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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. I get it, he is in the superbowl. But he has started in 5 games this year, he really was only impressive in the Vikings game. He put up good numbers against the Giants, but then again, so did a lot of people. The other 3 games left a lot to be desired.
  2. He loves his kids, good for him. Now if Tom Brady is seen kissing the Referee this weekend, or Roger Goodell, we have a story!
  3. Edgar Stiles from 24 was a tough one to kill off. I think 24 was probably the start of "lets make nobody safe" craze these days.
  4. I don't want them trading their 1st from next year. Trade anything else if there is a QB worth moving up for. I still would find it shocking if 5 QB's are taken before 21. It'll be very interesting.
  5. Once in a great while I've heard Jeremy White on in the afternoon, or Brad Ritter comes back. Its a better show when they are out of their comfort zone. I don't think Sal counts, cause he is on the show so much already. I listen to their show almost all the time, but it would be something fresh if they split them up. Maybe put Jeremy in the afternoon, and put Chris in the morning. Just to shake up the chemistry. Either way, the 5 hours of programming on that show from 10am-3pm is some of the most boring radio. The commercial for instigators reminds me of how bad the show is every day. And John Murphy saying that the bills might be able to beat New England, shows how much I cant take anything he says seriously.
  6. Sal isn't bad, but he's on the station all day long. I liked it when Chris Brown hosted the show a few times. Even as a company guy, he seems more on the level of most fans. Not ridiculously optimistic like John is. I wish John would step down. I only listen to his show during training camp, or days when big news happens.
  7. That's the other call I was forgetting. I knew there was one more that was really questionable. I remember saying after that touchdown, I don't understand it, but OK!
  8. You are right. We probably don't beat Denver if Von Miller doesn't get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct for not helping Tyrod up on his feet. And we lose to Indianapolis if we don't get a offensive pass interference call in our favor 2 or 3 minutes after Indy took a 8-7 lead. I'm sure we had other calls we forget about too.
  9. As much as people don't like them. I guess Joe Buck and Troy Aikman may finally call a bills game.
  10. I had to pull over for the Tampa Bay and Oakland motorcades on the way home from those games. I thought it was pretty cool. Especially since we beat both of those teams. Sounds really annoying, they put a picture of the 5 trophies on the tail fin. No way I could live that close to Patriots territory. I give you props for that one.
  11. So how do we kill your 17 year dynasty that doesn't make any realistic sense.
  12. Hopefully Tom Brady will go there so he can say he dominated two different leagues. There you can play with whatever kind of football you want, even a Nerf football.
  13. This is the most perfect response to this. Unfortunately nobody in the league has come to care yet that something is weird going on here. Maybe when Brady is 50 and playing better than he did at 40 they will question it. I wonder what the Vegas numbers are, when it comes to what year the Patriots will have a losing season again....
  14. I think what did happen vs. what didn't happen matters. Peyton Manning's struggles to win in the playoffs early on in his career, were what made his story so intriguing. We knew it wasn't crazy for him to finally win a Super Bowl, but it also wasn't going to be come easy. And he only had 1 Super Bowl win before he played his last game, and we all knew he deserved to win at least 2. I also feel, Manning's personality helps too. Brady and Belichick are much too business like. Manning looked like he was having fun on the field.
  15. No, because the Cinderella stories are always the bigger deal. The red sox and cubs winning the world series finally. The Cavaliers winning an NBA title. The Giants spoiling the Patriots perfect season. If anything when a dynasty ends, and the new champions start to emerge, the league gets better. At least in the short term.
  16. If its true that Bon Jovi didn't want to move the team. I still feel that he would have kept the bills in Toronto series. Probably would have expanded it to more then just 1 game a year too.
  17. You can sometimes find a QB in the 2nd or 3rd round worth starting in their rookie year. They have to take at least 1 QB in the first round, but maybe get another guy in the 2nd or 3rd round. They have other holes they need to fill. I feel we should stay put and not trade up, because its such a scratch off lottery ticket type deal.
  18. If my memory serves, him and Dan Dierdorf called the Bills vs. Patriots 31-0 game. Great announcer, RIP Dick
  19. This is the third time we have been 8-6 this century. But i feel every time they say "trust the process" it sounds like, "Don't hate me right away if we suck, we will be good eventually." Hopefully they get to the playoffs this year, and come up with a better slogan for next year.
  20. I feel the solution is to try two bye weeks again. It failed last time because it messed with the team's weekly routine. Thursday night football does that by itself now. Just give every team playing on Thursday a bye before hand.
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