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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. The story actually broke at least by June 3rd. And then more details emerge July 29th. The Bills were made aware that Araiza was at the center of these accusations on 7/30. (If you run out of free articles the LA Times will still open in an incognito tab) 6/3 details: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-03/sdsu-san-diego-state-football-players-claim-rape-girl 7/29 details: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-07-29/teenager-recounts-alleged-rape-by-san-diego-state-football-players
  2. Fair enough to say that its an assumption on my part to say the Bills hoped this wouldn't come to light. A counter assumption I've seen posted by several people is that the Bills did their due diligence, know more than we know and are standing by their player. But as far as what the Bills owe us, 850 million for the stadium and ticket and merchandise revenue say we are owed a full explaining of what they knew and when, And what their thought process was at the various stages. I get that's not going to happen right away, but there's no way in the world they don't have some splainin to do.
  3. I'd really like to track down the supposed Twitter account that was created in December 2021 that was used launch these accusations against Araiza and other members of his team. There were also CBS reports about the SDS football teams involvement in a rape much early than when the Bills found out.
  4. You're right, the whole story isn't Matt Araiza hooked up with a 17 year old when he was in college. It's, Matt Araiza hooked up with a 17 year old girl he just met in the bushes outside of a house where she would later possibly be forcibly raped by several of his teammates, and he is the one being accused of bringing her into the room where it happened. But that's not why this thread is nearing 300 pages. These allegations were made public as early as December 2021 and the Bills don't seem to have known anything about it when they drafted him. And after learning of the allegations, the Bills chose to name him the starter apparently hoping the whole thing would stay buried. Whether Matt Araiza is guilty or even charged is up to the DA and judge/ jury to decide. As Bills fans, we have every right to know why due diligence wasn't done. Or if it was, and someone decided to take a gamble that it would never see the light of day.
  5. Araiza's lawyer basically confirmed that Matt had what they consider consensual, non-forceful sex with her. 1 Billion pages!
  6. My initial thought was similar, what a sleaze. Then found out that he reps woman in the adult entertainment industry who are often prayed upon... Repping sexual assault victims is his area of practice. I don't think it's fair to call him an ambulance chaser any more than any other type of civil attorney.
  7. He actually represents women in the adult entertainment industry, who are all too often vulerneral to sexual assault.
  8. I accidentally hit reply before I finished. And I wouldn't be too sure about how foolish the SDPD may or may not be.
  9. It will be streamed live on wivb.com
  10. 10 months without charges could mean two things. The police did a theo
  11. The victim said that she came forward publicly because she believed the case was being swept under the rug by the university and SDPD. And in coming forward she is hoping to put pressure on the police and DA to take the case seriously. I'd say by focusing on Araiza and not two underclassman that no one can name, her strategy is working. Though they are named in the Civil Suit. Another reason, why so much attention on Matt? He's the one they believe brought her to the room. Whether that's true or not will be at the center of the potential criminal case. But the idea that they are only focusing on Araiza for money doesn't pan out. It's not only about money, and it may be the most important reason for her. It will be very interesting to see what the DA does in the coming weeks.
  12. Araiza's attorney also told CBS San Diego that there was a Twitter page created in December of 2021 that was detailing the allegations against Araiza and the SDS football team. I wonder if that still exists and if the Bills knew about it?
  13. Not to bring up any details of the other thread, but I think we'll look back at this coming out in August instead of November as a blessing in disguise. There's time for McD and the FO to right the ship and then get focused on the season. It could have been a thousand times worse if this calamity took place mid-season. I am truly praying for coach McDermott and everything he has in front of him!
  14. I'm really interested in how Alec Anderson graded out. I saw him stonewall Brian Burns on a few pass rushes, but can't say that I focused much on him. I'd love to see a full breakdown on his play @Cover 1
  15. Araiza's attorney is denying that he lived there as well. My guess as to why he said it wasn't a party was to in some way lend credit to the defense that neither Araiza or the victim were drinking much. But Araiza also not drinking much doesn't help any claim that he doesn't remember anything from the night... I don't see a lot of straight shooting here from either legal team. And it definitely comes across as amateur hour.
  16. Exactly. And I don't think you can discount the possibility that this is a cash grab from Matt Araiza's attorney. He warned the lawyer for the victim not to keep calling the Bills bc he could get cut and then their would be no money to get. But that's also true for him, which means it was in his best interest to make the Bills believe there was nothing to the story so that he can get paid.
  17. Araiza's attorney said it wasn't a party, it was just a gathering of football players, and that Matt Araiza never stepped foot inside the house that night. At the same time, his attorney isn't denying that he had sex with a girl he just met outside the house. So he was just there to hang out in the yard and have sex? https://twitter.com/Matt_Bove/status/1562958512015101958?t=w9miHXJR1w7BuJQPujRjPA&s=19
  18. Did you see the video of the student apartment as reported, or just playing devils advocate that it may have been at some resort? Araiza's attorney said he wouldn't go as far to charecturize the evening as a "party" it was more like a small gathering of friends.
  19. I'm also trying to imagine him being at a party with teammates and only hanging out in the yard, having outdoor sex and never entering the house. Him admitting to hooking up consensually outside, but claiming he never stepped foot inside is a little hard to believe.
  20. There's also the possibility that she neither said high school nor college. And just said she went to "Grossmont." Which is both a high school and college. So it was up for interpretation.
  21. I can't agree more... I know I'm going to get eye roll emojis for this. But I could see Brandon Beane resigning over this. While innocent until proven guilty in a court of law is the law of the land, it has nothing to do with the immense damage that has been done to the organization. Anyone that thinks this hasn't been soul crushing for the team is seriously out of touch. The fact is, no one knows Araiza is innocent for certain. Of course he very well may be. But the idea of taking the risk of drafting a guy that may be guilty of this type of allegation should have been a complete non-starter. The fact that they missed this when the San Diego St football team gang rape allegations were floating around pre-draft, and the fact that they spoke to the accusers attorney prior to naming him starter and went ahead and did it anyways is exactly why this will hang over the organization ***** a black cloud for a very long time. Yes, McD said he's in solution mode and there's a lot of work to do. I really respect the way he stood their and bared his soul, as painful as that was for him and as painful as it was to watch. But that was just the tip of the ice berg of what needs to happen to make this right.
  22. This is actually doing the Bills a huge favor. Imagine if they waited three months and this didn't come to light until mid-season? The team has time to get right, do what's right, and then focus on the start of the season.
  23. Anybody else see Alex Anderson stone wall Brian Burns on a few of those reps?
  24. Nice blitz pickup by Cook! Although it was a 15 yard penalty.
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