excuses for their shortcomings by comparing that to a bust. Like: Rudolph = Brady cuz he looks good on the whiteboard for a rehearsed TV segment and even looks like him! Who cares about hand size...EJ Manuel had big hands and he sucked. Mayfield = Brees because they are both short, he's also like Brady because he make a list! Rodgers is short too. So what if he got arrested, Cam Newton stole a computer once. So what if he is short. Ej Manuel was tall and he sucked. The logic is just ridiculous.
  11. Trade up for Rosen at 2. Surest thing in a while and fits any type of offense. Big time prospect for a very long time. Smart and can make all the throws. Use that draft capital to bring that arm talent to Buffalo Don't let him leave the building!!!
  12. Yeah the problem with that argument is that Rudolph is actually 22 and will be 23 when the season starts. He will not be growing into his body and his hands will not get bigger. Mayfield turns 23 in a couple of days. These guys are not particularly young. Allen is 21 going on 22. Darnold is 20 going on 21. Rosen just turned 21. Jackson just turned 21.
  13. That's that 4.84 forty at work. he will be able to outrun Preston Brown and pretty much no one else.
  14. Mason Rudolph. But no actually I would say Vea. I hate drafting 2 down players early in the draft. If we didn't have Star maybe, but he would now be redundant on this roster. Or a reciever. Don't like any of them in the first that much.
  15. No idea what is going to happen, but I do like the fact that we have the guy who was being groomed to replace McDaniels if he left NE. Ultimately, I am glad that McDermott got his guy. I think it is clear that Daboll is his guy and I feel like he wanted Daboll last year as well. He never seemed all in on the Dennison decision or even Tyrod. It was just a weird time with Whaley still around etc. Daboll going to Bama was a very clever way to get out from under Belicheck and to Buffalo. I know Belicheck doesn't hold his assistants back, but to a division rival he would. Would he keep Daboll from going to work with his butt buddy Saban? No, so Daboll goes to Bama for a year knowing full well he was likely headed here after the season. Last year was the "f-it let's see what happens" year. Now Beane and Daboll are in place and they are ready to get that quarterback. The choices made in the next few weeks are going to be critical to the next 5-10 years of this franchise.
  16. I think we are fine. We need a franchise quarterback, a Mike, a receiver, and maybe a tackle(though I do like the potential of Conor McDermott). This is not a terrible roster by any means. In terms of reciever KB is so much better than he showed played hurt and with Tyrod. Jones still has more potential than a lot of the recievers in this draft. I still like him a lot. Mike is a glaring black hole and that is a problem. But I feel like we are in a great position to trade up and sacrifice picks. Our secondary and d line are really good. We have a left tackle. We have essential pieces. I still think we trade up for Rosen when it is all said and done.
  17. Of course Rudolph is going to say that. He isn't going to say "oh yeah my numbers are inflated because the defenses we played really sucked. But I did play a few games against good teams." In 2016 the two ranked teams they beat were West Virginia and Colorado. They lost to Oklahoma where Rudolph threw for just 186 yards. His stats against West Virginia were good, but not of the 400 yard variety. In 2017, he put up great numbers in losses to TCU and Oklahoma as well as a win against Virginia Tech. So a couple of ok games against tough competition and a bunch of ridiculous numbers against cream puffs like Tulsa. His numbers are inflated because the offense he plays in and the lack of competition. when you start looking at projectable NFL stuff like arm strength, foot work, he simply doesn't have it. And I don't care what anyone says, but his tiny hands are a concern.
  18. Impressive and I'm excited about McCarron...but holy crap AJ Green is just ridiculous
  19. I hear you, but do you not realize how good the Huskies were? They were right up there with Alabama, something like less than 4 yards per play or something. Like ridiculously good. I think Baker has some potential, though he did not fare well against a team like Georgia with all of that speed. I do think his numbers are inflated because of the competition, but I think his skills are projectable. I think Rudolph sucks.
  20. You make some good points. You aren't taking into account Rudolph's noodle arm as compared to Allen (maybe one of the best arms ever). When you talk about physical ability, there really is no argument, but stats etc Rudolph has him there. We will see what happens, but there is a reason why Allen is projected to go in the top five and Rudolph is a day two pick who could get overdrafted in the bottom of the first. You have to take potential into account, and the high ceiling of Allen makes him far and away the better prospect.
  21. White is interesting in some ways but if we draft him in the first round I'm not sure what I'd do. He is more interesting than Rudolph though.
  22. It's a testament to what people are saying about the level of competition that these guys faced. Defense is simply not played in this conference. Somebody posted video of Josh Rosen struggling against Washington in this thread. Biggest caveat there is that the Huskies had the best defense in college football. A little different than struggling against Texas.
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