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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. I really don't like the Darnold fit with the Jets. NY will tear him apart like ElI, but he doesn't have that family name to fall back on. I do like Darnold a lot. I just think he would have been better off here or even in Denver or Cleveland. I don't see it working out.
  2. Dahlin is probably the more sure thing, but Allen will have much greater impact.
  3. Everytime he is asked questions like that he says he isn't going to go into how they ranked the players because it is unfair to the kid...something along those lines.
  4. I would post the "he's right" Morgan Freeman meme if I knew what I was doing. But yes. That is the issue. There has to be something to getting good value and those who wanted to draft this guy at 12 or 22 and are still clinging to the idea that he should have been picked in the first are just being illogical.
  5. I think Dak is very overrated, but still a lot better than Rudolph. I don't think he is a first round quarterback, but I would have taken him in the second or third. Rudolph is a 3-4 to me. I posted this a couple weeks ago: Popular thought is that Dak is really good. He really isn't. He is ok. He is totally reliant on having a good supporting cast and can't really make plays when he is the man. I think he does still have some upside because he has the physical ability. If he doesn't make a huge jump, the Cowboys will be drafting another in a couple of years. http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/nfl/dallas-cowboys/article192404149.html https://247sports.com/nfl/dallas-cowboys/Bolt/Dak-Prescott-isnt-even-a-game-manager-110956037
  6. Good deal and great post. I suppose my point is that I feel like people who have never met this kid and did not get to talk to him about all of the mistakes he made and things of that nature can only offer a very limited review of his play. It is an incomplete grade. It is based on a very limited amount of information. I'm a teacher and I have to grade my student's writing. If someone came in and graded my students on their papers, the grade would probably be much different than mine. I know the kid, I know the question I posed, I know the expectation and requirement that I put forth, I know resources they had to work with, I know if they have struggled with a particular process, I know if they did the best that they could because they have single mom who dropped out of high school and can't afford a tutor. My point is that it would be unfair for some outsider to come in and grade that paper, when all they are looking at is the result. It is an incomplete and uninformed grade imo. Even the Mayock's and the Jeremiahs of the world know these kids very well.
  7. I dismiss it because it is incomplete. He does not have access to the information, the coaches, the players etc etc etc that I stated above. He is watching film and nitpicking. That to me, is incomplete analysis and not a trustworthy source. To me, this analysis is interesting, but meaningless. It is impossible for this guy to know what Allen was supposed to do on a particular play, what was discussed in practice that week, what checks there were etc. He also can't talk to Allen about what he is thinking on a particular play. Now if we had an NFL team come out and say he was a third round pick, that would be interesting.
  8. "it’s a big in my opinion" Yeah that's it. A guy's internet opinion based on conjecture and his own bias.
  9. Listen I respect what you do, and I'm not trying to be a dick, but if all these experts were experts, wouldn't they be working for an NFL team? Why is it that, basically, the entire NFL had him as a top ten pick and yet a few internet "scouts" are claiming he is a third rounder? I'm sorry but I'm not taking the word of the guy at his computer. I'm going with the NFL people. These people watch every single down of every single play. They understand the passing concepts and what the player was tasked to do on a particular play. They get to sit down with the kid, one on one, and talk to him about what he was thinking on a particular play. They are able to project how the player makes reads and throws that they will need him to make that are specific to their offensive scheme. They talk to players, coaches, everyone around the kid. They know stuff on a much deeper level than you or anyone else who grades these guys as a hobby or for a draft service. I guess my point is, that anyone who give sthis guy a "grade" who does not have access to all of the information above, really are giving an incomplete grade.
  10. Joe Marino=Chris Trapasso? It is just comical that these guys are sticking to their "grades." A bunch of nerds who probably never played football before, when the entire league and scouting community pretty much feel that Allen was a top ten pick. Oh and by the way, if he came out last year, would have been the #1 pick. I get that not everybody love steh pick, but these losers are not taking projection into account and are hitching themselves to their guy. I should definitely trust some nerd at a computer over scouts, GMs and pro personnel people who have been doing this for a million years.
  11. The Panthers North narrative is getting kind of old and ridiculous. And honestly...who cares? The Panthers are perennial contenders since they bottomed out and got Cam. They have a franchise quarterback and a really strong defense and wound up in the Super Bowl a couple of years ago. Why is this a problem? Every coach and GM add his people...people he can trust and who speak the same language. Standard operating procedure.
  12. Mason Rudolph should pay attention. Anyway, I don't think the Jets will cut Hackenberg yet. He just turned 23 and they really haven't seen him play at all. I think they will give it one more shot and see what he has in training camp. Perhaps a team like the Chargers or Redskins who don't might throw a 7th their way. Blaine Gabbert was traded for a sixth. Cardale Jones netted a 7th.
  13. I thought Edmunds would look awesome in 59, I was wondering who took it. But 49 is cool too. Really fast, super athletic linebacker who has some upside. Jets fans thought he had a lot of abilty an dthought he got a raw deal becuase of politics. I think that means he is better than Darron Lee, but they played Lee instead. Instantly a special teams star and will push Milano at Will and can play Mie as well. I think we gave him a bit too much money, but he is a player with some upside. http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2018/03/what_to_know_about_new_buffalo_bills_lb_julian_stanford.html I believe these were his pro day numbers: Measurable Measurement %tile Height 6' 1¼"* 42 Weight 228 lbs* 11 10 Yard Split 1.44s* 99 40 Yard Dash 4.51s* 92 Vertical Jump 42½"* 98 Broad Jump 128"* 93 3-Cone Drill 6.59s* 99 20 Yard Shuttle 4.02s* 96 Bench Press 27 reps* 86
  14. Gotcha. I think it is a little bit of both. I think when you draft a guy who can throw it 80 yards, you should certainly include elements of the Norv turner stuff. I also think Allen will be able to drive the ball into those small windows. I think Daboll seems like the type of guy who will implement a lot of different stuff, so I am happy about that.
  15. Ha someone who actually drained the swamp. Interesting. It's weird when people come through on promises.
  16. I tend to disagree. The Patriots have won over the years without amazing receivers and such. They run a very specific passing game with complicated route trees and things of that nature. They have the GOAT basically, who excels at making good decisions in that scheme. Yeah sometimes they isolate Gronk and take a shot, but that isn't their offense. I think that is what wins football games consistently, finding holes in the defense. I don't want my entire offense built on matchups, because when your stud receiver is hurt, you are left with no offense. I think you look for mismatches and matchups pre snap and take advantage accordingly. I feel a lot better with an E-P passing attack that utilizes play action and such over an RPO offense in which the quarterback looks at one guy and makes a simple decision based on that one read. That works in the short term...RG3, Kaepernick, Watson. Tyrod...Mayfield. But defenses catch up. The game is designed to go vertical. Defenses use the sideline to scheme all of the time. You simply run out of room going sideways.
  17. I think there can be flexibility within a scheme. For example, there are probably going to be some plays that only Allen can make. If God forbid Peterman starts a game, the game plan that week would probably focus more on short and intermediate routes. Anyway, I just think teh RPO stuff is way too simple for the NFL. It is used in high school and colleges to take advantage of speed on the outside and stretch the defense horizontally. That just doesn't work when linebackers run 4.4...JMO. I think there will be a little RPO stuff in our offense to take advantage of teams with OLBs like Lorenzo Alexander....
  18. I just don't love the horizontal passing game in the NFL. Guys on defense are just too damn fast. All those quick screens and RPOs just will not work when defensive coordinators get caught up. I still think you need to win the traditional way, run the ball, stop the run, stretch the field vertically, create turnovers, sack the quarterback. Stretching the defense vertically is a way to beat the speed on defense, if my guy can throw it far. Stretching the defense horizontally is very limited because the sideline acts as a barrier, defenses are too fast. Just my opinion, but I'm a traditionalist in that way. I think the entire game is built on the idea of getting to the end zone gaining yards in a north-south way. Otherwise, they would have built the field differently.
  19. Looks like he could wind up being in that Emmanuel Sanders/Edelman class.....but I think he will at least be as good as a Sterling Shepard, Amendola type of player. I like him a lot and if Daboll is bringing New England concepts here, he seems tailor made.
  20. Fair enough. I just don't have a problem with this at all. Strong defense, big armed quarterback who can make big plays in the passing game. They were in the Super bowl a couple of years ago, and since they drafted Cam, they have been a very competitive team every year. They have a quarterback who can do things no one else can (until now maybe). Lots of team speed, they create turnovers. I love it.
  21. IDK man. If Daboll brought his Bama offense here, Mayfield would be a great pick. I think that they are not going to run a "Bama college, flash in the pan offense. "That is what Mayfield is going to need. I think they want to run a real, big boy, NFL offense and that is why Allen makes sense more than Mayfield.
  22. I don't feel good about the idea that they would have taken a third round quarterback at the end of the first. The makes me seriously question their scouting skills and common sense. I do feel good about the fact that Allen seems to be their guy.
  23. Interesting take from Big Ben. I always find it so comical when the media talks about guys learning from vets and getting taken under a guy's wing and all that crap. It is such BS. Why would Big Ben go out of his way to help his eventual replacement? It just doesn't make any sense. It is so overused and overstated. Contrary to popular belief, Mason Rudolph is in a terrible spot. He's Todd Collins. He is going to be expected to replace a legend, won't be able to do it, the fans will hate him, and he will never live up to the unfair expectations because he simply does not have the talent to do so. I think he can be a serviceable player, but he will never be good enough. Mayfield is in a good spot. Even if he is just ok, Cleveland will love him. Sam Darnold and Josh Allen are in good spots for the same reasons. Rosen is in a great spot because he'd essentially replace Sam Bradford, whom Cardinals fans have no connection to. Jackson is in a great spot, because, despite the fact that he won a Super Bowl, most Ravens fans think Flacco sucks.
  24. Ehhhh nobody else has signed Johnson, and a million corners were drafted. I think that tells us all we need to know.
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