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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. On a personal note, I believe in absolute truth too. I do not happen to believe that absolute truth resides within the ephemeral world, within the world of change and appearance. And that is the world, the relative world of change, that gives birth to language. All language changes and evolves. Absolute truth by definition is unchangeable. So we negotiate the meaning of words because all words are inventions of the human mind.
  2. When you deemphasize black and white, you can begin to see there are shades of grey. And yet many proponents of disbanding want to then reconstituted police departments under community policing standards.
  3. As someone who appreciates word origins, in a cursory review, the first known usage of the word "defund" appears to have occurred in 1948. Like all words, someone made it up by using it. Why are you so admit that partial defunding is not a real concept?
  4. "to withdraw funding"... does not necessarily mean "to withdraw ALL funding." To use in a sentence-- Los Angeles is defunding the LAPD in the amount of $150 million dollars.
  5. The head of the Minneapolis city council said their plan is the disband the current department and to reconstitute a new department organized around better principles. Other cities want to reduce funding from the police department and shift that money to community supports. The concept of police abolishment is like a utopia, they both go hand in hand and are not possible and won't happen.
  6. This article explains. Reading between the lines, disbanding the police department breaks the back of the unions that stand in the way of reform and accountability. Camden disbanded their department and reconstructed a new one. Minneapolis city council is planning on disbanding the current police force and following a similar path as Camden: https://www.citylab.com/equity/2018/01/what-happened-to-crime-in-camden/549542/
  7. The police in Minneapolis isn't going to be disbanded. A 15% shift in funding will seem slightly more palatable to the police department in light of the vote to disband.
  8. Thanks for the detailed reply. I searched for raw video of the Hawthorne PD bodycam but couldn't find it posted publicly. The first time I watched this video, I did not see a gun. Looking again with your input, I'm not convinced either way. One of the reasons why bodycam policy was enacted was to provide transparency in the course of police work. It's troubling that the shooting officer's PD requests all bodycams turned off prior to the search of the suspect, who is on the ground and deceased. It would provide clarity on the situation if the search of Mr. Ross happens on camera. I'm wondering if there is a longer version available that shows the pockets being searched, or was the last bodycam turned off prior to that search? On the one hand, if the video does exist, and it shows a gun being pulled from the pocket, the people who produced the video should be held accountable and should be sued for defamation. On the other, if all cams go dark prior to the search of his pockets, it appears like both police departments are providing cover for the shooting officer in the event that no gun is found on Mr. Ross. Why request to turn off all cams prior to the search?
  9. Exactly. The cowboys sneak was epic, and the way he got face masked and then launched for the 1st down against one of Belichick's best defenses was pretty spectacular.
  10. I mean, he had two of the greatest qb sneaks of all time last season.
  11. I revised. The argument is that there are systemic problems, not a few bad apples.
  12. This video is difficult to watch, but appears to show police department coverup of the murder of a black man. I'd love to hear @billsfan1959 point of view as a LEO. Is this justified? If so, how? If not, can you see how this type of coverup makes is indicative of systemic problems in law enforcement that lend credence to the conception that the system protects officers how commit unjust killings?
  13. Except the groups advocating "defund the police" are not formally asking for no police. They are asking for 45 million out of a 200 million budget to be reallocated to community mental health and community crisis services. They'll probably get 50%-75% of their ask. Despite what some people yelled into microphones, what they are asking for are community resources to handle non-criminal crisis instead of using the police as community managers.
  14. The way Cheney made high level decisions without consulting or informing W was complete and utter bull####. Biden's going to delegate authority, and hopefully won't surround himself with anyone as vile Cheney.
  15. I don't see anyone anywhere abolishing the police. So the call to defund can only reasonably be viewed as partial, not whole. Similar to deinstitutionalization, not all of the pysch hospitals were closed, and some of the budget from the closed institutions were reinvested in community mental health centers. I know there are people that want abolishment of the police just like there are people who want abolishment of all psychiatric hospitals. What is going to happen, in some localities, is a shift in police budget into the community... As far as No Chance Joe, you might have a point had Dick Cheney not established the VP role as defacto president. Biden's VP and cabinet will basically going to run the show, and everyone knows that... And yes, when it came down to Biden v Sanders the party elites threw their weight behind a life long insider who is committed to neo-liberal economics. No surprise there, that's who they are.
  16. The mayor of Minneapolis ***** his pants in that moment. He also interpreted the request to defund as a request to abolish. He could have said he would commit to reinvest a portion of the police budget into the black community, and offer to sit down with the community to listen to their funding priorities... As far as Sleepy Joe, I had zero excitement or faith in his candidacy. Don't get me started... After the past week, I think most Americans would prefer Biden take a nap in the Oval Office for the next four years. I'd vote for Mr. Potato Head at this point. How's this -- Sleepy Joe, because America needs a nap... Sleepy Joe-- because we're ***** exhausted...
  17. The NYPD's budget is $6 billon per year. Could they do their job with $5 billion per year? Probably.
  18. No, it's racist to bring up gang and criminal violence in the black community to excuse unjust violence and murder of black men by police. Yes, both forms of violence are wrong. Forgive me if this doesn't apply to you, but I hear "what about black on black crime, what about murders in Chicago" so often from white dudes who don't live in a black community or anywhere near Chicago that it makes me wonder if they really give a flying f about violence there. Similarly with the argument: how come nobody ever talks about black on black crime? That's usually another sign that the person doesn't live anywhere near or talk regularly with people who live and work in black communities. You probably have no idea how much it is talked about and how much effort is put into dealing with it if you don't live there or work there. Police brutality and inner city violence are both plagues in the black community. Both are wrong. The last time I checked, street gangs and drug cartels that operate through our nation's cities don't abide by the Constitutional requirement to offer a redress of grievances. Forgive me again if this is not you, but it seems like people often use the existence of gang violence in the black community as an argument against there being substance to the redress of grievance as it pertains to police violence. So yes, those folks are part of the problem. One part...
  19. The Chicago PD budget is 1.6 billion per year.
  20. It's a local issue for local communities to decide. A case can be made for shifting budgets to address non-criminal community issues that too often police are called to resolve. Abolish the police? No. Stop asking police to do the jobs of social workers? Maybe. The devil's on the details.
  21. Good! The majority of cops won't resign, and will continue to do their jobs of protecting and serving. You know who will resign? The proverbial bad apples who are going ape ***** over police accountability. They are the minority in law enforcement who abhor the idea of police accountability. Good riddance!
  22. Mob violence to rip down statues isn't the way to deal with it. But let's be clear, many of these Confederate statues were erected by Segregationist states during Jim Crow as a symbol of white rule. Placed in the center of town squares and at capital buildings during Segregation, they were symbols of power. White power over black lives. That's the history of many of these statues.
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