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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Maybe a stationary bike.
  2. If he throws short to his backs, dump offs to his backs and TE, and a lot of WR screens he does. I actually like Lamar more than most. Thought he would be a good pro coming out of college. He’s fairly erratic though.
  3. Lamar already throws it all over the field, just not where he intends it or his receivers are.
  4. Hope he feels like now he doesn’t need to work any more.
  5. Texany kinda sounds like Tuscany.
  6. Yeah. In the article he explains he grew up in Haverhill, Mass until he was 18. Buffalo became his home because he spent a lot of time there and met his wife, started a family, loved it, etc. But going back to Mass was only job that could take him away.
  7. I think he meant because he was going (sort of) home and not referencing money.
  8. Dawson Knox.
  9. Easily replaced. Good for him. Kind of refreshing that I never knew he was from that neck of the woods, and it never showed. I just thought he was bland.
  10. You didn’t watch him on Days of our Lives?
  11. My bad. When I first read the Beane quote I whipped through it and thought he meant “single digits” in percentage of players. Because that it how we have been hearing teams described. 93% or 96% or whatever. So I was going on he was referring to probably 91 % of 71 players (53 + 16+ Stevenson who would be on team and in building). That’s where I got 5-6. Reading it again, he most likely meant players and not percentage of players. But I also think it may not be 9. He’s very diplomatic. It could be 8 or 7 or 6 and he just didn’t want to give a specific number to protect further scrutinizing which ones.
  12. Chris Berman and for awhile (outside of politics) Keith Olberman, and Dan Patrick ruined sports journalism forever, because they were genuinely funny. Since then, all guys try to be funny and they mostly all suck. Kyle Brandt is the anomaly. He’s very funny.
  13. What’s the status these days on rooting for injuries? Not like sticking hat pins into voodoo bobbleheads, just kinda hoping for them.
  14. Yep. So likely six total players because he’s almost for sure including PS and IR guys who are on the field or in the building. Maybe five total players. Almost for sure including 16 PS guys and probably Stevenson.
  15. Campbell has been a wreaking ball. That Matt Corrall has a cannon. I like his feistiness.
  16. At least two of the four ejections for lowering the helmet and targeting, the ball carrier lowered his helmet before contact, too. It’s kind of bullschitt.
  17. With a bar in it?
  18. Eric Wood sighting in Louisville / Ole Miss game!
  19. Last couple years I think it went in. Two blocks from North Park Theater. I was back a few weeks ago, staying at North Park and Hertel, saw the sign and walked in. Couldn’t believe it. A full open air normal bar inside a large Bocce pizza location. Beauteous.
  20. About a half mile east of the original Mighty on Hertel Avenue is a Bocce pizza with a full bar inside it! You never have to leave!
  21. If you're downtown, go to Gabriel's Gate in JoshAllentown for wings. Pretty good weck, too. And a great Buffalo bar all around.
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