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Everything posted by ducej11

  1. Exactly! Domes are so much louder. If you go to a game in Arizona, I had the chance last year, you will walk out with your ears ringing and those people aren't nearly as passionate about football as Bills fans. A dome would bring more people out to cold games and would be the loudest stadium in the league by far. It's already considered one of the louder ones when everyone is jacked up for a game and it's outside! From a business perspective, they can say they would keep the dome open for football in the winter but they won't. Just think logically, if they got a huge snow storm, the logistics of getting the snow removed or trying to open the dome with all the snow on top of it, not going to happen. That just doesn't make sense.
  2. Couple of things here. What did they pay for? I highly highly doubt if they paid anything it had to do with the players and how they perform. My guess is IF, and it's a big IF, any NFL team ever paid them a dime, it had more to do with scheme and tendencies. Maybe even tendencies of individual players sure. I am not saying PFF doesn't have some value, it's just not in evaluating every player on every play since they had no idea what the responsibility is.
  3. What makes you say they are credible and they are accurate?
  4. I agree. I have real issues with Pro Football Focus in general rating individual players. They are watching the film and I think on some plays you can probably give a grade, but they have NO IDEA what the players actual responsibility was on a given play. A player can be way out of position who just happens to make a play because of it and they will rate them really well on that play but in the film room, the player will probably get torn apart for being out of position. I hate how much people rely on this third party company to determine how good or bad a player is.
  5. That is exactly what I think happens.
  6. I guess that's where we differ. I would say that the kid yelling nah nah clearly feels like he needs the attention and if he needs it that bad, good for him. I certainly wouldn't be throwing snowballs at him and wouldn't want others to either. And for the record, because I know where you are going to go with this, not a liberal and didn't vote Clinton.
  7. yeah that is true. At least this is something new and refreshing.
  8. I wouldn't keep Tyrod. I would have no problem going into next year with Peterman as the backup. I know people point to his one start, but really, three of those interceptions are directly on the oline or him not pointing the protection properly which could also be the case. With a full off season to work on the mental part of the game, I would feel ok with coming in for a couple of games if necessary.
  9. I would take Bradford in a second! He is incredibly accurate and with a receiving core that isn't great at creating separation, he would be a perfect fit.
  10. That is the part I don't fully understand with this thread. I would prefer to read about speculation of potential to come than the normal everyone sucks threads. I don't get why people that don't believe DD keep coming back just to talk crap about it. Who cares! Just don't read it then. Maybe that's too logical for an online forum.
  11. Hilarious. I didn't validate anything. Sorry I do other things with my life besides post on a message board and be a message board tough guy. 8,892 posts and counting, you must be very proud at how much time you spend on here. All I was doing was commenting on some of my experience, never once said anything about having sources or anything ridiculous.
  12. Sorry, didn't realize it gave negative marks.
  13. As a huge University of Tennessee fan, I would prefer to stay away from any Grumors Tennessee fans might be worse than Bills fans.
  14. I'm not going to lie, I haven't gone back and read all of it. I only come on here sparingly so I miss a lot. Let's be honest, I could come on here all day everyday and still miss very obvious things.
  15. Hahaha, at first I was like, "what bad grammar" and then I went back and re-read it, wow. And no, I am not some alter-ego of him. That was just me posting a comment as fast as possible at work.
  16. I agree. It's been fun to read and to think about some of the things going on in the front office and behind the scenes. Regardless of what happens, people will call Dunkirk Don a fraud because it won't all turn out the way the Bills wants. Nothing every goes according to plan and they will have to move onto plan B, C, etc. I was a long time poster on the BBMB before it was just shutdown out of the blue and after trolling around here for a while finally decided to sign up. I will tell you though, based on my experience, teams do think in similar ways to what Dunkirk Don is saying with having multiple plans in place to address needs, although that might seem a little obvious, not all teams do that. I think in the past the Bills tented to scramble and that's because they didn't get plan A and had no viable plan B or C. I won a championship in professional football (not the NFL) as the head of player personnel and we had contingency plans for everything when building the roster. I am glad to hear the Bills are starting to think that way.
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