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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. Good read thanks for sharing. Allen being honest and open about the whole thing tells you something about his character. Doesn't excuse it, but he owned up.
  2. I hate ESPN, but honestly they show better highlights and their analysis is pretty good. I'm excited about Herbstreit being on teh show. I love Mayock, but the NFL network coverage has gotten way worse over the years and the commercials are just way too much. Now I pretty much switch back and forth on day 1 and watch ESPN for day 2 and 3, because they actually show highlight for the players.
  3. I'd love to see him and Sammy Watkins carry on a conversation with Ellis Lankster moderating.
  4. I'm just poking fun at people talking about how gritty Mayfield was because he got rejected and made a revenge list and Rosen is a spoiled brat. Perhaps if Rosen made a list, with Stanford at the top, he would see more edgy and gritty.
  5. We should definitely consider those guys at 12!
  6. Jeez another guy who forgot to put Mason Rudolph in his top fifty. What's wrong with all of these guys?
  7. Hmmm not sure I trust this. Do we know for a fact that he can count?
  8. BB is clearly doing SF a solid. He knows Cooks is a cancer and will ruin the Rams from within, weakening a division rival for SF. Defitely part of the handshake agreement.
  9. Agreed. I think it's a risk reward proposition. I'm taking a shot on a possible Cam, not some guy who could be Drew Stanton. I think his his issues are fixable and I thought of this when Beane said that all of these guys are flawed, that you have to decide what you are willing to deal with. I think they think they can coach him up.
  10. I get where you are coming from. I just don't think the value is there this year. Many people believe there are something like 15-20 1st round players. I think it is a very tough ask to get a team in the top 15 to take 2 picks outside of the top 20. I just don't buy the narrative. I also don't think BB will trade up for a quarterback. I think he takes a guy to develop, like Luke Falk or Lauletta later in the draft.
  11. This is like when Negan gave the wrong plans to Dwight knowing he would send them to Rick. Great way to smoke out leaks.
  12. I don't buy this narrative. The Patriots' picks do not hold a ton of value., according to many reports, nobody really wants picks in the 20s. This is less BB doing them a favor and more BB doing Garoppolo a solid. BB didn't want to send him to Cleveland. It says something about BB's ability as a coach if guys like Garopoplo and Brissett can go be good somewhere else. Maybe BB is still pissed at Cleveland. Maybe he really likes Garoppolo. Maybe he owed Mike Shanahan one from back in the day.
  13. EJ played with some real talent. He was over drafted and was not given a chance to develop. Physically they have some similarities, but EJ's situation is much more like Rudolph, a guy who played with really good players, who made him look good, who gets over drafted. To me it is hard to watch Allen film, because the guys he played with and the guys he played against all kind of sucked. Playing quarterback in that scenario is really just difficult. I think if you swapped Allen and Rudolph, Allen would have broke a bunch of NCAA records, and Rudolph would be working at Wal- Mart next year.
  14. Gunner, how do you think that affects trade chart type values? I'm assuming our 12 paired with some second round picks would be what people would want in order to trade down.
  15. Yep this. People make such a big deal about completion percentage and numbers and crap like that and want to draft a career backup at 12. Honestly, if a person cannot see the upside of Allen and see the limitations of Rudolph, I don't know what to say. This is about as obvious as it gets and people need to understand that the draft is about upside projection and having a guy who can make NFL throws consistently. That is not Rudolph. He is a third round pick. He is no better than Aj McCarron or Nathan Peterman, in fact I think both have more upside. Therefore, why bother? I may spontaneously combust if we draft him in the first round. If you want to take him in the third to add depth to the position, cool. But taking him in the first, let alone 12, is utter insanity. Fans are projecting something with Rudolph that simply isn't there. They are hopeful that we can get him without trading up and he will somehow be the answer. He simply is not the answer. I also love the narrative that Allen was surrounded by all of this NFL talent in 2016 and still had some accuracy issues. Who are these guys? Brian Hill, a running back drafted by the Falcons who got cut, wound up on the Bengals practice squad and had like 30 yards rushing. Chase Roullier, a sixth round center who may start for the Redskins this year. Jacob Hollister an UDFA of the Patriots who was their 3rd-4th tight end. Tanner Gentry, an UDFA receiver who was on the Bears practice squad. The bottom line is that this guy played with nobody. I'm all in on Rosen, but anyone who denies the tremendous upside of Allen really has no clue what they are talking about.
  16. It makes sense that those are the two. I still lean Rosen because he is ready to play. Allen just needs so much time, but could be amazing.
  17. I do think Denver wants a corner, and it makes no sense to draft him at 5. That's why I think a trade up makes a ton of sense at that spot.
  18. I have a two month old right now. My first. It's crazy how little I matter. Everything I do is for her and it is awesome. If I looked like him I would never wear a shirt. It's a way to connect with the baby, also helps their immunity as some of our good oils and bacterias rub off on them.
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