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Everything posted by Xwnyer

  1. Getting greedy? I got a 200 gift card 59$ service for next 12 months and ST max free. I am a very happy camper not sure how much more you think you can squeeze?
  2. I,have been reading a lot of gloom and doom, my point was we held them to points on offense. Yes they have a HOF coach whose defense confused Jim Kelly and every QB that has faced him. Just eliminate that damn blocked punt and we kick a FG in fourth and win 13-10. I was disappointed with Allen chucking the ball into such heavy coverage versus just grounding it like Brady did. However had Allen grounded it like Brady the flags would have flown. Our D showed it is darn good we just need to offense to not make the major mistakes it is making. I want us to attack defenses like we did with first drive in second half
  3. I think we only gave up 6 on blocked punt they missed the PAT. People are forgetting we kept Brady to 10freaking points when you,do that you MUST win the game.
  4. No but I am losing faith in the OC developing a game plan that helps the young QB develop and the OL that is getting killed
  5. What amazed me is as well as Gore was running at times we never tried play action to try to get the D to bite on the run stop. Really struggling with edge rushers especially on right side of the line.
  6. But than after that first drive we went back,to what we tried all first half
  7. When your good at cheating don’t need analytics
  8. If it was patriots doin it would be ignored that’s how the NFL works
  9. He needs to be able to complete the pass to brown when he beat defenders cleanly. A little too much air under the pass but he is making progress for sure but still needs to learn touch.
  10. Clearly the defender gave extra slap/hit to head should have been a flag but than he’s not BRADY who gets flags for defenders getting within 5 feet of him
  11. Call and tell them cancel service get transferred to VIP group,u will do good
  12. Not really on last call however in the last moth yes spent a lot of time but I get right to,loyalty dept never get hung up dealing with folks who struggle with basic concepts. But even loyalty dept has gone down hill it’s clear now they work in these open landscape areas the background noise at times makes it hard to hear what the agent is saying or them understanding you. Once I got to the VIP folks it’s a recorded line and must be a closed door office. Whoever thought open landscape is great for a call center should have their freaking heads examined.
  13. Wow did I get a deal I was not expecting. a few weeks back I called about the issues with CBS and other locals not being available and eventually received a 80$ credit. Back in June I had an issue with dish relocation and loyalty person told me to not auto renew ST since better deals come at start of season. So I called Monday this week to see what I could get for ST and deals and the agent I dealt with was plain old rude never had this happen with loyalty people before. SO I decided hell I will forgo and just stream hoping I can sync sirius xm stream with other stream. Well tuesday I get my bill and the 80$ credit isn't there and the rude agent dropped my movies extra pack ( All we watch is smithsonian) SO I call back yesterday to loyalty folks and they start handling request and than I am put into VIP queue and call gets dropped. I call back again and Loyalty person was sorry about me getting dropped and said he would transfer me to VIP but had to put account in pending cancel. I get VIP person she ends up giving me ST Max free, a 200$ gift card, 37$ a month off bill, my 80$ credit, fix my movies max and gave that free for year. When I was done I told her she went way and above what I was expecting I just wanted my credit I was promised along with a discount on ST. She also gave me an additional 20$ discount so that O wouldn't have to pay the bill. My monthly programming cost for xtra pack for the next 12 months will be 54$ plus tax!!!!!! I am one happy customer
  14. I turned it off I do t want to see this ?
  15. Let me know how it goes. I tried my nice guy routine just asking for some help and was told since I didn’t auto renew they can’t even give me the 12$ off they do to auto renew. I have direct line to retention folks but they are att employees now they don’t care. I received some attitude from last agent I dealt with. I have the I’d number of one that did great for me in last will call Wednesday asking to talk to her
  16. so glad I mute it and listen to Bills Radio on siriusXM pause DVR for a few seconds and everything is in synch. Eric Wood is a good color guy
  17. Called today they won't budge since I have a 50$ loyalty on my account. Used to get deals every year till this year.
  18. If they are gonna start mandating that all,of the ball make it out of the end zone than an overhead camera should be mandated at every goal line.
  19. Let’s see both INT were tipped balls. Ride the kid 8-0 is no reason for a backup to come in
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