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Bring it

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Everything posted by Bring it

  1. Absolutely. Those Steeler teams were great at almost every position particularly on defense!! Unfortunately that makes Brady look even better. But not his teams overall.
  2. Good stuff. Thanks!!?
  3. You’re right. I do think its McDermotts job to set the tolerance level for repeated problem players. Hughes was one such player a couple of years ago and he has improved on that. Maybe it will take more time but is it my imagination or did the team get worse from year 1 to year 2 under Mcd?
  4. I’m hoping that if they win it, Brady and BB will do the smart thing and ride off into the sunset. I don’t think that Belichick is done coaching but not sure that he wants to continue without Brady? I just feel that it would really get to Brady if he slowly declines and doesn’t go out on top.
  5. Yeah I didn’t see the entire game. I just mean in general the Pats don’t beat themselves with needless mistakes. False starts, Offside, etc... I respect them but still can’t stand watching them!
  6. Difference between a disciplined football team and one that isn’t. The Patriots don’t beat themselves. I guess that is the one thing that bothers me about this past season. McDermott couldn’t get this team to stop the stupid penalties! It has to change if they want to playing this time of year!
  7. Agreed. Josh has all the things you can’t coach! Size, arm strength, speed, confidence and a burning desire to play the position! A leader! Now he is learning the rest. I’ve seen enough improvement to think he will get there. Don’t think that he has been exposed to a lot of good coaching other than at Wyoming. He needs to be more like Manning , consistent and football smart! We will see. Still love watching him play!
  8. IMO center and both guards need to be improved. Right tackle would be nice too but that’s a lot in one offseason. Also that is Allen’s strong side and it’s easier for him to adjust in the pocket to. We badly need a top center and leader to that line!!! At least one road grader of a guard so our run game has at least one strong side to run behind. Probably left guard first. Not sure if Teller will develop here or not. I’m not concerned with Dawkins as some are . I feel he can do the job at LT! LG and center ASAP!
  9. I felt real uneasy about drafting Allen. Was sure that Rosen was the guy and didn’t feel that Mayfield will have much upside to his game. Still don’t! Josh Allen has really impressed me, especially with his athleticism! In no way did I think he was that gifted besides that cannon! The game slowed down much quicker for him than I expected and I absolutely love his attitude and poise!! He has things to work on like slants , swing passes and some passes that he doesn’t need to laser in there. But he does show touch at times like the short pass to Ivory as he was headed out of bounds. Perfect pass just out of reach of the defender! I’m really glad he is ours now!
  10. That is exciting stuff! Winning the division unless Brady really does fall off is more than just acquiring more play makers and improving the o-line. It’s about execution and limiting mistakes. It’s what the Pats do every game. They don’t beat themselves and they execute at a high level! But we definitely are trending up in talent and we have our franchise Qb!!
  11. I was thinking Rosen too! Man so glad we got the right Josh!! He just loves the game ! Wasn’t just talking when he said that QB in the NFL was all he ever wanted to do!
  12. When people think of the Bills it won’t be Kyle Williams anymore. Not Shady or even remotely someone else! It’s Josh Allen now! Thanks for giving everything Kyle!!!
  13. Kyle Williams = Classy Winner! Thanks for giving everything!!!
  14. Brady is obsessed with being snubbed in the draft and making it clear that he is the best ever! He will not go down easy. More like having to be beaten into retirement!!
  15. Gilmore vs a rookie is probably not the best matchup, but he has always struggled against small, quick fast receivers. I would take that shot next year for sure. Once Allen builds more chemistry with his guys! It’s all about next year and beyond!
  16. That’s me as well! Would love to see our young Qb go in there and stick a dagger thru their hearts in front of all those pats fans!!
  17. I really don’t know what to say to this in response. Maybe in 30 years if I’m still alive I would feel that way!
  18. Are you referring to Dick Jauron?? Yeah rather have the clapping.
  19. Yes, Mcd is playing to his strengths. Yesterday we had just enough run game to help. Barely enough!! The Lions did have to play the run some but probably they were more concerned with Allen scrambling. That fear does help open up the intermediate routes, especially with the speed of Foster and Mckensie taking the top off! Next year will be a clear indicator of how the will build this offense around Josh!
  20. I think next season will be different in the sense that Allen and his receivers will be more in sync. Which is exciting to ponder! Allen held his poise even with the rb situation. The NFL game isn’t too big for him and it’s impressive that without being able to take large chunks of yardage with his legs he still stood tall and delivered with his arm! It doesn’t seem to matter who goes down JA just continues to make things happen. He is the leader of the offense now!
  21. Yep. It’s hard to find one in the draft that is ready to be a receiving threat and a good enough blocker at this level.
  22. I agree. But today showed another side of Allen. Scrambling for big chunks of yardage not there? No problem he stood tall in the pocket and made throws. Not all were caught but they were there! He displayed great poise even being down to our last threat on the ground. If you can call him that. Allen never blinked. Ran the offense and delivered!
  23. I like where this team is headed. We are definitely further ahead on defense than offense. Allen is the Qb to build on and I feel Shady is worth keeping if the o-line is improved?! Clay is probably done but he can at least block unlike the rest. We need a “franchise “ center to lead this line and another guard at least. Wide receiver needs help too but Zay has really improved. Of the coaches I think Castillo needs to be replaced. Considering what we have to put on the field the others have done fine. The o line has shown almost no improvement! IMO Allen would really benefit from a good TE!! A play maker even possibly in FA. Daboll should have a big say so in the drafting of offensive talent. I don’t think McDermott has that ability yet.But he is awesome on the defensive side!! Shady probably only has one more season left which is a bummer. I would love to see him get a ring! Kyle and Lorax too!
  24. I don’t think I remember a rb making a catch like that before or since! Amazing moment! Really looking forward to this show!!
  25. Yeah, it takes a real man to take out the kicker. Even if it was retaliation for Dawkins.
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