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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. For sure. Israeli scientists are putting a breath test into trials that can tell within 60 secs if a person is infected. I'm hoping a similar test can be created for infectious particles. If this works, I'd hope the NFL uses them and has stations setup where you take the breath tesr in order to get into the facility. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-13-2020/
  2. What if they developed a football helmet that tests for expelled infectious particles?
  3. New research is suggesting that the majority of people who are infected aren't contagious, and that small percentage of people are "super spreaders." I'm hoping we can develop a test to determine who is contagious. Scientists are saying that about 10% of infected people are responsible for 80% of infections. That there's a minority of people who give off 10 times more infectious particles when they breathe and talk than the majority of infected people, and that the majority of infected people don't infect anyone else. There's a measure of viral load emitted when you speak that can be measured, and that's perhaps what we should be testing. [Mod Edit: Hi, if you wish general discussion of covid and recent learnings, the OTW covid discussion thread and the PPP covid threads are at your service. I would personally be very interested in the references to the above-stated new research if you cared to share it in one of the OTW threads, because all the research of which I'm aware indicates that all infected people, including those infected asymptomatically, can spread covid-19. I haven't seen "scientists saying" 10% of infected people are responsible for 80% of infections - With the majority of infections it's my understanding we currently don't know how they were acquired!!!] However, please try to keep discussion on TSW as football-relevant - Thanks!]
  4. He was 31st in pass attempts per game last year. I can see him averaging 5 more attempts per game. If he also improves his completion percent to 62%, that puts him over 3,800.
  5. Polarized bickering aside, it would be great if we were able to develop a test to identify when someone was acting as a "super spreader" and shift into quarantining them when they are infectious. Also, shut up when you're taking to me! (Being loud spreads more virus than talking softly!?!) https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/why-do-some-covid-19-patients-infect-many-others-whereas-most-don-t-spread-virus-all
  6. I listened, and I'm interested in hearing the full unedited version.
  7. In my best Cliff Clavin impersonation, " 'without evidence' in dat dare Business Insider article, refers to Mr. Rudy Googalinani..."
  8. Reckless driving is for excessive speeding. It's a separate type of charge than a DWI. And since it was one of the reasons cited for pulling him over, I'm wondering why he wasn't charged with it? One possibility is that he wasn't actually speeding.
  9. Got it. Same principle could apply for the initial call. And I'm still curious why he wasn't hit with a reckless driving if he was going 35mph over the speed limit.
  10. Was it a lie that Flynn was paid $500,000 to lobby for Trump on behalf of Turkey and he failed to disclose?
  11. I can not think of a greater conspiracy in the history of the United States of America than the outgoing President, his Vice President, the heads of the CIA and FBI asking for the name of an American citizen who talked to the Russian Ambassador to the United States about future American policy towards Russia! This is bigger than Dick Chaney fabricating evidence to invade Iraq! Bigger than the NSA under George W. Bush recording every phone call of every American. This is bigger than Bill Clinton having sexual relations with an intern in the Oval Office. This is bigger than the Regan administration selling weapons to Iran to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. How Dare President Barrack HUSSEIN Obama think he has the right to know the identity of an American citizen practicing their God Given Right to negotiate foreign policy with the Russian Ambassador!?!
  12. I don't disagree with this. I wonder if Mahomes will be in position to make more money form endorsements and go the Brady route in order to win as many rings as he can. It's the Aaron Rodgers conundrum. He'll probably only end up with one ring through his whole career because the team around him wasn't good enough. And he has no one to blame but himself.
  13. Yeah, at this point I want to see evidence that he was actually doing 80 mph and swerving in and out of lanes. If they have evidence, why wasn't he charged with reckless driving? I'm wondering if the officer's car that observed him has a camera? It turns out it was around 9pm, not 4 in the morning. Someone spotted him and called the police? I'm not saying Ed wasn't speeding and swerving. But it wouldn't be the first time someone called the cops on someone because they thought he looked suspicious driving a nice vehicle.
  14. Did you see Paul Rudd's Living with Yourself on Netflix?
  15. He didn't blow up because he couldn't wear a coat. The coach was being a dick to Oliver and Oliver didn't seem to take it well. He took it as a big ***** you, I don't care about you. Ed let him know how he felt about that.
  16. .04 is still chargeable, no?
  17. Open container is a misdemeanor in Texas, which in and of itself makes the gun possession a misdemeanor. Even without DUI, these are arrestable offenses.
  18. The true measure of this story is going to be determined by how Ed responds. Does he take full responsibility for his actions and take whatever measures he needs to take to ensure he never puts himself in position to let himself and his teammates down again?
  19. I still call it Rich ssometimes and other times the Ralph. Does anybody actually call it New Era Field? Still, that's a good fit for the Bills. And at least it isn't Mighty Taco Field.
  20. Congress can pass Vote by Mail security regulations without forcing states to enact Vote by Mail.
  21. The House bill(s) on vote by mail DID required signature verification to match the signature on the voter registartion card as mentioned in this news clip. Ronna is misstating the facts, the bill would have gotten rid of mandatory notarization by a third party, not signature verification. The bill would also mandate that postal workers only deliver ballots to mailboxes where the postal worker verifies the person lives there, limiting the potential for loose ballots to be floating around. The dem bill also prohibited ballot harvesting by paid workers. There's still time for Congress to implement security features before the November election, but Senate Republicans have balked. If you think vote by mail is a grand dem conspiracy, then I suggest you contact you representative and ask them to pass vote by mail legislation that includes security features.
  22. Sometimes other people see us differently than we see ourselves.
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