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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. It is not always or necessarily racist, no. It often is. I would say written orders from your bosses to pull over Hispanics is racist by definition, yes. If you just happen to pull over more Hispanics because there are not as many white or black illegal immigrants in a basic border city then no, I would not think that was racist at all. "But Snow ignored these incendiary emails and focused on the evidence relevant to the case — Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office equated being Hispanic with being unlawfully present in the country. Their written orders directed officers to stop cars when the drivers and passengers appeared Hispanic. Full stop."
  2. How is it not racist when the article specifically refers to the charge he was using racist tactics and then flaunted that he wasn't going to follow federal law that doesn't allow him to practice such racist tactics? It says right in same article that the officers had written orders to specifically target and pull over Hispanics. How is that not racist?
  3. This is a good article by one of the clerks for the very Republican, very conservative judge who was responsible for the Arpaio case. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2017/08/30/joe-arpaio-says-hes-been-treated-unfairly-thats-ridiculous/?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.35c9c673c0e0
  4. Well that response showed some serious eyecue.
  5. And haven't awoke sober since?
  6. Yeah I agree with that. And a lot of owners are good businessmen but don't seem to understand football much.
  7. When the first one opened in Tempe there was a second one in Glendale. That didn't stay open for very long. Maybe a year or two I can't remember. I think the story was that Spiro retired to AZ, immediately got bored, so he opened two in Phx area, but didn't want to bother going back and forth between the two, which were pretty far away from each other. So he closed the other one down. That was 25 or more years ago. The Tempe one is still packed all the time.
  8. Well I saw tweets that a Best Buy in Houston was selling cases of water for $42 and another store, which wasn't a chain, was selling cases for $99. Best Buy claimed that it was just some rogue employees that totaled up the individual price of one bottle and multiplied it by the number in the case or some other nonsense like that. I also believe that the Mayor of Houston installed a curfew last night or the night before specifically to stop looters from plying their trade overnight at empty houses and apartments.
  9. Sell cases of water for $40-$99? Plus there is always general looting.
  10. The teams that win in all four major sports fit into one of two categories: Either they have a couple star players who dominate the rest of the league, which happens in the NBA and NHL a little more than the others, OR, they have a single magical season where everything comes together with the ownership, the management and coaching, as well as the players in a perfect storm. Not discounting your guys case for ownership above, but it's ownership and a few other things, not to mention that a lot of ownership success is just pure luck picking the right GM or coach at the right time, and not prescient genius of that particular owner.
  11. https://twitter.com/MichaelBerrySho/status/902882716802265096
  12. It seems that it implies acceptance of guilt of the crime not just the conviction. "The presumption, then, is that someone offered a pardon naturally will accept it; why not if it is so easy and the President wants to grant it? The Supreme Court supplied a reason not to accept a pardon just over 100 years ago, in 1915, writing that a person who accepts such pardon is confessing guilt because a pardon carries an imputation of guilt. In other words, the person offered the pardon actually may reject the pardon from the President because he or she does not wish to admit guilt, even if accepting the pardon would extinguish any penalties related to the alleged crime. And, a presidential pardon does not erase or expunge the records of a conviction. So, an individual’s criminal history record will reflect both a conviction, if there is one, and the pardon." https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobfrenkel/2017/07/21/president-trump-can-preemptively-pardon-his-advisors-and-family-but-will-he/#670be2fd6c3b https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobfrenkel/2017/07/21/president-trump-can-preemptively-pardon-his-advisors-and-family-but-will-he/#670be2fd6c3b I'm just providing a link where it is discussed and it seems to be an admission of guilt, with case law. I'm not a legal scholar.
  13. Yes I believe it was only Latinos.
  14. You know this better than me but doesn't Arpaio accepting the pardon mean that he agrees that he was guilty of the crime he was convicted for?
  15. See above explanation. I wasn't at all saying DL shows any proof whatsoever about citizenship. But your point about the !@#$ed up laws is correct.
  16. No. You misinterpreted or I wasn't clear. Latinos were pulled over in their cars for looking like Latinos. They didn't do anything wrong or it was for broken taillight kind of stuff. They would show legal drivers licenses for whatever they were pulled over for, even if it were nothing, but if they ALSO couldn't show their papers proving citizenship they were arrested and jailed even though many were indeed legal citizens. That's what a lot of the lawsuits lately were about. Wasn't AT ALL saying a license proves citizenship
  17. That is fair. And you're one of if not the most informed and well read people I ever conversed with. So I always take what you say seriously. But there are certain facts and court decisions in the assassination plot. There is known fact of 3.75m settlement case arresting newspaper owners who disagreed with him. The fact of 2,170 lawsuits against his jails in a three year period of time compared to a COMBINED total of 43 in three crime ridden larger cities of NYC, Houston and Chicago in that same time period is not a slanted story. Those are real numbers. They are not to be believed, not not to be believed.
  18. Is marching and parading ONLY immigrants in a chain gang and not whites to a specific part of Tent City that has an electric fence racist or no.
  19. But they were after the racist piece of **** for both crimes and just regular piece of schitism. So it was for both political and legal reasons and one only needs the legal reasons to be the criminal piece of ****. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2009/02/05/chained-immigrants-paraded-arizona-sheriff That is what I was referring to when said special Latino part of Tent City. The part with the electric fence.
  20. Fine, guys. If you don't believe specifically targeting brown people, pulling brown people over without cause, and holding them in jail until they prove their citizenship even if they have valid driver's licenses is not racist, when many of them are actual citizens, that is your right. You think he's making America white again. Seems reasonable to do that right? This is another nice one. And it's mostly Latinas filing these complaints... But Arpaio began to make other enemies, including legal ones. The jail system run by Arpaio was hit with a staggering number of lawsuits by inmates and their families. From 2004 through November 2007, Sheriff Joe and his jails were targeted by 2,150 lawsuits, some of which alleged brutality against inmates, the Phoenix New Times reported. To put this in perspective, the Phoenix New Times noted that the jail systems in New York, Houston, and Chicago combined were hit with 43 lawsuits that same period.
  21. But that article gave several examples of racist piece of ****, along with just your garden variety abhorrent inhuman piece of ****. Not all of it was like that. Just "where we keep the Mexicans." He paraded the Latinos in the old time uniforms and chain gangs.
  22. The thing was always a get Capone on tax charges concept. They went after him like that for being a scumbag racist. Then he played into their hands by flaunting himself. So if you want to say that Capone wasn't a murderer because he was arrested for taxes, please do.
  23. Specifically choosing only Mexicans and putting them in a specific place of a jail under the worst conditions than other prisoners with worse crimes is not racist?
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