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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. Yes, i haven't used a mobile ticket all year. Just my season ticket card. its a good thing, cause my 3 year old phone died prior to going to the MNF game. I have a new phone now. Make sure your phone is charged prior to leaving your house.
  2. Yeah, you need a physical card, or the excelsior app. They will most likely just take a quick glance at it.
  3. A regular season loss, doesn't sting nearly as bad as a playoff loss would. I went through the last 10 years of super bowl champions, and found at least one bad loss in alot of those seasons. I really will forget about the emotional aspect of the Jaguars loss, if we win the next couple of weeks. Hopefully on February 14th, we will look back on that game and just laugh, at how irrelevant it was. You only need to go undefeated in the playoff games.
  4. Hey we beat the Steelers in 2019 wearing white on blue, the broncos and patriots wins in 2020 were white on blue. Don't give up on them!
  5. There is no way the schedules of Washington and Houston are going to negatively impact our chances against Kansas City and Tennessee. That's like blaming failing a test at school, because you forgot your text book one night two weeks prior.
  6. Im not worried about the division, i want the super bowl. Tom Brady is a threat to that no matter where he is. The patriots arent right now. I hope new england wins.
  7. Yeah, they charge the PSL the first year, our season tickets only double the first year, but then they aggressively raise the prices over the following years, and you then can't afford them anymore, and you just wasted the money.
  8. The only way this works, is if, they schedule both divisional games for the conference that plays on MNF on Sunday.
  9. It sounds like you always go to games against some of the better teams in the NFL. You need to come to the Washington game, or Houston game. I think you'll break your streak.
  10. I guess ill clean and dust every inch of my living room for optimal viewing experience tomorrow. I probably could clean my tv screen too. Everything needs to be perfect for 7 hours of tv watching. At least i can watch the NFC game before hand to kill time.
  11. 59-56 for a final, but some how we get out of the 1st overtime, with either only 2 field goals scored, or no scores. Geez.
  12. Exactly. Just look at all the teams that lost the AFC championship in recent years. Alot of them are 1 and done. Don't let anybody tell you "there's always next year." There isn't always next year. There is no guarantee that you get this far again.
  13. Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf. I definitely will make sure this is done before the game, I don't think i'll be able to eat during the game. But i'll need something heavy before I start drinking.
  14. I need to know which way the Weekend's stage is going to be facing before I buy my tickets.
  15. There is no way he takes a discount at this stage of his career. If we win the super bowl, he is getting $50MM a year. I say the lowest he gets is $45MM if they dont win the super bowl.
  16. If your season ticket account has 4 tickets on it, are you able to buy 2 Pods of 2?
  17. I keep saying, players need to take games "1 at a time". The fans can do whatever they want, lol. The season the bills have had, and the unique situation of this last year, there is no way we aren't winning the super bowl this year. And other fan bases will make fun of us, for our only championship being the "Covid Bowl". But i will buy that T-shirt and wear it proudly.
  18. Making the playoffs and not winning, is about the same as making a pizza, but you forgot to grease the pan. I need 1 playoff win, in order to consider this season a success.
  19. Colts passing defense is decent, and they may actually show up, unlike Miami. I'll say 20-14 Bills.
  20. Arent the sabres, the NY Jets of the NHL?
  21. The red uniforms are ok if they only wear them once. Hopefully this is the only game they wear them.
  22. Lol, he cant go anywhere for 2 more years anyways. They will resign him sometime in this upcoming offseason, with a whole year left on his contract.
  23. As sad as that is, replicate it as much as you can in your back yard.
  24. Are coaches still able to be traded like that?
  25. It shouldnt be too long. I cant guarantee an hour, but last thanksgiving i couldnt sleep after we beat the cowboys. I rewatched the entire game before bed that night on Game Pass. The only problem is, the title of the game when you pick it, will say the final score.... might have to let somebody else click play for you and never pause it.
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