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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Fins have lost four straight playoff games by 14 or more. That's a boatload of letdown.
  2. What was the problem with it in your mind? Just curious. It wasn't strange to me in any way that a big name, huge personality Rex would want and also be granted permission to report directly to the owner. I don't see how that affects Whaley and Rex's relationship or ability to work together to field a team. If anything they had a very good working relationship. You can see it in the moves that Whaley made that were clearly Rex influenced. That's what you want. That's how the Seahawks do it.
  3. How? The Bills as a whole are a mess until proven otherwise. The chain of command you are talking about was very clear. This coming year they are changing it. But that was not a problem whatsoever during the season. There is no way an interim coach should have been in any meeting deciding on the future of the team in a business decision, which is obviously what that was. The Pegulas likely could have explained it different to Lynn after the fact, but that is not a chain of command issue either. There have been more recent reports that add to the idea that how the team explained what happened is exactly what happened.
  4. And TT would be an enormous help to CJ. That's as big a reason as any, what he does for their run game.
  5. Yep. That was a lot of what the Hawks players were saying. Having to practice against Wilson all the time, you would think that of any team they would be able to handle him. But they weren't. And since Richards was the guy doing the defensive gameplan it's easy to imagine he thinks TT is good.
  6. Yep. That's why I think TT makes them significantly better and it's a perfect spot.
  7. Yup. Another good point. And the Seahawks defense had nothing but great things to say about him, even before the game.
  8. Siemian stinks imo. Just flat out stinks. Like Osweiler stinks.
  9. First, I don't think Tyrod is nearly as good as Russell Wilson. Wilson is my favorite player in the league not counting Bills. But... Since Richards has been with the Seahawks awhile, and saw how Wilson grew as an all around QB, it would not surprise me if he was a Tyrod fan, and thought he would be the best option available.
  10. But there wasn't any problem with chain of command. At all. They laid out what it was immediately and followed it to the end, never wavering. Whaley worked well with Rex. Whaley just made a couple questionable choices that had zero to do with chain of command, and Rex made a boatload of terrible decisions that had zero to do with chain of command.
  11. Be a great place for him depending on what Elway thinks of Lynch. If it's an open QB competition I think Tyrod wins it in camp and the Broncos are a serious contender again. Regardless of who is coach he makes running game way better, makes plays, doesn't turn ball over, can get it deep to Thomas. He's perfect for them because of their defense.
  12. Actually, that's precisely what a GM should do, work directly with his HC, sometimes let that HC talk him into player that fit into his systems, sometimes if all things are equal let your HC get tie breaker, sometimes get guys that just help the team that you think are best the HC doesn't know enough about, sometimes you can't get players you want or HC wants because of cap so you sign next best thing. Clearly Whaley let Rex get IK, Douzeable, etc. Clearly Rex had a big hand in Tyrod and Harvin. But you also have to consider that in the first year, Whaley signs a big TE for Roman, trades Kiko for McCoy, re-signs Glenn, signs Felton, etc. All, except Darby, for Roman and the offense.
  13. I wouldn't mind that. I would be a little concerned that Lynn would feel slighted. Granted, you would want any of these guys to be 100% professional and realistic about these things. But it's human nature. It's possible, without even knowing it, he just wouldn't be giving his all to the job, especially in the off season. Chennelly's tweet is something we haven't discussed much here from what I have seen (I haven't read all threads). That if we don't take Lynn there is a good chance he is the OC because he is under contract, maybe for a couple years. If he doesn't get the Bills job he may not get any. Chances are a DC guy would keep him unless he has a dynamite pick that isn't working for another team.
  14. Tannehill isn't much better than Moore. The Raiders drop off, however, was a killer. They are not a Super Bowl quality team at all though.
  15. Great history lesson, Nihilarian. Good stuff.
  16. I do. But this may be even worse. Fumble at the end of the half. Other fumble by QB. INT to nobody. That's a Billsy meltdown. The jumping over the center with no one moving is doublebillsy. On 4th and 3.
  17. Can you imagine this board if the Bills made this series of mistakes. Lol.
  18. I pretty much agree with all of that. Unfortunately, QBs rolling out like that will fake a pass and run. Defenders run at them full speed, looking to hit as hard a second they can. You can't neuter them. Yes, you could kick guys out for head to head hits like that, but it better be like the colleges do it, looking at the replay and allowing the refs to change their mind. Look at that play again. Moore lowers his head several inches right before the hit in order to throw sidearm. That motion made the hit substantially worse. That doesn't deny that it was a kill shot as you say, it was. But if he keeps his head straight up and throws overhand it's possible the hit is on the breastplate and not the head.
  19. You're alone here. It was a bad hit because he led with his head. Football would suck if players didn't run and hit full speed with their shoulders. I think Moore is still rattled by that hit, regardless of concussion protocol.
  20. And still is, even with that fumble.
  21. Moore is one of the best if not the very best backup in the league.
  22. But it's only on replay that you really know what the hit was actually like. And players don't see it the way TV viewers do. Chances are Ajayi wouldn't know for sure nor would all of the officials. It almost wasn't a bad hit. He led with his helmet, but it was three inches from being his shoulder. You can argue all you want about the bad hit but it happens so fast players wouldn't automatically know it was an ejection nor would it stop them one bit from an emotional reaction.
  23. ? They wouldn't have been able to throw him out before the Ajayi play happened.
  24. Oh, right. My bad. I thought I saw he was going to be one of them. So far it's just McDermott, Goodwin, Richard and Lynn, right? And Kim said it was going to be 5-6.
  25. Ha. What a catch. What a turbl play by Fins.
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