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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. Look at you focusing exclusively at a single minor point that may have some plausibility while ignoring the massive glaring indictments.
  2. You're imputing motive with no evidence other than concocting a reason that makes your side in the right. Perhaps they wanted to do it at a point in time after which non-citizens could no longer register to vote after the process?
  3. This is you proving you don't have the ability to analysis information outside of the narrative your political bubble has spewed on repeat. He said there were very fine people on both sides, "and I'm not talking about the neo-nazis and the white supremacists. They should be repudiated completely." He also never used the word bleach, he used the word disinfectant. And he clarified that he was talking about disinfecting contaminated surfaces. Now let's do your side. Your side said Covid was transmitted from surfaces and you had to wash everything like your name was Howard Hughes. The truth is that Covid was never spread from surface contact. You're side said all healthy people need to shelter in place and socially distance because the death rate was so high. The truth is that the death rate was very low for healthy people. Your side pretended like Covid was a civilization ending event that would be with us for years, but then pretended like Trump could have cured the virus in the first 6 months if he wasn't orange. Your side said if you take the vaccine you can't get Covid and you can't spread Covid. The truth is that for healthy people, having natural immunity prevents further infections far better than being vaccinated. And let's not even begin to count the number of deaths of people who have been vaxed and boosted. Your side said it was racist to look into the lab origin leak following a Corona virus outbreak next door to the Wuhan Corona Virus lab that specializes in gain of function research on Corona viruses. You clearly do not realize how much brainwashing we have all been subjected to.
  4. Somewhere out there a concerned citizen is filing a lawsuit demanding AI enter the word "frickin" into its dictionary in order to avoid such horrific future tragedy.
  5. Of course it's a good thing. It's just not that hard to believe that a small number of dishonest brokers could enable fraudulent activity, especially to keep their own corrupt system in place.
  6. Did they put a noose around her neck and pour bleach on her too?
  7. You seem like someone who is unfamiliar with the possability of institutional corruption. Which is rather odd, given that you live in the land of Maddigan, Ed Burke, Blagojevich, and on and on.
  8. Also, no Bills fans were outraged enough to make this news worthy. Talk about cheap click bate.
  9. Who cares? Nobody is typing the captions live. It's ai generated on the fly. The computer thought "that-frickin' guy" sounded like that African guy.
  10. A 7th for Dexter Lawrence if they pay his salary?
  11. Schefter Breaking News!
  12. Defenses have been begging us to attack them like this for years! @Sierra Foothills and I have had several convos over the years about how reluctant Josh has been to throw short, on time and on rhythm. It was the weakest part of game. It was like he'd hold the ball for the bigger play until the last second, and then reluctantly throw underneath after effectively telegraphing it. This season he's been excellent throwing immediately to the wr's and rb's underneath or in the flats. The ability to move the sticks consistently with the quick, underneath passing game is what pulls defences (along with the running game) out of the 2 high safety looks. And that's when you can attack the intermediate and deep zones more effectively. Now with the additional of Cooper, they're building a multi-dimensional offense that can beat you a number for ways.
  13. Flag on the play.
  14. Seeing the Rooney's and the Mara's chatting it up, it made me wonder... Am I the only one who didn't know that Rooney Mara is part of both families?
  15. What if the Bills had taken Mean Joe Greene instead of OJ Simpson and built the Steel Curtain instead of the Electric Company? Or how about Dwight Freeney instead of Mike Williams in 02'? I can keep going!
  16. I see they didn't post her answer. Was it: A. I was born in a middle class family... B. I didn't just fall out of a coconut tree... C. We can be unburdened by what has been. D. All of the Above
  17. Nobody laughed at Hinchcliff's jokes. Yet somehow it's proof of whatever they say about anybody but Tony Hinchcliff?
  18. Javon Solomon is going to be a play maker
  19. Making the d focus on him to open up the coverage for everyone else?
  20. She failed the bar exam the first time.
  21. I voted for Biden, and Clinton before him. I was just as appalled by the way Fox News became a mouth piece for the Bush admin and the war in Iraq as I am how the entire liberal media has become a mouth piece for the DNC in the war on Trump.
  22. I never listened to the Rogan podcast until a few years ago. I was out to dinner in my ultra liberal neighborhood, and these two women had a long conversation at the table next to me about how terrible it is that Joe Rogan is allowed to have a Pod Cast. And how the government should step in and cancel his show. Been listening off and on ever since.
  23. That's the thing about clear and obvious. It will be clear and obvious to anyone who knows the rule... The fask mask that wasn't called on the field was a clear and obvious personal foul upon video review.
  24. Clear and obvious personal fouls should be subject to immediate booth review and correction.
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