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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. Up up and away, Super Bowl Man!
  2. It seemed like after we got Cooper and Coleman going downfield, it opened up the quick wr screens to Shakir that haven't been that successful since the Ravens game.
  3. Hand shake deal with Beane at halftime?
  4. He blasted Pollard helmet to helmet and likely knocked him out of the game with a concussion.
  5. Well, Mason is going to struggle throwing into the 20 mph wind now.
  6. Run the ball, use play action. Run the ball again.
  7. Brian Thomas Jr. is a true #1, a big, fast physical boundary receiver that who is a massive deep threat and Red Zone monster. He's on pace for 1,300 yards and 10 TD's. And Trevor Lawrence is his QB. I shed a single tear over what could have been.
  8. Sure, people can be sucked into any number of ideologies ect. Only the left has been censoring / banning things like scientific research and expert opinion that doesn't confirm to their desired worldview. From Johns Hopkins epidemiologists studies that didn't conform to desired Covid policy to Northwestern University psychological research that doesn't confirm people are happier and healthier after sex change operation. Government power / pressure to remove "uncomfortable truths" from public discourse is pretty damn Orwelian, particularly when combined with most major media outlets merging with the same left wing government.
  9. You're talking to someone who has never voted for a Republican candidate for President in my life. I voted for Obama twice, Hillary and Joe. The problem is that you can't see how recent technological advances in brainwashing via algorithm / bubble censorship is leading to a left wing 1984 possibility. I didn't post a screaming man video. I posted an Orwell clip where society was made to hate one man, made to blame all problems of society on one man, and made to turn their rage loose on one man. All done as a means of social control over that society. Trump is your Goldstein.
  10. Here's the thing-- if he doesn't get over his shyness and denounce ranch dressing soon, then I worry about his future in Buffalo. We should be very concerned.
  11. You literally just posted Nazi propaganda with the implication that it's representative of Trump and or "his side".
  12. You. You've been in an untethered alternate reality bubble for the last 8 years. I was in that same bubble for the last 4-5 years. You don't realize how insane you and "your side" has become because you've been fed non-stop wall to wall lies by your bubble. So much so that you have gotten to the point where your mind is conditioned to grasp at any straw to explained why your side is right on every issue and the "other side" is wrong on every issue. The idea that Trump is a Nazi is just as slanderous and just as much of a lie as it was that he's a Russian asset. Both lies were built and perpetuated by the same alternate reality bubble that you're stuck in. I hope you're able to get your feet back on the ground and realize the lies you've been fed are rotting your perception of reality.
  13. Waiting for an official Harris campaign two minutes for hate against Donald Trump:
  14. ☝️sounds like a guy who's mad that his wife or his wife's lover might be voting for Trump.
  15. Someone needs to sit him down, hopefully after his stint as HC of the Dolphins, and explain to him that smoking marijuana means he isn't clean or sober.
  16. I want Bishop on the field, but I also don't see how Edwards isn't a better option than Hamlin. I think this goes back again to "guys McDermott trusts" bring more important to the HC than player talent. And it's not necessarily about trusting guys to make plays. But trusting guys to cover the blades of grass McDermott's system calls for.
  17. I hope so! I don't believe everything I think. Those were just a few thoughts I had while watching his presser.
  18. Exactly, I'm not saying Sean didn't sign off on it. Just that I believe it was Beane's idea to push for it, not Sean pushing for it.
  19. We've had this whole McBeane thing for awhile. Like they are tied at the hip and the same mind. The truth is, Beane is Sean's boss. It's Beane's job to get the best talent for the team. Sean has final say on who makes the 53 based on the talent provided by Beane. I'm not saying Sean was against the pickup. But I think getting a better wr becaise it is a weakness is Beane's job. Whether Sean thinks so or not.
  20. This is just my perception, but I got the impression that this trade wasn't his idea. Or his call. And he came off as being hurt. Not that he said anything to indicate that he was overruled. But I have a hunch that this was Beane's call. Maybe Sean's emotional demeanor during his pressor had nothing to do with the acquisition. But I'd love to have been a fly on the wall to have heard how that process went down... Also, with Brady calling plays and packages, I'm guessing Sean also doesn't have control over how quickly and how often Cooper gets his number called. And if the OC wants him on the field, does he really have any business shutting that down? 1000% speculation on my part.
  21. Where's the mandatory new player blue cheese vs. ranch dressing crucible already?
  22. That's what I thought too, but I haven't been following these details as closely as others.
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