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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. The law suit does not say the reporter who made the claims wasn't interviewed. It says Trotter wasn't interviewed. Which has no baring on the case, because he only heard of it second hand two years after it supposedly happened. But the ***** issue is that Trotter's law suit states as fact that Pegula made those statements, which he has no way of knowing is true. So you want to have your lawsuit laughed out of court? Build it on hear say and innuendo posing as fact.
  2. Trotter is basing his allegations on someone else who may be lying or misremembering. And he has no way of knowing for sure.
  3. No, Trotter asked the NFL to investigate 3 years ago, in 2020. The alleged remarks occured 5 years ago, in 2018. So to be clear, in 2020 Trotter heard a reporter claim that Terry said those things two years earlier, in 2018. Again, imagine walking into your HR office today, in 2023, and demanding that they investigate an executive at your company because one of your co-workers told you they said something racist in 2021. And then every week for months demanding to know what punishment was administered.
  4. Imagine if the Bills had taken AJ Brown instead of Cody Ford and paired him with Justin Jefferson? ☹️
  5. On 3rd & 5.
  6. Wow, so Trotter was demanding that the NFL investigate something he heard second hand two years after it allegedly happened? Can you imagine waking into your boss's office, or the HR office and saying "I heard from Bob that two years ago John said something that I find highly offense. You must investigate, and if you don't interview me for proof that it happened that means you're complicit!" The law suit also says that Trotter immediately demanded action be taken, and that he demanded action every week for months. So Trotter personally convicted Pegula, two years after the fact, based the word of a third party. And then demanded a punishment be dished out every week.
  7. I was looking at him as a possible Edmunds replacement. Thought he'd go in 4 or 5.
  8. I thought he was interesting.
  9. Here's the question I have, how much oxy was Rodgers on to express zero pain and stand up to try to walk off his ruptured Achilles? Or am I missing something?
  10. I think there's some truth to that. But also in Allen's best season the talent was much better. Diggs, Beasley's best season as a pro, a still competent Jon Brown, then Davis, Knox and McKenzie. Not to mention one of D Williams best seasons at RT. In fact, that was the one season in Allen's career that he had average or above average play at RT... So I think it's a talent issue as much as a fundamentals issue. Honestly, in the pre-game show they had a close up of Allen taking a shotgun snap, his eyes weren't looking at the ball at all. He was staring down field and caught the ball with his peripheral vision. I said to myself, that's going to cost him... and it literally did, he didn't look the ball all the way in on the fumble play. He peaked at Cook who he was going to ha d it off too before he had it secured. He was panicked and his mind was racing faster than his body, and certainly too fast to actually be aware of the situation.
  11. It's been said serval dozen times, Trotter's law suit reads like a statement of fact. But then the fine print actually says that 40 people heard it on a Zoom call from another reporter... on a Zoom call that Pegula was never on... So Trotter never heard Terry say anything, and is claiming that because the NFL never interviewed him about what he never heard Terry say that it is somehow proof that the NFL is protecting racist owners. I'm imagining how Trotter thinks that interview should have gone. NFL: Mr. Trotter, on the night in question what time did you arrive to dinner with Mr. Pegula Trotter: I've never had dinner with Mr. Pegula NFL: So you weren't in the room when the remarks you say Mr. Pegula uttered were supposedly made? Trotter: why does that matter? He's racist. NFL: How do you know that? Trotter: because he said racist remarks at a dinner. NFL: how could you know that, you weren't at the dinner? Trotter: because he's racist. NFL: And how do you know that? Trotter: because he made racist remarks at dinner... NFL: the dinner you were never at. Got it, I think we are done here. Trotter: so you're just sweeping this under the rug huh? See, I told you you were all racist!
  12. Who is the "unnamed" reporter that claims to have heard it first hand, and why are they afraid to speak up and demand Terry be held accountable? Sounds like a classic case of bull ***** to me. Actually can't tell if it's more chicken ***** than it is bull *****.
  13. So the league saying it was investigated, found nothing, but will look again is a contradiction? Sounds like a narrative someone made up for clicks.
  14. So Trotter is lying in so far as the law suit is the only place where he's made the allegation and he never actually insisted to the league that Terry in fact made those comments. Got it.
  15. Yet twice as many instances of, I heard it from a guy who heard it form a guy... so it must be true. Of course someone can harbor some racist thoughts, no matter who they marry. But the truth is nobody in this thread knows what he did or didn't say, and the person making the allegations admits he wasn't even there when they were supposedly uttered. I'll tell you what I find improbable, that a guy who owns a team of majority black players in a majority black league and has helped create generational wealth for dozens of black men thinks that black people should go back to Africa. That's standard white supremacist, "black people don't belong" in American language. If Terry Pegula thinks black people should go back to Africa he sure has a funny way of showing it.
  16. The lawsuit asserts it as a fact that Pegula said those things, and then only in the foot notes do you learn that Trotter never heard Pegula say them.
  17. No! That is not what the law suit says. The lawsuit says that on a Zoom call Trotter heard a reporter say that Pegula had said those things. Trotter never heard Terry say anything to that effect. He is insisting it is a fact that Terry said those things because someone else told him so. And the lawsuit goes on to claim it was swept under the rug because the NFL never interviewed Trotter in the investigation... Why would anything Trotter has to say have any bearing on the truth of what Terry did or didn't say? He wasn't there to hear anything. It goes back to the idea of, well I believe it's something someone like him would say. So there's no harm in me spreading a lie because everyone will believe it and no one will be able to prove I lied.
  18. Here's the problem for Trotter. His law suit doesn't allege Terry made the statement. It asserts it as fact. And then it turns out he wasn't in the room to have direct knowledge. So he is basing his statement of fact on somebody else's word. So no, he doesn't have to prove anything about Terry for his overall law suit against the NFL. However, he made a statement of fact that he has no direct evidence to know for certain if it is true or false. That's a very dangerous position to be in when the potential damage to Pegula is massive. He either must really trust his source to be 100% spot on, or not think there's any repercussions for being wrong.
  19. I believe Trotter is saying another reporter on a Zoom meeting relayed the allegation to 40 co-workers on the call.
  20. 40 corroborating witnesses to say they heard some reporter say they heard Terry say something three years ago at dinner that the 40 other reporters weren't at?
  21. Sauce was breaking on Kincaid, he didn't have Davis covered. Davis telegraphed his route the whole way and rounded his cut, which gave the S the time he needed to break underneath. Had Davis froze him for one step and made a sharp cut it was an easy completion.
  22. This was the one INT that wasn't on Allen. Davis ran a lazy route and didn't give the Safety the slightest indication that he might break inside. Not only did he not fake fake inside, then he rounds his out cut, both combined were the only reason the S had the time to undercut and make the pick.
  23. And I didn't misrepresent your sentiments in the previous post.
  24. I heard from another poster that you said all white billionaires should go back to Transylvania where they came from.
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