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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. How is this different then when my office is remodeled? Essentially that's money that the company earned, that they could have afforded to distribute to me and the rest of my colleagues. However, I know that them remodeling my office is better for the company overall, which leads to being better for my employment situation. If the bills spend money on a new stadium, that will lead to more revenue for the Bills, and for the rest of the league. So the players get more revenue as well. All I get is a better feeling of job security.
  2. I miss the good old days, where the big news every July, was whether Brett Favre would come out of retirement.
  3. There are so many people, both young and old, that say watching a game in their living room is better then going to the game. Statements like this, are why New Era field isn't good enough. HDTV is so good, and the broadcast of games so high quality, that you really have no need to go to games. Similar to Movie Theatres, people don't care to go. So you need to start offering more then what you are offering now. Some people seem to think if the Sabres still played in the Aud it would be fine......
  4. Are they suggesting that the NFL would force the Pegula's to move, if a substantial investment is not made in improving the Bills Stadium, (Renovate or Rebuild)? I feel its just an article, to scare fans and to get the tax payers to open their pockets.
  5. 2002 was Bledsoe's first year, and the last year of the old Gym Mat type turf with red endzones. I distinctly remember the 31-0 win over the pats in 2003 being the first game on the fake grass type turf with the "Unpainted Endzones". Then they switched to blue end zones several years later, and players were slipping quite a bit on that turf. Hopefully this turf works better. The third field surface in 11 years is an exaggeration, trying to count the last year of the "Green Endzone turf" as an entire era of that turf. Its really the 3rd playing surface in 16 years.
  6. Any chance for one Endzone to say "Buffalo" and the other "Bills"? I like how Green Bay, Cleveland and Indianapolis, etc. do that...
  7. What days to the Sabres and Bills have home games on the same day? The OP was talking about weekend double ups, not same day double ups.
  8. Even John Clayton gets random irrelevant things wrong every now and then. And he is one of the more respected NFL reporters. That being said, 30 years from now, when I am 65 years old, I don't expect many people to remember names like Robert Griffin, or Teddy Bridgewater. I don't even care if they are hosting a radio show about the NFL or not.
  9. The Sabres and Bills haven't had home games on the exact same day in over a decade. I think it was a night game against the Broncos way back in 2005 or something.
  10. Nobody who is under the age of 60 probably knows who Greg Cook is. Unless you're trying really hard to study for a trivia game. I looked up the guy on Google just now, since I'm apparently supposed to know who this guy is according to you. He played 4 years from 1969-1973, why should I care about that player? I will forget what I just read in a couple of days I'm sure. John Murphy barely knows what's going on in the NFL in the present, let alone in the past history. I'll take Chris Brown any day.
  11. If a championship was on the line, It would be a good motivational tool. But under normal circumstances, for a regular season game, I would prefer my players to not tear an ACL, due to not waiting till you were actually healed enough to play.
  12. I am not a defender of what Toronto did. I know how crowds work. You are living in a dream world where you really think Buffalo, and other cities, wouldn't have a few fans that in the heat of the moment, don't accidently cheer a superstar get injured in a major game. Hopefully after sleeping you have cooled down a bit.
  13. No, im definitely more right then you gave me credit for. The "bleep" the network did, was about what Durant yelled at himself for getting injured. Hence the raw emotion they talked about during half time. And we dont know it was 20,000 fans entirely that cheered. But every fan base with so much on the line tonight would have a decent enough of a percentage that would have cheered. It doesnt make it right, but every crowd has a few inconsiderate people in it.
  14. I feel everybody agree's October is the best. Baseball playoffs, the middle of football season, and the start of Hockey and Basketball. I think June is the 2nd best. The NBA and NHL finals. They never double-book games it seems. Basketball one night, and Hockey the next, all for a championship.
  15. The fans weren't cussing him out. Durant screamed an expletive at the fact he reinjured himself. And it wasnt a head or a back injury, it was a leg muscle injury that everybody knew he already had. Its a tough call, but i think every city would have a decent percentage of the fans in attendance cheer at that point.
  16. Whatever Quarterback replaces Brady will be just as good. And that city will continue to win super bowls, world series, NBA Finals and Stanley cups way too frequently until were all dead.....
  17. If he really cared about his kids, he would skip the Regular season too.....
  18. I am confused by this. How do you get in if they don't scan or check your QR code?
  19. I never had it myself, I'm waiting for the Sabres to actually be good beyond the first 2 months of the season.... A friend of mine had it, and I don't think he is smart enough to figure out how to use VPN's. So it should be ok. Something to check out next October!
  20. Fubu TV will have the Local MSG feeds for Sabres games. That's about $55 a month. You will need to gauge for yourself, if that is cheaper than your current TV subscription or not.
  21. The thing that makes streaming advantageous over cable and satellite subscriptions is how easy it is to cancel and reactivate. Cable and satellite would likely charge you installation fees, or sometimes early cancellation fees. I signed up for sling tv long enough just to watch the NCAA basketball tournament and NHL Playoffs. It is now off, since the Stanley cup finals are on Ch 2. Almost every single streaming service has free trials, that are super easy to cancel if you don't like it.
  22. Isn't the shout song longer then 40 seconds? And sometimes the Pat is kicked faster than that...
  23. Its a photo of the bills last game against the Giants in Metlife stadium.
  24. I'm sure if buffalo gets the draft someday, it would be announced after the Cleveland draft is over. 2025, whatever they decide to do with the stadium, will probably be decided by then as well.
  25. when was this announced? This is the first I heard about it.
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