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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. Or national company doing business locally. Telsa Turf... SolarCity Stadium...
  2. I'm tellin use guys, Frank's RedHot Field, home of Bills Mafia is the best possible outcome.
  3. How about Frank's Red Hot Field, home of the Bills Mafia?
  4. Oh man, maybe Trump can get a great deal?
  5. There's a certain food company based out of the west side. What was their name again? Oh yeah, Rich Stadium!
  6. Considering the name Bills originally came from a fan naming contest, it only makes sense that we're talking about what we think would be a better name for the team than the first name of a guy named Bill. Side note, good thing Nickels didn't win, which was a finalist along with Blue Devil's. In any case, what's more Buffalo than: The Buffalo Blizzard? Or a football related name: the Buffalo Blitz. Rex would have went with The Buffalo Bullies. Personally, I'm kinda partial to the Buffalo Bastards. If they wanted to sell the naming rights of the team they could deepen the relationship with Labatts and go with: The Buffalo Blues (and turn the helmet onto a giant beer can. ) But in the end, I don't think Bills is going anywhere.
  7. And none of the posts in the reddit thread with the pics link back to the store's webpage. Wonder why? It's called photoshop.
  8. I believe that race based discrimination and class based discrimination have the same root.
  9. Both and, not either or.
  10. This is an ALL OR NOTHING fallacy... The shooter didn't kill everyone, therefore he didn't kill anyone. Except the same industry that practiced redlining did not give the same loans to black people as white people with the same income.
  11. What about discrimination in lending?
  12. That's just not true. Look, Brown vs Board of Education happened in 1954. Most schools in the US weren't desegregated until the 1980's. The housing, mortgage and loan polices that were deeply discriminatory, and a major reason for the disparity in wealth were in effect well through the 90's. The effects are still massive.
  13. It's the fault of discriminatory policies that favored white people.
  14. The effect of the historical practice is still massive today for a number of reasons. And property taxes in Chicago are still highly regressive, with people on the South and West sides paying taxes way over assessed compared to homeowners on the Northside and corporations. Btw, property taxes are collected by Cook County, not the city of Chicago. https://www.chicagotribune.com/investigations/ct-tax-divide-investigation-20180425-storygallery.html
  15. 1. Federally insured home loans. My grandparents on both sides were able to buy houses in the 1960's with low interest, federally subsidized mortgages in "good" neighborhoods. They bought those houses for around $15,000, and passed them down to us when the combined value was about $500,000. Black people were not afforded access to low interest, federally subsidized mortgages from the 1940's through the 1990's, and those who could get mortgages paid much higher interest rates and were redlined into only certain neighborhoods . The total wealth from the equity of those homes that white working and middle class families were able to pass on amounts to billions of dollars. This white privilege is one of several reasons there is an enormous wealth gap. 2. Property Taxes For black homeowners, on average they pay far higher property taxes in cities than white homeowners in white neighborhoods. Still exists in most big cities today. So not only are black people more likely to get stuck with higher interest rates than white people of the same income, but will pay a higher property tax than their white counterparts. The "rational" reason city and county politicians throughout the country decided to over tax black people and under tax white people was this idea, black people can't flee the city, and they want to keep white people from fleeing the city... I'll just leave these two.
  16. That's the nature of political discourse in our country, look for any way someone might be wrong and ignore all the ways they may be right.
  17. The Nazi's are the good guys in this conspiracy theory. Must be true.
  18. Growing up in WNY, I've had this conversation hundreds of times. This is such a Buffalonian conversation. It's also such a white conversation. Have any of you guys ever asked any of your black friends this question?
  19. Do you any of the knee jerkers on here even care to know anything about the actual song itself? Even care for a single moment that it's a deeply Christian song that ties faith in God to love of country and forgiveness for the plight of slavery? That it is actually a song of healing and unity?
  20. That's not really an implication. It's pretty much historically accurate. Black people didn't have rights as citizens when the national anthem was written, and there's an unsung verse that threatens black people with death who fought for their freedom against slavery. Black people had 0 input into what the national anthem should be, and it was only enacted as the national anthem by executive order of a KKK admiring democratic president. Playing the song in question, which is deeply spiritual and far more Christian than Francis Scott Keys tune is no different than singing God Bless America before a game... The third verse is very poignant: God of our weary yearsGod of our silent tearsThou who has brought us thus far on the wayThou who has by Thy mightLed us into the lightKeep us forever in the path, we prayLest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met TheeLest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget TheeShadowed beneath Thy handMay we forever standTrue to our GodTrue to our native land
  21. Clinton's toast, just like Prince Andrew. Now let's talk about Maxwell recruiting underage girls out of Trump's Mar-a-Lago.
  22. There's nearly 10 million people who live in the Chicagoland area. If it were a state, it would rank #11 by population, just behind Michigan and in front of New Jeresey. Chicagoland has the population of 10 Erie Counties. Each of those shootings is a tragedy, but the idea that gang shootings in Chicago proves whatever narrative BS you think it does is asinine.
  23. I think there's a two pronged approach to address the issue of police brutality and accountability, one on the federal level and one on the local level. Both Republicans and Democrats are working on their own version of bills to address the issues at the federal level. In this election year it will be a miracle if anything happens, but the fact that both parties are working on it says something. On the local level, if there are localities with black communities that want to reprioritize funding into the community, create new training requirements and create processes of accountability, then that's all right with me. Total abolishment of the police in the name of a police free society is a pipe dream. Disbanding a specific police force because of their history of corruption and reconstituting a new police department may be the only some communities rebuild trust between the community and the police. And without being held accountable to anyone else's desires or wishes, it's my hope that as the dust settles from this unrest, police in communities effected by a long history of violence find a way to rebuild trust and work for the communities they protect and serve.
  24. It was one of those situations where the trailer was way better and funnier than the first episode. It felt forced, a great concept that didn't take the time to be the best version of itself before it went to production. It has 40% on Rotten Tomatoes right now. I gave up after the first episode, but maybe I'll give it another go. The theory is that Greg Daniels work is character driven so his series start out slow and get stronger. Well, I also think the tone and comedy of ineptitude running through it works better with mundane settings like Dunder Miflin and the Park Dept... I imagine your project had a very different tone, somewhere between the Right Stuff and Star Trek?
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