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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. Did they throw away all the other hats in the bills store, and are now only selling this one? I mean, if that was the case, I could see being mad about it. But I'm pretty sure they usually have dozens of different styles and colors available. Don't worry, I am sure you will be able to find a hat you like soon.
  2. The thing is, when it comes to sports, its hard to get into a sport unless it has the potential to get you angry. If your team isn't playing in the game, you have to believe the fan base cares enough about their team, that if something happened that didn't go their way, they would get angry. Arena football doesn't have that. Its just a game for people that weren't good enough for the NFL or CFL. You might like baseball, but how many Bison's games would you watch on TV. Its fun to go, but there is no way it will ever feel like the real thing. I need a story line behind the game.
  3. I thought the roasts on Comedy Central ended with the Roastee getting the podium. It's true, he has to sit there and take it the whole night. But at the end he finally gets to speak and dish it all back.
  4. Maybe i'll find the episode of "The league" she was in, and watch that as my support for our british ally!
  5. I think I care enough to watch the highlights on the news, just to see what a multi-million dollar wedding looks like. But I'm not waking up early on a Saturday to watch it.
  6. Not true. My dad's, brother's, uncle's, nephew's former roommate is the network engineer in the bills offices. And he told me this guy was an actual scout from 2011-2014.
  7. I was really holding my breathe for Justin Timberlake and Metallica to perform at half time that night. Oh well....
  8. I remember back in 2014 or 15, when word started about Chicago wanting to move on from Cutler. I told my friend, I would only buy season tickets if the bills got Cutler. I still ended up getting seasons anyways....
  9. I can't stand John Murphy on his radio show. But he was good in this video. Fitz was still better. But it was still very refreshing to see a hear a different side of John Murphy.
  10. That was the first time I ever enjoyed listening to John Murphy.
  11. Was it the red helmets that was epic, or how the team played that day that was epic? Show me a boring game, where the bills lost that they still looked good in red helmets.
  12. I don't care if the end zones are blue or red. I just don't like the plain green ones. As far as helmets, I really don't get why people are so obsessed with the Red Helmets. I was sad to see them go, when they switched to white, but that was a long time ago. I think they look great as white helmets these days. If they are going to change the color of the helmet again, I would rather see them go for a silver helmet. I have seen various people come up with concept designs with the silver, and it does look really sharp!
  13. A few years ago, I got 2 season tickets, mainly just for myself. I would work to bring a different friend to each game. This became difficult as most of the bills fans I knew, already had season tickets. After 2 years of bouncing around, I was able to finally relocate to seats that happened to be right next to my buddies last year. I sit in the corner endzone, and don't plan on moving any time soon.
  14. The bills made their own video that featured all of this. I think channel 7 aired it, and i think the bills website still has it. How many 30 for 30 things air less then a year after the actual event? What makes 30 for 30 great is when you revisit something from 10+ years ago.
  15. If eliminating kickoffs or changing how they work, helps preserve the rest of the game, I'm all for it. Kick offs haven't been exciting for over 8 years when they moved them to the 35.
  16. There are several pictures from inside the bills war room, celebrating the pick of Josh Allen. The Pegulas, Beane and McDermott are all visible. I cannot find Russ there at all, not even in the back ground. This was the night before the investigation started.
  17. I really feel the reason most people hate on Schopp and the Bulldog, are people who only listen for 5-10 minutes. They don't know what was being discussed prior to turning on the show, or after they turn it off. A lot of their callers listen to the show for 5 minutes, and call in. And that makes them angry, because the caller accuses the hosts of saying things they didn't say, or missed the point.
  18. Do you have an idea as to what time you were listening to the show yesterday? I really need to hear this.
  19. The show is awful most of the time, but they do get great guests for the show. I will give them that compliment.
  20. Its amazing, ESPN, CBS Sports, and every NFL team spend so much money on a scouting department, when they could just have #34fan do it for free!
  21. What number is de Beers going to wear?
  22. I can admit I went to bed Thursday night really disappointed. But once I woke up Friday, and as the day went on, I felt a lot more optimistic. We are stuck with the guy, and we will root for him. I also believe there is a good chance Rosen may not be able to stay healthy. I am not going to cheer for him to get hurt, but I think we will not be glad until Allen has a better career then Rosen. I imagine people will probably forget about the tweets in a couple of months too.
  23. Does that mean, Rachel Bush, Katherine Webb, and Brittany Williams will be on the Ketchup guns in the hammer lot?
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