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Everything posted by Xwnyer

  1. its hard to run play action when ya dont run the ball at all or take snaps under center. The only runs that work great out of shotgun are in motion backs getting the ball in motion and sweeps. The slight delayed draws they tried last week agains that interior line was INSANE and shows why the Dorsey is over his head.
  2. the bengals were 0-2 last year look we can still make t
  3. NET is DORSEY sucks as a play designer and play caller.. too many receivers in similar location allowing safeties to cover multiple guys at once
  4. but a coach needs to start beating that into his head. After the first bomb into double coverage versus that easy first by running. Some one with the surface pad should have been in his face immediately showing him what he is missing.
  5. plus handoffs to a rb that is standing still probably are less effective than one where rb is moving when haded the ball.
  6. Daboll used fake sweeps and more motion. Dorsey uses Motion to move a guy from one side to other not to do like Miami does with timing the motion and take off with the snap
  7. hence why our receivers rank low on YAC> so many passes are low or not lead properly to get the YAC guy has to reach low or high and than secure before taking off.
  8. On one INT. Josh had easy first by just running however tries turning and throwing into double coverage 🤦‍♂️
  9. i never saw redzone as an option on the mix? Plus didnt see redzone as a view available. Next time not watching Bills game will check that. Overall I was impressed it worked much better than suspected it would. I do miss tuning my DVR to the channel and watching the specific pregame on say Bilsl channel especially when they break away to that specific game pregame stuff. Will miss that but lately been listening more to Sirius Bills feed pregame than in the past.
  10. I am hoping that the visiting team has the same kind of things go their way as last nights visiting team did against that other NEW JERSEY team.
  11. I have and always am cautious in my approach before a season. But after we demolished the reigning champs on opening night my enthusiasm was at peak. I felt we were unstoppable. The jets lost hurt and helped bring me back to my cautious views about upcoming games. I know the team was mentally spent at the end of last season it was clear in the narrow wins agains NE and Miami. The first series on Cincy game ended all my hope. I just hope we can put the best show possible versus having this hangover of how the season played out from November on. I will watch tonight with great hope and energy but just have a bad gut feeling about this year.
  12. they are a scary team when ya cant disrupt the timing. The use of motion and forward movement of the man in motion just prior to the snap shows spectacular timing of the designed play. Hoping our OC can figure out how to use motion like this. Our men in motion seem to always be just to move a guy from one spot to another not to create the mismatch of the snap while in motion.
  13. His receivers got open crazy, his OL protected great and moved defenders to allow Tua to see the middle of the field. The two throws to Hill at end of game were perfect placed . I think defense really have to focus on keeping pressure in the middle and keeping hands up some batted balls and hope for turnovers. BTW really hate Tyrek Hill
  14. Giants blew a great opening drive Maybe Dabol isn’t the genius. I do like the more motion he uses than his protege does
  15. Hope weather is better than giants game tonight
  16. He clearly was best player but chargers D blew it. On last Miami series chargers number 8 goes for big hit could have had pick 6 easily.
  17. Cb ints in end zone tries to run it out versus taking touch back. Ends up tackled at 3 chargers go 3 n out and out from own end zone. Next play Hill beats cb for a TD. Later on in game chargers lead have fins rattled 3 rd and long and agai hill beats them deep. Later in series again hill beats them for a TD. the chargers defense let Tua have ample time and left receivers free was Leslie Frazer consulting their D
  18. Not that I could figure out. But moving between games, being able to sort of choose the multiview ya wanted and move between the games was nice. The. The pip or fast swapping doesn’t exist. I am very surprised was expecting a disaster I had DTV since 1995 and I,love that I can pause a game in the YTTV app so I can sync Audi I want
  19. Overall I am pleased with the YTTV experience. If they add the edit multicast capability I think they have a winner. Overall,pleased with reliability had a few glitches in feeds but think it was the feed versus the application
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