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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. Not sure if I could ever trust a Trappasso analysis ever again. His Mason Rudolph love makes me question his ability and his logic. His #1 QB, the sixth one taken, and in the mid third round.
  2. I mentioned in the other thread but this dude was a running back in high school and I could see him being a Dion Lewis type of back who can catch balls out of the backfield, run the ball a bit, and play in the slot. If Daboll takes a Pats approach to our offense, a player like this makes a ton of sense. I think McCloud, Proehl, Foster all make this team.
  3. I do think Ray Ray can do some of the third down back stuff the Pats always ask their backs too do. He was a running back in high school and about the same size as a guy like Dion Lewis or Kevin Faulk. I feel like that's what they do with Ray Ray...3rd back, some slot, and returns.
  4. Fair enough. Still think we should have taken him at 12 or 22 when the entire NFL determined he was a 3rd round pick? I didn't necessarily have a problem with the player, my problem was that people were suggesting we reach on him, when he was clearly a third round pick.
  5. Bell is a graduate transfer from Florida State so has a good amount of experience.
  6. I was joking. Trying to be ironic, i must have failed. ?
  7. Here is the new message board hero. The new Reilly. I do really like the pick. There is something to be said for bloodlines and maybe he becomes Welker-Amendola-insert overachieving white receiver. I'm excted!
  8. Phone calls are definitely being made at this point. This is the point in the draft where you are better off not get drafted and get to pick your spot.
  9. Yeah I suppose. It's one of the ones I use with my buddies. But yes he's jacked.
  10. Makes sense for a 3-4 or hybrid team.
  11. This is cool. Is there a way to see those scores for the recievers etc who are left over?
  12. They could have added Streater back to the roster when he was healthy later in the season and they didn't bother doing so. Thinking he will be anything is playing the lottery. You never know, but the guy has done nothing in like 4 years. There are some nice players in this draft and there are guys who are going to get cut. Hell I'd throw a 7th at the Raiders for Seth Roberts, who seems to be the odd man out and could get cut. 6-2 and a 4.4 who has produced pretty good results.
  13. Nick Deluca could be a nice fit as a SAM. Not super fast, but long and very process-like. I like the Fountain kid as well.
  14. I hear you and I appreciate the work you do. But the entire NFL determined Allen was a top ten pick and Rudolph was a third rounder. A number of teams that could use a developmental guy passed like the Chargers, Patriots, even the Steelers waited until the third.
  15. Now this dude in interesting. Definitely worth a flyer somewhere.
  16. I think we wind up with RJ McIntosh somewhere today
  17. I'm one of those Rudolph haters, but I appreciate your perspective on the topic. Time will tell if he's any good, but I think he will succumb to the pressure of trying to be Big Ben and being unable to physically do it. The fans will bury him. I think the next Steelers QB is whoever they draft after Rudolph fails. JMO. It's a great spot for him to develop, but not a great spot in terms of who he has to replace. Going somewhere like Cincinnati would take the pressure off. Steeler fans will be highly disappointed as he is unable to replace Ben. Hope that makes sense. I really like Hurst or McIntosh. I love adding to the defensive line. I also think Okoronkwo could play the Sam position on our defense with all of his length. I also feel like Ballage is almost a guaranteed pick for us somewhere here, and Maddox the corner somewhere. Thanks for you analysis.
  18. Stats are very fickle and this has benn discussed on here a lot. You would have drafted this guy at 12 instead? Only time will tell, but anyone who still thinks we should have drafted this 3rd round pick at 12 or 22 does not understand the draft. It's potential franchise changing QB vs potential solid backup.
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