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Everything posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. If I'm him I'm taking less money to go to the Rams and play behind Suh and Donald. He will make a million tackles, great fit with Wade and he's a West Coast guy. I could see the Steelers, maybe the Vikings to play with his brother.
  2. I really would like to see Allen sit for the first 6-8 games. But honestly he is likely to look far and away better than the other guys in camp. Beane said something like "if you don't start the best guy you are holding back the team" or something like that. I think in the end they are going to have to start Allen because the entire team is going to see how good he is in practice.
  3. Nothing. Released players do not factor into comp pick formula. Just free agents whose contract has expired.
  4. Neither do the people making money off this stuff. Its that the general public is generally very stupid and kids become obsessed with fads. Dabs, fidget spinners, slimes, Fortnite...all come and go and parents spend money on the crap.
  5. You can actually get all of the first round picks if you play Madden Ultimate team. Edmunds is a beast. Allen is pretty good as well. The Madden made versions of these guys usually look better than the ones created by fans.
  6. Madden can be fun. It isn't the be all and end all. I still think 2k5 is the best. I still play. I have a full time job, I coach high school football, I am married and have two kids. I still play when I can. I think it's lame when people make fun of others for that. Who cares? It's fun and it is something to talk about. Am I going to watch this hour long video? No. But I'm not going to get all high and mighty either.
  7. I literally was about to post the same exact thing. Cheers!
  8. Agreed. I think Foster has a great chance to make this team. I really think he just has to beat out Reilly, Streater, Dupre...not quite the biggest hill to climb.
  9. I like Kerley a lot. I think people are sleeping on him a bit. Honestly, I don't love Holmes, but he is big and really the only height on the team outside of KB. I think Shepard could be a younger, more interesting and cheaper version of Holmes.
  10. I 100% believe that Joseph was hired simply to get fired whenever Kubiak decides to come back to coaching. Once his health issues ar all good he will be back. I really believe that Elway hired Joseph because he is an easy guy to fire when Kubiak comes back.
  11. Kelly Bledsoe McGahee Poz Dareus Andre Reed I want a Kyle and a Bruce Smith
  12. I hear you but I disagree. Receiver is one of the worst positions on this team. The only locks to me are Benjamin and Jones. Holmes probably makes it for special teams. I think Kerley makes it as well. Foster, Proehl, McCloud are competing with guys like Streater, Reilly, Dupre to make the team for the last 2/3 spots. I would not exactly call that a longshot. Plus Beane used draft picks on Proehl and McCloud and the Proehl pick was a sticking point in the Josh Allen trade. I think they ultimately keep: KB Jones Kerley ? Holmes ? Proehl Foster McCloud Typically, they keep six, but I am keeping seven To me, McCloud is a return man who can play some reciever and be the third running back as well. I think he makes the team on versatility.
  13. I think McDermott is the more interesting player with a better chance to make it at this point. Garcia was considered somewhat undersized at tackle going into the draft and he often played at like 280. Losing 40 pounds is pretty significant. I'd take a shot on the guy for sure, but he has an uphill battle in front of him, hasn't played a down and is already 24 years old. Older, small school player, who is undersized and coming off a significant weight loss is a long shot. But I like his potential and he is certainly worth a look.
  14. Haha! This is a huge debate apparently http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=6097 Being a liquid, water is not itself wet, but can make other solid materials wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid, so when we say that something is wet, we mean that the liquid is sticking to the surface of a material.
  15. 100% Bryant. He's got the size, and the speed really isn't much different. Maclin is frail and his injuries are numerous. His decline has been much sharper than Bryant's. Plus he turned us down last year so f him.
  16. I think the Foster kid has a real chance at reciever. He has to beat out the Streater, Reilly, Dupri types. I think Wallace or Carter could make the team at corner. They just need to beat out Pitts and Borders. Mat Boesen, who no one is talking about can play. He can get sacks, just a little undersized and would likely be a great special team player. Uphill battle, but he has a chance, probably have to beat out Fede or maybe someone like Vallejo. The linemen we are talking about have a chance because our depth there really isn't great. I think there is a chance one of them makes it. Obviously they wont all make it, but I could see some of these guys making the team for sure.
  17. My understanding is it only applies if the player is released. The offset language basically says that they would have to pay back a portion of their bonus if they get released and sign with another team. Basically limits future earnings.
  18. I still think Shane Vereen makes sense as a #3 with all of his experience in the Pats system. Another name I like, Orleans Darkwa from the Giants. He would make an interesting #3, has some potential and was originally signed as a UDFA by Dennis Hickey when he was with the Dolphins.
  19. The line did do a terrible job of containing the pocket, but once he breaks the pocket, it is the job of the next level of defense to go ahead and stop him before the sticks. The DL did a bad job, but Bortles running for 30 yards instead of 7 is specifically on Brown and Humber imo. But like you said, regardless those runs should not have happened. With a new MIKE running 4.5, I doubt that happens to us again.
  20. This survey needs some more A-Train, Xavier Omon, and Lionel Gates. Conspicuous by his absence, no Shawn Bryson?
  21. I will always blame him and Ramon Humber. The secondary guys are all covering receivers deep and the lineman are trying to get a sack. When he's breaking the pocket the linebackers need to make sure those runs are 7 yard runs, not 30 or 40 yard runs. I will always blame our slow linebacker and our gun shy quarterback for that loss.
  22. Nobody has talked much about Keith Ford but he is an interesting guy. I also think UDFA like Foster and Wallace have a pretty good chance to make it. I'm most excited to see Allen and Edmunds though.
  23. Welcome! According the over the cap, we have a bout 19 million in cap space, which does not include the contracts for Allen and Edmunds. Realistically, we could probably add a guard like Joeckel, maybe a depth linebacker and a wide receiver and that would be about it. Most teams have spent a lot, so we are higher up the chain in terms of cap space in the NFL right now. In a perfect world we add Bowman, Joeckel, Bryant, but not sure that is very realistic.
  24. Oh so Bortles was the guy tackling Mayfield in that video? No wonder Preston Brown couldn't catch him in that playoff game.
  25. I like him. I think he is more of a guard in the NFL, but I like having him in camp for sure. Nice potential. If he didn't get hurt, he definitely gets drafted in the middle rounds somewhere.
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