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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. He's a depth type player, which is fine. Maybe being with Star could motivate them both.
  2. This is tough to pinpoint. Since teh Nix and Whaley days, we pretty much always drafted off teh list of visitors. In fact, a lot of time it was easy to anticipate picks. Kelvin Sheppard, Preston Brown, John Miller...I remember it being completely obvious that we were going to draft those guys. Last year Beane was not here and we drafted a few Carolina visitors. I think the only visitor we drafted last year was Nathan Peterman. This is the first year of McBeane...so we really have nothing to go off of. New regime so no sample to compare things to. Everyone knows we want a quarterback, so I think the smokescreen is showing heavy interest in all of them, rather than trying to hide our interest.
  3. Those Bills fans need to move out of the Jim Crow days and get over it. There is a good chance he keeps lists like Baker Mayfield. He should be too busy for that, but it is what it is.
  4. You sir have won this thread. Good stuff and very mich to the point. Thank you
  5. Yeah but he is a ginger and played for USC! Just like Todd Marinovich and he failed! Gar! But seriously Darnold fits this regime to a tee. I do prefer Josh Rosen, but I could see either one being the pick. If we drafted either one, I’d be ecstatic.
  6. Just to clarify for people, the article is about day 2-3 quarterbacks. Meaning not day 1. Which means not pick 12 or 22.
  7. If there is a “me” first quarterback in this draft its Mayfield. His list, crotch grab, throat slash against Georgia. Those are all “look at me” moves that put his teammates in a tough spot. If anything, that is what doesn't fit process. The Rosen narrative is just lazy at this point and based on nothing but hearsay and people making bias opinions.
  8. I'm starting to believe the Mayfield to the Jets hype. Mayfield is 100% the anti Hackenberg. It makes sense for them to draft a guy who is nothing like their last bust. Jets fans will be all excited and then absolutely hate him after awhile. Looking forward to it.
  9. I thought Colton Schmidt played for Cal-Davis
  10. Fair enough and I am actually surprised to hear that. I have no problem with Bama. Saban is a great coach, no doubt. My problem is the adults that chew these guys up and spit them out. My point is that the majority of college coaches are the same. Convinced kids to sign on the dotted line, get them in, do little to help them, and move on when they are of no use to them. I would still guess that 70% of the players on the team hate him. They can't come out and say it, but it is what it is. College football is maybe one step up from indentured servitude.
  11. There is actually a really good chance that Saban didn't even know the punter's name and probably never actually talked to him.
  12. I think it was Megahand. I guess the the north does not remember ?
  13. College football coaches are pretty much all POS in all honesty and Saban is at the head of the pack. They use kids up and spit them out and they don't give a crap about the kids on the team who aren't all that good. Snake oil salesmen all of them. Rosen is right. Look at the way Jim Mora is talking...POS. Brian Kelly threw Kizer under the bus last year. He had no reason to do that other than being a POS. They use kids for their own benefit and the majority of the kids get nothing out of it, except a free education that they usually can't finish
  14. Gregg Williams would have to write a ton of bounty checks!
  15. Oh shoot didn't realize. Thanks. I love him too. Makes sense if we wind up keeping the picks.
  16. I think it is adding depth and talent there. We can't have another situation where a guy like Tolbert is getting carries or we are signing scrubs off the street at the end if the season. . Plus Penny and Ballage have some really good return ability. If we were bringing in Guice and Barkley for visits, I might think something was up with McCoy, but were are bringing in day 2 guys.
  17. 100% with you...it is crazy because I thought they hired Dorsey to sort of become the guy so they can stop having all of this dysfunction.
  18. If we can read anything into these visits they clearly seem to want the 3 tech to replace Kyle next year. they seem to want: QB LB RB CB 3 Tech DT C
  19. I think those things are just information he's heard from scouts and such, but I could be wrong.
  20. Good points. I just feel like all that crap is for the fair weather fan. I worked in television for a bit, and generally speaking none of those nerds have any idea what fans want. They change things up to justify their jobs.
  21. usually is paired with wanting Mason Rudolph as well.
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