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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. What law school did you go to? In any event, she made her whole Twitter account private. But just to clarify, you think the embarrassing aspect of this ordeal is the crisis management letter written by her attorney? Stating the fact that Southern University is an historically black college and has been ABA accredited since 1953 is going nuts and playing the race card? And it's cool in your book to compare people's intelligence to farm animals? That's how intelligent people communicate?
  2. And with his brother! Which is not surprising, because his wife's lawyer went to Southern University.
  3. And the conclusion you draw is that there's little surprise she'd be in this embarrassing situation because of the law school her lawyer went to. I stand corrected, you're thoughts on the subject are flawless sir. Good day.
  4. That's your take away, that Southern University, a historically black college that has been ABA accredited since 1953, is a "toilet law school?" And that no one should be surpassed that an embarrassment like this would happen if your lawyer was from Southern University?
  5. Did you actually listen to what he said? He said people people who are infected need to wear masks. This was also over a mo the ago, and he was trying to stop people from buying up all of the medical masks. I'll stop wearing a mask in public when I can get a test and know I'm not infected.
  6. As opposed to the walking cliché of right wing, bitter criticism springing from a delusional sense of moral and intellectual superiority?
  7. True, and Stidham isn't lighting anything up this year.
  8. Maybe you skipped over the whole string of douche baggery and cult like responses leading up to it.
  9. Give me Projection for $100 Alex! A guy who thinks he knows the depths of who I am from a few posts about corona virus is calling me extreme and programmed. Alrighty.
  10. You sound like a David Koresch want to be.
  11. Naw man, too much douche baggary in one day... I get it though, people get their dopamine hit from taking out their frustrations on others... Not into it as it turns out.
  12. Only when there's still a blizzard.
  13. Enjoy you're stomping ground. Glad I stopped by to talk to such reasonable people! Enjoy.
  14. What are you talking about. Some self described deranged Rhino made the claim that social we've never had polices like this before. We have.
  15. cloth masks aren't intended to keep you from gettgin sick. They are intended for you to not leave respiratory particles in public spaces if you are sick. And since you can have the virus and have no symptoms, it's not about virtue signally at all. It's about giving a ***** about other people.
  16. So when I say that similar social distance measures happened before, that means i want to burn people at the stake. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/47691908/the-des-moines-register/ The Desmoines Register is also a totally bat ***** crazy unhinged liberal rag when they published this public notice in 1918.
  17. And then there's the group who think this is all engineered by Bill Gates so he can force vaccines on people and murder 1/3 or the planet. True story.
  18. Being shunned and locked in a closet are your words... But the type of social distancing / quarantine we are implementing now is exactly what they did in 1918. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/03/how-cities-flattened-curve-1918-spanish-flu-pandemic-coronavirus/
  19. It's the first time in history, as long as you know nothing about history.
  20. Right, because militarizing the police force has been a wonderful idea! The party of law and order (as as long as it only applies to those people.)
  21. The virus is real. Rational people can disagree about the what they think the best course of action is. But there's a whole lot of irrationality at play, and dangerous people screaming about civil war.
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