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Everything posted by wagon127

  1. I'm not referring to the Direct TV. Its that Nashville isn't showing a game on FOX, because they have a home game on CBS. I'm curious why that is. Nashville isn't the only city having a home NFL game, but they are the only city getting 2 afternoon games, instead of 3 like the reason the country.
  2. How do they decide when the local team being home, means a Black out on the opposite network? Tennesse isn't the only home team this week, but they are the only area getting 2 games instead of 3. I'm pretty sure they only applied this to Buffalo once so far, and we have had 5 home games.
  3. Did anybody watch the Broncos vs. Browns game last week? Orange uniforms vs Black uniforms was kinda tough to follow.
  4. I find it strange that people say the bills fans were disappointed with the game Sunday. I mean, we were disappointed with the Dolphins game. I think by the time we got to the Redskins game, we got exactly what we expected.
  5. Wait a minute, I thought there were several threads on this board that say the national media isn't talking about the bills?
  6. The Texans and Chiefs play the patriots. So if they combine forces, they control their own destiny together! There's your two losses.
  7. There's quite the difference between once every 4 years, vs. once every 16 years. But please, keep exaggerating to further emphasize your point.
  8. Television does, and that's where the NFL gets all their money.
  9. If the bills are 10-2 by the time I'm stuffing down pie, and making myself left over turkey sandwiches on November 28th, People will start respecting this team....
  10. Brady is continuing to play because he still can. I disagree that he is going to leave the game on top after a super bowl championship, or by breaking consecutive superbowl appearance records. Brady will leave the game, when he realizes he can't play anymore. That he is hurting his team, and that he can't win any more. Once the game is no longer fun. So if the other 31 NFL teams want him to retire, they better step their game up, in trying to figure out ways to beat him.
  11. Ok, then in your theoretical scenario, the Patriots would have 11 wins going into week 16, and the Bills would have 10. So the story going into the game would still be, the winner of that game will win the division. Assuming other tiebreakers also work out.
  12. What national news coverage is ignorong the bills? I mean they aren't covering them top story on the news. But i dont think they spend much time analyzing how teams are beating the Dolphins or Redskins. Cause everybody is. They talk about specific games that were entertaining and good. I would think most sports stations like ESPN and Nfl network are talking about the ravens this week.
  13. In a perfect world, I think that's exactly what would happen. I just don't see them moving the Seahawks vs. the Rams out of that slot. Those two teams are having good seasons as well. Nor would the Patriots vs. Chiefs get moved out of the 4:25 slot.
  14. The week 16 flex deadline from Sunday to Saturday is Week 10. The deadline to move a normal Sunday Game time to a different sunday game time is 13 days prior.
  15. Market Size is definitely considered when it comes flexing games to national tv, and demoting a national tv game into regional action. And it is not simply just Win-loss record. They look at whether the actual teams involved, will have stronger ratings over the previous matchup in that slot.
  16. Also, next year we play the NFC and AFC west The NFC West is currently the best division in football. So we could be in for one of the most difficult schedules next year. Just enjoy the ride. This team is learning how to win, which will help them years to come!
  17. No, you are thinking of 2008.
  18. If the bills consistently made the playoffs, even once every 3 years. They wouldn't have to worry about regionalizing the team.
  19. You know, the Sabres control their own destiny too. Only 67 games to go. Why don't we talk about that as well? Controlling your own destiny is an accomplishment you can talk about when there are 2 or 3 games to go in the season. Not 8...... Way to much can happen...
  20. Collinsworth just said everybody in the AFC has 3 losses or more, aside from these two teams....
  21. Currently, we are mathematically closer to winning the division then we are at losing the last wild card spot.
  22. Cleveland is 6 days away, right now im hoping the ravens figure out a way to beat the patriots.
  23. What happens if the patriots go on a losing streak, considering they play the ravens, eagles, cowboys, chiefs and texans coming up?.......
  24. If i can't enjoy the patriots losing games, whats the point of watching football.
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