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  1. Well great, now you told the whole world the plan and blew it. Thanks for nothing! 😁
  2. And Josh Allen. Who has more manhood in his pinky toe than 3/4ths of the board.
  3. For sure, that's The Hokey Pokey
  4. How dare you infuse metaphor into something so linear and objective as music interpretation!
  5. It's the Vibes + the actual message of the song... The message isn't about being cheated on. It's about overcoming paranoia and the control of negative thoughts to become the best vision of yourself and embrace your true destiny.
  6. It's just the price I pay, DESTINY IS CALLING ME. HELLO
  7. It's just the price I pay, Destiny is calling me...
  8. I still say it's perfect for Bills fans. Don't let past disappointments take control. We have Josh Allen.
  9. The message of the song is promoting infidelity and paranoia? And not about overcoming it? If you've done research you should know the songwriter is also Christian and infuses his spirituality into his music. There's a clear parallel to Bills fans always assuming the worse. I remember a poster in early 2020, after an INT, literally saying that drafting Josh Allen will be end of the franchise. I can't think of a better anthem for paranoid and pervasively negative Bills fans than the overly infectious positivity of Mr. Brightside. Maybe focus on what destiny is calling you!
  10. Or you could just ignore the title of the song. But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside
  11. You're clearly smarter than 100k+ Bills fans, as well as the players who love it as an anthem.
  12. It's a song about reaching your ultimate destiny.
  13. That's not what the song is about.
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