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Bring it

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Everything posted by Bring it

  1. This is pretty much the way I understand things to be too. Apparently the problems begin when some think that noncompliance is optional!! Look you can’t tell everything from a video either. I watched the available videos of Big Ed’s episode. He seemed to be very respectful on the outside and the police also showed nothing out of the ordinary. But we can’t tell what’s being said by either party! We can’t get all the details from just a video! The same as Floyd’s murder! We can see that from the video and the autopsy report that his life was ended by that cop! Intentionally is the issue. We have no way of knowing what that cop was thinking or even every absolute bit of evidence that a jury will be going through later! To do so is only speculation!!! Ed needs to be careful here as far as what he says. He certainly can have his own opinion but is it fact? If there are no real reasons for that cop to think that he was drunk than he certainly should have been released immediately!! And if there is real evidence to show that he was detained without reason than by all means make a stink about it!! Make sure that it’s real and not partly hype! I have heard of and experienced being pulled over for no reason. I think all of my black friends have told of it happening to them!! I can speculate that maybe some of them are not being totally upfront but certainly not most that I know. See the danger of speculation in that statement??!
  2. I think he should have just split the 15 million up and given it to the underprivileged! How dare he make this capitalist move by buying something at rock bottom value and attempting to increase it thru intelligence, creativity and hard work!!!? Obviously sarcasm here. I hope it works out for him!!
  3. Bills’ Mafia Field!!!
  4. Pretty tough decisions! Certainly can see the sense of lockdown as far as helping our healthcare system treat sick people in a timely fashion. But sooner or later it has to run it’s course and go thru the population. I’m pessimistic about games with fans until that happens!! I don't blame Diggs for his concern.
  5. It’s no wonder that he relates to Buffalo so well. Overlooked, off the beaten path kind of image! Love this kid even more!! Thanks for posting this!
  6. You are right. There should be justice for all! It’s worth fighting for. And our brothers no matter there ethnicity need help at times. Things need to change in some areas such as with police brutality and racial profiling. Unlike what the media tends to portray there are many good cops but/this stuff happens way to much. We as a country can do better! Not perfect but better! It’s not against the law to kneel during the national anthem and many folks tend to look past it. Myself included. I actually admire Kaepernick’s courage but not his choices at times. His cause is just but his methods not so much IMO.He and others insist that there is no disrespect meant toward military. I believe that. This country is a republic and that means that the public or the people own and govern!! . Not a King or dictator who owns everything and rules over everyone. Our obligation as citizens is to each other not to a king!! We also have an obligation to fight injustice!! Kneeling during the anthem was a great way to get attention to his cause but making it a every game, during the anthem protest, was not probably a wise choice. If he didn’t want it to be disrespectful of our union as a country then perhaps kneel at other times as some here have suggested. Or maybe refusing to play the first series for example. Kap took it upon himself with help and has definitely paid a price for his actions. He shouldn’t expect to voice his opinion and not take the heat and consequences. Taking legal actions to regain what he felt was lost income made it seem to be about him and not the cause. And little things like his disrespectful socks at a team practice wasn’t helpful either. But what he is fighting for is worth attaining. Do we have to kill and destroy to accomplish that?! Do we have to destroy the things that are meant to bind us together(anthem)in order to cast out the parts that should never have been to begin with(racism)!!? Some of my family members have shared their own experiences with racism. The root cause is simple. Sin!! That applies to us all!!
  7. If these players/ political activists really want to show how “dedicated” they are to the cause. Then take a knee for the first series. Oh wait that would really make a statement!! They might even get fined and get even more attention! But no! We are just going to protest during the anthem.
  8. I’ve voiced that same opinion of Kap and the anthem protests on here also. Not saying that there isn’t unjust things that happen to blacks and others in this country. I have family members who have told me what it’s like to be other than whIte. Targeted by police at times etc.... it shouldn’t be that way!!! Kap wasn’t wrong IMO. Neither is Brees. Our country isn’t perfect and there certainly is disunity amongst us but the anthem is a moment when we should lay our differences aside! I would like to encourage others to respectfully listen to experiences that others have growing up and living as a minority. It helped me to see a little more clearly things that I have never experienced first hand or at least not often. I also would add that there are those amongst us that want to see this country brought down. Not referring to Kap here. But they do exist and it’s important to have something to bring us together even if it’s for just a couple of minutes. The anthem is one but so is our shared love of football. Specifically the Bills. Some things are worth preserving!!
  9. I have had that same belief in Josh since early on. Probably the Vikings game of his rookie season. He just does some things that other Qbs can’t. Throws, hurdling linebackers, diving for what seemed like 5 yards to reach the goal line!! Yet not many ints. I just haven’t had the guts to predict it happening. Wait and see approach. He is going to take this team somewhere special!!
  10. Very interesting! Thanks for posting. One thing that caught my attention was that he is certainly a leader. That he hung in with the inexperienced, new wrs was great to see. Great perspective from his former OC.
  11. Yeah it probably comes with age. Too many clips of past players working out in the offseason together and then dashed expectations or hopes at least! I shouldn’t probably be so hard on those that dare to believe! It might surprise you that I have a lot of belief in Josh. I think he could be special, eventually!! And someone here commented about how good it is just for these guys to get together and see what makes each other tick. To bond. One of these pictures did give me a little less concern for Josh’s accuracy. Brown and Beasley aren’t that big. Josh hooked up well with both!!
  12. Pretty sure most all of us could make that pass. The OP stated a “strong connection “. I’m not going to make it more than it is! Great they are getting to know each other, glad to see it. But does that really translate to the field like live reps with defenders? They all know that it doesn’t , but apparently some here don’t.
  13. You must really enjoy spell check! ?
  14. Connection? Don’t want to douse the enthusiasm here, but with no pass rush and no db my 50 + year old noodle arm could complete that pass!! I get that their chemistry is key in taking this offense to the next level. And I would so love to believe that they already have that on field chemistry. But how? At this point anyway.
  15. Chris Spielman for sure. Loved watching that guy play and he really fit this city’s blue collar attitude!!
  16. Count me as a big fan of Josh Allen ,but yeah if he can’t produce with a much more loaded offense and the same system for 3 years then it won’t be long before the grumbling begins. Mcbeane are committed to building a perennial winner and I love that!!!
  17. I’ve been trying to be cautiously optimistic about the acquisition of Diggs. But, I gotta say it’s not like drafting a “Watkins” and rolling the dice with what kind of professional you will get! Maybe it will work out, maybe not. Diggs is a known commodity! Tremendous will to compete and wants to win badly!! It sounds like that is what led to his problems in Minnesota. He knows he can be used more and he wasn’t. Of course things like injuries could keep him sidelined but if he is on the field he will be a difference maker. He will open this offense up! Josh will have to spread the ball around to keep defenses guessing but there is no question who is the primary target now!!!
  18. Cmon Ed! Gotta make better choices. Glad to see at least he was compliant with the authorities. Hate to be the one to restrain that dude!!
  19. Becomes a top five Qb. That’s if he can avoid being riddled with injuries. I believe that with the combination of Josh, McDermott and Beane, we will finally get a Lombardi!!
  20. You said it! There’s the difference. Moss is a proven, mature, hard working young prospect. He should do well at the next level. Maybe not dominate as much as in college but it’s good to draft players that did dominate there! Especially with the kind of person he has shown to be so far. Kudos Beane!!
  21. Most definitely!! Sammy must have something else in that beer. Maybe antifreeze!? Really just a sad article!!
  22. Had to watch the game on the little tv in our kitchen. Rest of my siblings and parents had something else playing on the console tv in the living room. I was pretty down one minute and literally a minute later I was jumping up and down yelling!!! They thought I was crazy!!! Great memory!!!
  23. November is my favorite month! And it starts with our Bills spanking the Pats at home!!!
  24. The OP has good points! While I would personally love a prime time night game with KC it won’t bug me if it’s at 1:00! Having the next day off is not an option in my case. So getting home a lot earlier from the game sounds good too. Either way that game is a must see!!!
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