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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. Communism is so 80's... Meanwhile: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/fbi-china-hack-infrastructure
  2. Believing made up information is how we got to this point. That much we agree on. For one, the million hours that CNN, MSNBC and other networks spent over the last eight years talking about Trump being a Russian asset was based on made up information. The real Russian misinformation campaign that was used to effect the 2016 election was paid for by Clinton's campaign. When they paid Steele to pay the FSB for dirt on Trump, the Russians were more than happy to supply Russian misinformation. Which the media reported as truth up to this day. But you don't care.
  3. Your schtick is stuck on repeat into an echo chamber. You're winning the demographic that still believes you can't get Covid if you get vaccinated and wear a mask. Meanwhile you can't comprehend how your fascist leftist movement looks to the rest of the country because you've convinced yourself that every Trump supporter, like Fire Chief Corey Compatore, is the same as the mentally ill person who just got arrested for making death threats.
  4. You're a boy, so you have a uterus. Thus the need for tampons. Got it!
  5. You're like the Borg trying to make Picard say that 1 + 1 = 3. If students menstruate then they have a:
  6. "There's nothing new" while we're both typing to each other on smart phones manufactured in communist China that track everything we do and everywhere we go.
  7. The fundamental thing I missed from 2016-2023 that explains Trump's popularity turns out to be very simple. He has made it ok for regular Americans to love their country again. The slanderous charges that he's a white supremacist and a Russian asset are angry reactions to the idea that America is a net good for the world and worthy of love. For the people who have been programmed to hate America and only be critical of our history, Trump stands for everything they loathe. Having communist meeting fliers placed in my neighborhood by the same people who took over multiple college campuses within three miles of my house, while watching them with my own eyes cheer Iran's missile launch and chant "death to Israel, death to America" clarifies things. And then to see a 1/3 of democrats wish that Trump had been killed, and another third claim he staged the shooting while completely discounting what Trump's supporters must be going through has made things crystal clear. We are dealing with a deranged left that has talked themselves into a delusional state of rage based on the distorted and false narratives that they have reinforced as true within their own bubble for the last 8 years. And they have no ability to see reality outside their own bubble. Which means they don't see how ***** weird they have become. As someone who hasn't voted for a Republican this century, I'm at the point where voting for Trump seems like the most normal thing I could do.
  8. He's absolutely right, if Kamala decided she needs to get rid of him he'll never see it coming.
  9. Wax on... wax... on....
  10. Sucks he had to have his left arm amputated!
  11. Please tell me that's not a real video.
  12. It's preseason as well for end of the world game day thread analysis. Dudes are just getting their whining chops limber.
  13. Running across the rooftop in front of the windows of the building behind where local PD and Secret Service snipers were located.
  14. It's basically Black Mirror, Season 2 Episode 3 - The Waldo Moment
  15. Let's be honest. Our party is the party of Super Delegates who rig our primaries to select the Presidential candidate the DNC wants. Our party is the party that controls the campaign talking points issues to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC nearly every day in order to spin the news cycle in our party's favor. It's as bad or worse as Fox News during the W years. Our party's super delgate and DNC rigged primary front runner put out taking points to all of the main stream press to urge them to spotlight Trump in 2016 in order to push the R's nominee far right. As a result, Trump got hundreds of billions of media coverage for his 2016 election. Our party are masters of election rigging and interference.
  16. I thought that too, until it became apparent that the same antifa hordes that burned our cities in 2020, and took over campuses in 2024 while cosplaying as Palestinians believe they are the communist revolution that will destroy the American way of life. It's not my words, it's their words.
  17. Carry on posting "funny" memes about couches and dolphins that barley work on a third grade level.
  18. Your mom's so ugly... How ugly is she??? Your mom's so ugly she could only get a dolphin to **** her in her blow hole.
  19. That's a level above the "JD Vance has sex with couches" meme.
  20. Your mom just got off the couch
  21. I'd rather bang a couch than your mother... Is that how this works?
  22. You're lucky if you test at elementary school level, from your recent posts.
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