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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Would "It was blatantly clear to everyone why I did" suffice and provide you with any new or valuable information? There is an unwritten rule in screenwriting that every piece of dialogue should provide the audience with some piece of new information, otherwise it is a complete waste of time. While I don't think press conferences and dialogue are remotely the same, the only information a fan should want is new information, otherwise the answer is a complete waste of time. He couldn't say anything that is new information. It's already known.
  2. Yeah, why was there any question whatsoever about why he fired Rex? It was blatantly clear to virtually everyone including everyone that is asking why did you fire Rex.
  3. Yeah. That sounds JUST like you. Unless you have a personal practice of after every 19,000 bitchy negative barely coherent inconsistent remarks you provide one fairly cogent one. Thanks for the laugh.
  4. You, however, would be a great owner, and especially great at press conferences. Reporter: Mr. WEO, who is going to be your GM? MR. WEO: No one. They all suck. I will call the shots. REporter: So who is going to be your QB? MR. WEO: No one. They all suck. Reporter: But don't you need a QB? MR. WEO: Of course! What do you think I'm stupid? Reporter: So, who is it going to be? MR. WEO: No one. They all suck.
  5. It was crystal clear that Whaley and McDermott hate each other already. Did you see the body language when they were laughing together? This has disaster and dysfunction written all over it.
  6. I really don't think they will support the Chargers. Nor do I think any substantial number of Charger fans will either make the trek up for the games nor care about the team called "Los Angeles." And I ever have grown to love LA as a city. It's a great place. But not to faithful Charger fans.
  7. There is a totally different dynamic when you are a DC in name only, like Frazier is going to be here, and run McDermott's defense, versus a DC who is installing and running his own defense. Even in Tampa Bay, Frazier was running Louie's D. The Bills defense is going to succeed or fail because of McDermott not Frazier. The reason I like the Frazier hire is because he has been a HC before and McDermott has not. I think a guy like McD benefits a lot from a coordinator who has worn all those hats, especially on his side of the ball. Frazier is a great hire. The OC on the other hand... ugh.
  8. This may be something I could get on board with. Although I admittedly don't know a whole lot about Scott Turner. If ST has a solid reputation from people who know these things and have worked with him, and he's a young, sharp minded offensive up and comer, having Norv around could help. I just don't want Norv to run the show. Chris Palmer may be the guy to run the offense, only if TT is brought back.
  9. BB can do that and get away with it because he has won a lot. The Bills haven't won so certain members of the press are just going to find fault in everything they do until they win. Then it all goes away. If somehow there was a connection to the fact the team did not win because of the chain of command, that would be a story. But every indication is that Whaley and Rex worked great together and Whaley got a lot of the players Rex wanted. Whaley may have made some personnel decisions that did not work out. He gets some deserved criticism for that. Rex made a boatload of mistakes and paid the price of being fired for it. But NONE of that had anything to do with dysfunction or chain of command or who was in a phone call asked for by Rex that didn't include Whaley. None of it.
  10. The offense is not "totally" on McCoy the way, say, the Bills offense was totally on Lynn because he didn't have HC responsibilities. Learn to read. Rex was fired because he didn't win and his defense sucked and his team was a mess and we were never given the only reason to hire him in the first place.
  11. Presser is not one of those words. Kill it.
  12. Well Lynn had 24 years in the league and was Assistant Head Coach for 4-5 years. He was thought of as a future Head Coach before he came to the Bills. He has boatloads of experience. That's where I am. He needs an experienced OC that can completely take over. I don't want Norv. Not sure who is possible. Musgrave maybe but he's uninspiring. Not getting McCoy is a big blow if it's true.
  13. I thought Graham did great. He asked the questions that needed to be asked, and wasn't a douche about it.
  14. UPDATE on Mike McCoy: McDermott and McCoy have spoken throughout day. Had a very productive conversation. Will be interviewing tomorrow Kevin Randal.
  15. No. But he did interview there today.
  16. See the edit I added above. I don't think so at all. I said I go crazy during the games, totally emotional, always up and down. I'm furious at losses and elated at wins. 99% of the rest of my life and 100% of my decision making I'm laid back and calm.
  17. She was talking about watching the games. Not making decisions for the teams. I go crazy watching the games. Totally emotional and up and down, and pissed after losses and elated after wins. 99% of the rest of my life, and 100% of my decision making I am calm and laid back.
  18. Whaley said that before there was a coach.
  19. Well they hated TBN before they even bought the Bills. But it's not just hating the news, you can see Terry is not comfortable in front of a camera. That is more of what I meant. And Kim is not going to be making decisions like firing Whaley, sorry. They are a team, sure. But she is not going to convince him of that.
  20. My interpretation is that individually, and collectively, the Pegulas genuinely don't care for the press, aren't comfortable in front of the camera, and yet have a great desire to be liked and seen as the good guys. Those two things are very hard to simultaneously pull off.
  21. That's a good solid hire. OC is 10x more important.
  22. Loved that interview. Reiterates a lot of the stuff I have been saying for a couple weeks. It seems pretty simple. They don't like to divulge a lot. The Chain of command was, is, and always was very clear and not unusual in any way.
  23. That's twice I asked you politely not to respond to me. Wtf? Can you not read? Can't you just be a decent person for once? Please, do not respond to my posts. Ever.
  24. If you asked me, politely, to not respond to you I would not respond to you. Because, you know, that would be the proper thing to do.
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