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Lionel Hutz

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Everything posted by Lionel Hutz

  1. They always run that play on 4th and short. Why can’t we defend that?
  2. There gonna throw that same pass they always do.
  3. Don’t get why the kicker isn’t wearing a long sleeve undershirt in freezing weather. You’re not a lineman you are standing on the ***** sidelines for most of the game.
  4. A FG is fine here. Just don’t let them find the end zone.
  5. Left too much time on the clock for the Chefs.
  6. The only Bill that should be running the ball is #17.
  7. That’s why you don’t run the ball on 3rd and short Daboll.
  8. Hope we don’t get conservative on this next possession. Have to try and get some points before the half.
  9. It feels like this first half has flown by.
  10. Refs bailing the Chiefs out. Unbelievable…
  11. Oliver getting held and still makes the sack.
  12. I should also add that setting aside the fact that many find it offensive, I think it’s lame that the Chiefs fans do it in the first place. It’s like all the fanbases that copied the Iceland soccer fans doing the viking clap.
  13. I’m a Braves fan and wouldn’t mind getting rid of it I just find it weird that so much attention is given to one team about it.
  14. Funny how everyone was complaining about the Atlanta Braves doing the tomahawk chop but I haven’t heard a peep about the Chiefs’ fans doing it.
  15. Why does Mahomes walk around like he is in pain? I thought he was injured but I guess that’s just the way he walks between plays.
  16. These refs are terrible. Edit: thought they were gonna throw a flag on Buffalo there for slamming the guy down.
  17. I’m beginning to believe Brady sold his soul to the devil. Talk about luck.
  18. Thank god he’s not doing it with the Patriots.
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