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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. I mean every playoffs I will pick a team to route for. But I am not monitoring that team's off-season moves. Its just a team I pick for a month and then its back to the Bills.
  2. I'm ok with Glass half-full, my problem is they act like the glass is actually full. Their guests are very good, and that part is worth tuning in for.
  3. I like when other teams have the city name in one end zone, and the team name in the other. I hope the new turf does that. Having Buffalo on one side, and Bills on the other. That would probably look sharp!
  4. I prefer listening to Howard, Jeremy, Schopp and Bull Dog. They always seem to have pretty realistic outlooks on our teams. People complain they are negative, but can you blame them? The 5 seconds I hear the one bills live show on my lunch break before I can switch over to music is like nails on a chalk board..... I listen to them make small talk before the show starts, and its brutal. Then I listen to them talk about the Bills, and it sounds like its football talk for 10 year olds. People that just discovered football yesterday. Or its for the people that truly think the Bills are headed for a 11 or 12 win season....
  5. Yeah the question on the survey, was $2,000 a YEAR for lower bowl corner endzone seats. There is going to be a significant different type of people in the stadium, if that's what they want to charge. To be fair, they then kept going down $250 with each subsequent question, until I said "Maybe." I was in the "Maybe" world when they were at $1250.
  6. I stopped reading once I realized this guy hates the dolphins more then the patriots for some reason.
  7. Right now it is $730. To go from $730 to $2000 by the year 2023 would be tough for me. Im assuming that would be the target date for a renovation or rebuild.
  8. Yes, I usually look around just for fun. Highly recommend, if you have any interest in relocating. It made it super easy a few years ago, when I wanted to relocate next to some other friends of mine.
  9. I would renew first, and then check out the relocation process in April. Its really easy to find a new place to sit. Interactive seating chart and all.
  10. For some reason in the OP, he went from talking about per game as per ticket, and then went to talking about the whole season package. so his annual rate was actually a $30 increase per season ticket.
  11. Not sure why they are worried about Territory Rights? The Oakland Raiders are a mess of a team, and have a terrible home schedule, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Detroit and Cincinnati. Their best game is against Chicago, and thats in London. The 49ers have a great QB who was simply injured last year, they have Atlanta, Carolina, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Green Bay coming their way. Nothing to worry about Oakland taking away their ticket sales.
  12. I guess I should have answered yes to the question about paying $2,000 for corner end zone seats. Maybe then I would have gotten an invite.
  13. Has anybody in this group ever sat behind the patriots side line before? I am curious what the atmosphere is like. Is it overrun with out of town patriot fans, or is it filled it Bills fans trash talking them?
  14. Similar to people who think, when we are critical of the Bills, we must not be a real fan?
  15. I will do this when they have been out of the league, and are accepting their invitations to the hall of fame. But as long as they continually just run up the numbers of championships and suffocating the rest of the AFC, I will be annoyed with them, and assume they are cheating, or the league is fixed.
  16. There were a few questionable calls that went against New England in Super Bowl 52. Everybody hated Collinsworth for pointing it out. I hate New England as much as anyone, but I was surprised things went Philadelphia's way that game. My enthusiasm for the NFL will continually die, as long as the other 15 teams in the AFC continue to let the Patriots win their conference year after year.
  17. First super bowl I did not watch in over 20 years. Basically since I was in middle school. It was awesome grocery shopping in such a quiet store. Just watched Netflix when I got home. The Patriots could have lost 50-0 and I still would have been happy I didn't watch it. So sick of the Patriots, and don't want them in the Super Bowl win or lose.
  18. The only way he will retire, is if the Jets, Bills and Dolphins start actually making his regular season difficult. I feel he needs 9 losses in a season to get him to walk away. But since the 3 teams in our division have been mostly incompetent, he just continues to cruise his way to first round bye's in playoffs. Then there is also the question, of whether or not the Patriots will even be bad after he retires.
  19. It takes me a day or so to recover if its something that eliminates us from playoff contention. Other then that, i usually am over it pretty quickly.
  20. He is not going to retire until he losses 9 games in one year. Him and Belichick won't be able to handle it. Unfortunately, I think we are several years away from that happening....
  21. Most likely to..... Start someone other than his incumbent starting Quarterback* week 1: Vic Fangio Be a 'one and done' Head Coach: Kliff Kingsbury Make the playoffs his first year: Matt LeFleur Win NFL Coach of the Year at some point in his first 3 years: Adam Gase Win a Superbowl in the job to which he has just been hired: Freddie Kitchens Become Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills at some point in the future: All of these guys will be done as Head Coach in the NFL before McDermott retires from being head coach of the Bills many, many years from now.
  22. Even if the patriots lose, it isn't good enough for me. There are still there, and that's bad enough. I am actively searching for something I can go out to do, and avoid watching this game. But there isn't much available at the moment. I'll more then likely be watching something on Netflix.
  23. Tom Brady has accomplished so much in his career. You would think there is nothing else for him to accomplish, but there is one thing. He wants to play a season where his opponents actually consistently out play his team. I think he is waiting for a losing season before he finally calls it a quits. This seems to match what we have all heard analysts say, which is, that if he is still playing how he wants to play "Why would he quit?" Finishing his career out on top, I don't think matters to him. He just wants to see how long he can play at this level. He's basically conducting a football science experiment right now. We should all be mad, that the other 15 AFC teams can't figure out how to consistently beat the patriots, to give them a losing season for once.
  24. I hope brady's shoulder is ok after that brutal Roughing the Passer hit he took in the AFC Championship game. I know it's his non-throwing shoulder, but still. Might need surgery if it happens again!
  25. It will be a great day, when the patriots finally have 9 losses in one regular season. I can't wait!
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