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Everything posted by jtothebrown

  1. So someone please tell me one move they've made that actually makes this team better? Ive seen plenty of teams make trades as well as claims on guys that have been waived, that we wont even flinch on, that is unless they cane from Carolina, and suck! Then we'll throw those types lots of money to come here and suck for us!
  2. This GM, This Coach, This Ownership, has deliberately set this team up to fail. Just look at all the moves they made to gut the team. Just look at all the moves they havent made to improve this team. They tried really hard last year, and if it wasnt for that meddling Dalton, they would have succeded. That was a little Scooby Doo humor!
  3. Just go away! Anybody thats a fan of this FO and coach should recognize that they will never ever make any moves that will make this team better. Show me one move that they have made this far? All im asking for is one!
  4. Let Frazier finish off the Tank! Let coach and GM take an uber back to collect their belongings!
  5. Start with the entire FO!
  6. You probably dont really even go to the games. Its ppl like you that are tge problem with this team! Im willing to bet you are one of those ppl that root for like 3 other teams, probably within our division.
  7. Heres hoping we get so good news about Peterman getting released as well!
  8. Zay Jones said Pwterman inspires him!
  9. I think jobot is posting from Attica or some correctional facility in NYS? The whole soap in a sock beating thing gave him away! Mead107 is having fantasies about being the coaches prisoner. Im just trying to talk about football and he keeps asking me if im doing the coach!
  10. So you are obsessed with the movie Brokeback Mountain, and you cant wait for part 2, and you hoping its about a football coach and an obsessed fansite poster like yourself. I hope you find what your looking for boy! Everyone deserves to he happy! Good luck in your journey! I think Mead107 would love to get this, but he would be in place of the Buffalo, and coach would be craddling him!
  11. I dont think Jobot would appreciate you posting videos of him without his approval! Take this down now! The man had a horrible reaction to his own image, as have plenty of others!
  12. Can the mods really start looking into how prisoners are allowed to post on fansites like this?
  13. Meet me in the showers tough guy!
  14. No, but i think our coach is! Thats how im so sure!
  15. Why are you reading it?
  16. Our Coach is an egomaniac. His team of incompetent coaches are the reasons why, and he will remain loyal to them to the end! He has surrounded himself with yes men, and nothing will change until we change him.
  17. This is your destiny! Your sad reality!
  18. Nate Peterman isnt going anywhere, not now, not tomorrow, not as long as Mc D is the coach. Mcdermott runs the show, Brandon Beane is really not the GM, only in title. Beane is responsible for the contracts and salary cap, Coach makes all the personell moves and decisions.
  19. Grown man with a little boys tag! You got school tomorrow son!
  20. Please go Watch another team on your Dads 4k tv.
  21. How can you honestly say that the games are called fair? The refs arent the whole blame, but they seem to throw a lot of late flags on us.
  22. On what? A 17 tv from like 10 feet away?
  23. Do you watch the games, or do you listen to them? Serious question!
  24. You obviously dont read very well.
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