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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. OR, we could play a drive or two from under center. Like the whole drive. Pound the ball. Wear out their D Line. Take control of the game...
  2. Let's hope so. But I think there's a bit of a book on the Bills for underdogs. If you get in their face and get chippy early on it throws them off their game.
  3. Dorian Williams is looking like a heat seeking missile at times.
  4. Oh, geez. Who would have thought that Cook could run well from under center. I demand three straight shotgun draws!
  5. Why the f are we constantly playing out of shotgun when we only have 2 NFL wide receivers? The passing game works under center when we get nickel and dime packages off the field.
  6. We can run the ball effectively form under center too.
  7. Hey Dorsey, what are you doing running two plays from under center in a row? Get back into shotgun and don't come out of it for the rest of the night. /Sarcasm Off
  8. I'd like to parlay that, excelsior!
  9. Jets staying 500 keeps them from getting a top QB next year.
  10. Just curious, are you counting all of the people killed by the Taliban, the Baaths and ISIS in your tally? In other words, are we responsible for the deaths of the evil regimes we were fighting against? Two follow up questions, is Iraq as a nation better off now that it has a true democracy and has been ridden of Sadaam Hussein's butchers and ISIS? Are the Afghan people better off now under the Taliban than under US control?
  11. Here is a map of the Hamas military tunnel network. Many of them have entrances and exists in public and residential buildings, where they also store military hardware. IDF forces have been targeting buildings they have identified as part of the Hamas terror network. The difference between Israel and Hamas is that Israel has been calling residential buildings in advance of bombing to tell them to evacuate. Hamas is also blocking residents from evacuate. They do not care about the people of Gaza.
  12. Ok Fresh Prince of Palestine.
  13. Yes, unfortunately your grandfather was lying to you if he told you he was born in the country of Palestine.
  14. The Ottoman Empire? Palestine was never a country to be taken. The name itself refers to the land that the Philistines used to live in. It was a geographical region, like the mid-west, governed by the Ottoman Empire for 800 years until they lost World War I. The land that consisted of the region of Palestine became Jordan, Lebanon and parts of Syria and Iraq. The very notion of a "Palestinian" people was born out the the muslim refusal to accept a sovereign Israel. They claimed all of the land that comprises Israel, and the Palestinian identity emerged in opposition to Israel. Individual Arabs that now identify as Palestinians had their land taken, as a result of their attempt to destroy Israel. But they had no country to take. Let's be real. 90% of Palestine was turned into four different Arab states. Then the world demanded the remaining 10% be split into two states. Had the so called Palestinians accepted a two state solution in 1948 they would have a country of their own today. If they had accepted a two state solution in 1967 they would have a country of their own today. The same could be said of the 1970's, 80's, 90's and 2000's. The truth is they don't want peace. What they want is all of Israel to be theirs. What would I do if I was born there in the 1970's and may family had their home taken because they launched a war against Israel 10 years earlier and then continued global terror attacks for decades? I would have tried my best to get the f out of such a backwards, violent, hate filled hell hole. Edit: let me ask you a question. Why is it that none of the people criticizing Israel for their response are demanding Hamas release the hostages?
  15. Mistakes in the past? Missteps? That's what you call invading a nation in 1948? Ok. But then invading them again in 1967? Fool me once... Then the 70's were a decade of Palestinian global terror. The Munich Olympic massacre. Murdering full school buses of children. How many plane hijackings? Then resorting to mass suicide bombings throughout the 1980's and 90's targeting weddings, schools and women in the street? And now sending 5000 soldiers to target and murder as many civilians as possible? This wouldn't be happening today if Gaza's government didn't commit mass murder against women, children and the elderly last week. They wouldn't be in an "open air prison" for the last 15 years if they hadn't elected a terrorist organization to run Gaza. They wouldn't have been occupied in Gaza before that if they hadn't launched decades of suicide bombings and global terror attacks. What is it about the action of the Palestinians tells you that they actually want peace? Because everything about their actions show me they want death.
  16. Turns out Trump was right about the radical left. And now they are calling for Israel to be wiped off the map "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." 750,000 Palestinians driven from their own lands in 1948, when their people and five additional nations invaded Israel to bring about its destruction. Don't forget, they became refugees when they tried to wipe Israel off the map the moment it was recognized as a nation.
  17. Alternatively, I've wondered the same thing about Leonard Floyd.
  18. You do realize that the reason Israel created the world's largest open air prison is because the people of Gaza voted in a terrorist organization to run their government? An organization with a Constitution proclaiming the total destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews? If you had a neighbor who's central mission was to kill your entire family and take all of your property, don't you think building a wall around them to keep them in would be wise? The pro Palestine demonstrations on the streets throughout our cities have been shouting "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." That means they are calling for the total destruction of Israel. Erasing it from the map from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean. And they add a line about drowning all of the Jews in the sea... This is an age old statement, but its as true now as ever. If the Palestinians laid down their weapons today, there would be peace tomorrow. If the Israeli's laid down their weapons today, Israel would be destroyed tomorrow.
  19. Could have fooled me.
  20. Gaza shares a border with Egypt. Why won't their Muslim brothers take them in?
  21. Hamas's charter says they will not negotiate a settled peace with Israel. And their stated goal is the death of every jew and the destruction of Israel as a nation. Demanding that Israel negotiate a two state solution with such a political entity is the definition of insanity. And these types of attacks nothing new. They've used a long standing strategy to provoke Israel into attacking Hamas targets with the hopes of Israel killing as many Palestinian civilians as possible. They literally want to sacrifice enough dead Palestinian civilians that the world will turn against Israel and give them enough support to destroy Israel as a nation. These are not poor oppressed people acting out of decades of frustration. This is a murderous evil force intentionally bringing death and destruction on their own people with the hopes of gaining enough support so that they can once and for all destroy Israel and kill all of the Jews.
  22. I don't think Bryant is signed anywhere right now.
  23. He didn't say Prescott is a tier 4 QB. He said the 49ers defense made him look like one. Which, if you were watching that game, isn't a lie.
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