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Everything posted by Xwnyer

  1. Hopeful the mafia doesn’t sell its tickets to those pesky Steelers fans.
  2. I think a dome team like Houston would have been better
  3. Weather sets up for Steelers for sure. They are a run first team plus that defense is top notch.
  4. I never ever want to watch a game that is streaming on peacock only. Last game seemed I could never get the audio of radio feed synched with video.
  5. They became predictable running on first down on five consecutive attempts. Fins started run blitzing and a good play action would have made big plays.
  6. Steelers won , just win please Same here and it wasn’t bad sushi
  7. Just win screw needing help
  8. Like most weeks 🤣
  9. More like 42 points 21 at the half might not be enough
  10. I think he needs new contact lenses or glasses his issue is not seeing the field but the shoulder is impacting the throws but he has been low or high the last few yea4s with his accuracy
  11. Hate this. Don’t like Sunday night games but should help us beat the daytime heat of Miami
  12. Don’t read them than 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Hoping the Ravens beat the fins since it’s crucial for them for number one seed and much needed for us if we are gonna win the east. Watch out for the cheats they seem to have gathered some life recently.
  14. I thought it was terrible. At first picture was fuzzy killed the app restarted and picture was better. Seemed like the game was more,like condensed view even live. I tried to sync radio and video and never could get close. Seems like radio guys would be talking about a play and the video would be showing next one. I hope to never have the Bills ,on Peacock exclusive again.
  15. I have no idea what was up with peacock and the radio feed. For years I have been able to synch the audio and video and yesterday came close at best. It seemed like after a play the radio guys would be talking while teams in huddle etc yet never saw the huddle on Peacock. MIT was almost like watching a condensed game . Weird plus video was cruddy when I first launched the app killed it and restarted to get a better picture. PLEASE NFL about games back in traditional broadcast networks.
  16. Hoping the games Sunday help our position. A loss by Fins, Texans and Colts be a great Christmas present
  17. I thought Brady Called a poor game. Seemed more Dorsey like with no plan just running plays. Very little motion, no throws to RBs , no delayed runs. Guessing vanilla game plan for an opponent they should have blown out. Hope he gets his act together for NE next week.
  18. Wondering if radio feed will follow the same ?? Would hate to have to constantly resynch the feeds
  19. Just stay off a jet ski
  20. Does anyone know if you can pause a live game on Peacock wondering if I will be ab;e to synch the radio stream and video as I have been doing for over 23 years now!
  21. He claims he owns a sports bar?🤦‍♂️ AMEN!
  22. I hear there is a place on Facebook 😎
  23. Not sure how they block the cast but screen mirroring with iPad to appletv gets around that
  24. is your TV a smart TV ? if so you can either find the peacock app for the smart TV or screen mirror it from the iPad as long as TV supports airplay. otherwise try a HDMI interface from the iPad to the TV
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