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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. The 4th and 15 if only allowed once a game, in the 4th quarter, and only for a team trailing, would actually allow for the play to require some sort of football skill. There is very limited skill involved in current onside kicks, its just a jump ball type play. Way too much luck involved.
  2. Thats actually a pretty good draft. Wood, levitre, byrd!
  3. The Delay is being slowly reduced over time. I feel like it used to be 5 minutes, now it is down to about 2. I remember watching the Bills Jags game that was played in London. Watched it on the streaming yahoo. I saw push notifications of the Bills offense scoring touchdowns, yet the Jags were on offense on my TV. I learned over the years, that if I care about the sport I'm watching on TV, I have to stay off my phone during the game.
  4. They keep saying the Jets did so much to improve, we didn't??? I think we will finish better then the jets. If I was forced to put money on it, I would say at best the Jets have no more then 1 win better than us. The dolphins are definitely finishing last in the division......
  5. So what happens, when I get my sandwich out of my lunch bag. Am I not allowed to eat said sandwich around my bus? How does that conversation go? Is the bus lot supposed to act like a private restaurant that doesn't allow any outside food or drinks. Hopefully they can all still use the bus bathroom.
  6. Yeah, I know, but it is slowly expanding out of state. Not nearly as much of a chain as Smokey I get it.
  7. Smokey Bones and Dinosaur BBQ are both Chains. Its like coming to Buffalo and getting chicken wings from Pizza Hut. Go to BW's BBQ, its not far from the stadium to.
  8. The bills have already loaded up on a lot of great talent. I am not mortgaging the future, until I see what this group of guys are capable of. There is no rush to make those kind of moves this year.
  9. I don't want to pay whatever this would cost. Likely a #1 pick next year, or our second rounder this year. I don't think Beane would do it either.
  10. Traded in my Honda Accord with 153,000 miles on it for a Nissan Rogue with 19,000 miles a few weeks ago. Honda Accord's aren't built like they were in the 80s.
  11. If you listen to HR 3 of the John Murphy show yesterday, they had one of the actual schedule makers on. They said either the Dolphins or Bills were going to play on thanksgiving, and which ever one didn't get the Thanksgiving game, would get a Monday night football game instead. Apparently the Pegulas were more excited about playing on thanksgiving anyways. Not that they had a choice.
  12. Haha i like it. If i drink too much, as i do at home games, my family may not enjoy my in game commentary as much as my season ticket holder friends do. Could get ugly....
  13. The first thing I did at work today, was hang the schedule on my cubicle wall. Right above my monitor.
  14. I'm strongly confident wherever I spend thanksgiving, will have dinner early. Its not like my family or In-laws will be oblivious to the Bills being on TV, and I won't be the only one who wants to watch it. Also, I usually drink lots of beer after a huge thanksgiving dinner, not sure why the bills being on TV will make a difference!
  15. Week 10 has the Cowboys vs. Vikings on SNF. The bills and browns would have to both be insanely better then both of those teams, to flex out them.
  16. The browns have Four primetime games, and four 4:00 games. How many more football games have they won, more then the bills over the last 3 years?
  17. I have some In-Laws that live in Dallas. I just may go visit them for thanksgiving weekend if this is true.
  18. I really want Turkey now. Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Corn, Green Bean Casserole, and lots of Pie. Is this weird?
  19. What happened to @NYG Week 2?
  20. I think its just nice to have something different at least once or twice a year. NFL on Primetime has a distinctly different feel then 1:00. Plus it frees up Sunday afternoons to do other things and not miss the Bills game.
  21. I'm sure they will be home week 3. That'd be crazy if they weren't
  22. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/02/02/goodell-says-many-players-dont-want-a-bye-week-before-thursday-games/ Because a Thursday Night game, would take time away from what is usually the players only break in the season.
  23. This schedule is definitely fake. They don't have bye weeks immediately before or after Thursday Games. Nor are they flexible.
  24. While a bye before Thursday makes sense, nobody has ever had one like that before. I believe there are rules for bye weeks, and they can't be next to a Thursday game. Also, it is so rare to get a 4:00 home game in buffalo, let alone against a team that is not expected to be a huge draw nationally in the broncos. These fake schedule's getting released are a new trend on schedule release day. Started with the Browns having 5 primetime games on their schedule leak......
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