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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. I went there to watch a 4:25 broncos game once. You missed most of the 1st quarter, cause it wasnt dark enough. Something to keep in mind. If the stadium is closed to fans, id go for the chiefs game. Should be comfortable temperatures.
  2. I have a hard time seeing us in september or october being able to have 20,000 fans in the stands, but not 70,000. I really think it is either going to be no fans in the stadium, no fans in the bars, no family gatherings, or all this will be over finally by then. How is a bar filled with fans better then a stadium filled with fans? We are social distancing now to allow our doctors and scientists have a chance to learn about the virus, while having hospitals able to care for patients. There is no way the whole season will be played with no fans, unless there is a massive second wave that happens. I really think we are going to learn so much about this virus by then, and we have a good chance at attending games in a packed stadium.
  3. Everybody likes the story of young luke skywalker flying his little x-wing fighter to destroy the death star. And thats fun and all. But he still had to become a jedi. What is exciting now is to watch luke skywalker develop into a power jedi. So lets watch the bills develop into a dominate NFL team and win a super bowl that way. Its still the same team, but they are growing up. Enjoy it!
  4. 2 home games at night is perfect. Anything more and id find it tough to go to all of them. I also like that they are spread out!
  5. No, it is definitely just a typo.
  6. I think it is a mistake. Monday night games are not flexible yet.
  7. They never have, and if you go back to the ABC monday night schedule, you are looking at 1994.
  8. So Sal liked this, and then proceeded to post the bills are having multiple night games. Wonder if this is true?
  9. Lol, sounds like you are close. After a thursday night game?
  10. There are going to be leaks you get at 4pm or 5pm tomorrow thatll end up being wrong.
  11. In 2009, when we had Terrell Owens on the team, we had two 4:00 home games.
  12. Just because people want 1 or 2 night games, doesnt mean they dont like 1pm games. I think everybody likes 1pm games. They also like something different once in a while.
  13. Its a fake Schefter account.
  14. I cant wait to see a world, where the CDC tries to claim that a porta-potty in the parkinglot, is less likely to get me sick, then a crowded nfl stadium selling beer to fans. I just dont see this happening. Its either going to be a full stadium, or no fans at all.
  15. The only reason you think that, is because the bills have only won 1 of those night games at home over the last 20 years, and it was a meaningless game against the dolphins in 2012. I love 1pm games too, but having 1 or 2 night games at New Era Field would be a nice treat. The stadium looks amazing under the lights.
  16. I thought they try to have thursday night games be a short commute for the away team.
  17. The steelers game high ratings, were cleverly phrases as, "highest rated prime time program of that week." Most SNF games are the highest rated primetime program of the week. The bills vs. Steelers game ratings were not any higher then any other SNF game, i think they were on the mid to lower end.
  18. As fun as thanksgiving was, and as understanding as my wife and mother were of the bills playing last year. I would feel bad about making 2 thanksgivings in a row about the bills. Im used to being disapponted when it comes to the bills on the primetime schedule. I feel the bills will at the very least have games that have an easy chance to be flexed out of the slot, in case they dont perform well.
  19. Yeah, i think we get 2 prime time games, maybe another shot at a week 16 nfl network flex. And a couple 4:25 double header games. Im hoping for at least 1 4:25 home game this year
  20. I voted based on a mix of what i think is realistic, vs. What i am hoping will happen. Obviously i hope this all ends tomorrow, but i know its not realistic. I think i would be ok if they start a month late, and we can start going to games half way through the season. I have heard faucci say several times, "i dont know whats going to happen," or "we may not have sports this year" and "we have to look at the daily data." That to me says anything is still possible with regards to football at this point.
  21. Do you trade your 2021 draft picks for veterans, if there is no college football?
  22. Even without Covid, the season was going to start a week later, due to labor day being late. Seems like it has a domino effect.
  23. If you think march, april and may are slow sports months, what months do you consider not to be slow? March is NCAA basketball tournament. April and May are nhl and nba playoffs, and start of baseball season. It is probably the busiest sports months of the year where football is not involved.
  24. This was the peak of my being pissed off as a sports fan. Only a few months removed from the Sabres blowing it in the 2007 playoffs, and the drury and briere exit. Then we have such a big lead against the cowboys with less then a minute to go, and we still lose. I dont think the bills can ever make me that upset ever again. I was able to rewatch the playoff game against the texans the next day, but i cant rewatch the game against the cowboys from 2007. It took the thanksgiving day game this past year to finally get over it.
  25. My mindset is that 5 months will pass between now and the start of the regular season, and 3 months ago, you just started to hear this novel coronavirus. So I think there is still alot to learn about it, that could work to our advantage. If the season starts a month or two late, that could work as well. But i don't think we will have to wait until 2021 to have football again.
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