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  1. your uber driver, might not like you loading your cooler, chairs and grill in the trunk. and where you locking all that up during the game?
  2. The patriots didnt change their Jersey's until Brady left. I except the bills to do the same with Allen. Keep them the same until Allen retires.
  3. You beat 506 sports to the maps. Impressive!
  4. If the bills lose, KC going to baltimore will not make me feel any better.
  5. Not a single person looked up dr. Jerome silberman, did they? Its takes a while, but the joke eventually makes sense.
  6. Im complaining that its called 90% of the time. That teams get 15 yards, not because they earned it, but because the defender hits him a millisecond late. Its stuff like this, which makes people question if the NFL is fixed. Im not upset with the bills at all. Its nice to finally get one in our favor. But it could very easily be switched the opposite way in an upcoming game.
  7. This isnt the play im talking about.
  8. Coming through hamburg, up abbott rd is the best bet.
  9. What advantage is different, from red vs blue in a snow game?
  10. The point I was trying to make, was is this good for the sport. Milli-second "late" hits, that result in a free 15 yard penalty. Its calls like this, that make people feel the game is fixed, cause the officials can award first downs for plays like this.
  11. Im following along with the discussion on twitter and such, and why the "fake slide" is getting more attention to the play im talking about is weird to me. I agree, the penalty is called accurately as the rule is written. I just hope they tweek it a little in the coming seasons.
  12. The 4th quarter unnecessary roughness penalty on the Steeelers. Look, im glad the bills won, and any penalty the Bills get in their favor, I feel is great, after 17 years of us seeing other teams benefit from bad calls. But the NFL needs to really evaluate whats considered a late hit on a QB slide. I really dont think he was hit late on that. I think as Allen starts to slide, the defender has pretty much already left his feet. Allen is still sliding as he gets hit, showing how "not late" it was. What do you guys think? Not just thinking about it from the Bills point of view, but football in general.
  13. Thats why it will have a partial roof. Reduce shoveling needed by about 70%. Plus all the hallways will be heated and large and wide. Somehow, boston, new jersey, cleveland, pittsburg and philadelphia can have their open air stadiums, and not be called morons.
  14. Why do you want a retractable roof instead of just a regular roof? The regular roof would be cheaper. The retractable roof would only be opened once or twice a year. The NFL would only allow us to open it on a perfect weather day.
  15. The need to have a separate, best QB award, and non-QB MVP award.
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