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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Then I am on an island as there surely are none on the right.
  2. Gays are ruthless bastards and bitches.
  3. He protects the ball as well as anyone in the league. He's obviously a great runner, which is a QB trait, a great scrambler, very good at throwing on the run, is a very good ball handler, he's tough. He's clearly not a great quarterback. He has several flaws. But he is also just a unique one that it doesn't do much good to hold up to conventional QB traits.
  4. I'm guessing Mudge.
  5. Mudge Simpson https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette3.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fsimpsons%2Fimages%2F0%2F0e%2FStrong_Arms_Of_The_Ma_%2528Promo_Picture%2529.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20120625100206&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsimpsons.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FThe_Strong_Arms_of_the_Ma&docid=WjDnIM0_4AeRKM&tbnid=hyHuniGsgvTL5M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwitr-K-gYfWAhWLqlQKHfA2C9A4ZBAzCCYoHzAf..i&w=400&h=1100&hl=en-us&client=safari&bih=729&biw=704&q=marge%20simpson&ved=0ahUKEwitr-K-gYfWAhWLqlQKHfA2C9A4ZBAzCCYoHzAf&iact=mrc&uact=8
  6. Dudes, cut it out. There's only so mudge more of this I can take.
  7. Liar. Ha. Everyone, all of us we know have done something heinous or not righteous in their life. It's human nature. Do you really think there is anyone on earth who has never did something really bad? The greatest men and women you have ever met in your life have ridiculous skeletons. Do you really believe the one man or woman you know who is the best example of the human spirit doesn't have something only they know or others were never told. It's human nature. The best anyone can do, religious or not, is to try to not be a dick. There are no perfect people. No.such thing.
  8. On the other hand, warts and all, it seems almost any team would take a flyer on a guy as good as Richardson, just on the hope he gets his **** together. Second round picks are way less chance of being a stud than Richardson even knowing his history.
  9. His real original native American name is "Missing Tackles." - which kinda stuck.
  10. There is approximately zero chance barring injury that Peterman starts over TT. I love what he did. He really looked surprisingly calm and in charge as a rookie. But do people even realize that he had a 54% completion which is lousy, 5.74 I think ypa which is lousy, 1 TD which isn't great (although it was a great pass), did not fair well under pressure, had a 75 passer rating which is lousy, didn't complete one pass over 22 yards which is scary since that was his Achilles heel? He looked good at one third of the QB duties.
  11. It's going to be a tough call. Like all final roster decisions the last 1-2 spots have as much or more to do with other positions than the one we are talking about. Will they keep 5 or 6 CBs. It seems that White, Gaines, and Johnson are locks. At least to me. Shareece and Seymour are all but locks. I think Gaines beat out Wright for the starter. That leaves maybe one spot for a #6. Mabin has surely made plays. I didn't notice if he is a decent ST guy. If I had to guess we keep 4 safeties and 6 CBs and Mabin stays. He reluctantly gets waived if we keep an extra LB or DT like Coleman.
  12. There was one play in the first half when we were punting and Reilly was on the coverage team and he made the tackle or assisted and busted through and threw the PR to the ground IIRC. I was watching and said who was that? And was very surprised to see it was Reilly. I guarantee the coaches watching that on film were impressed with his fight and toughness.
  13. That is really an insane take considering you seem to know a decent amount of football. You, and every single person who follows the sport knows that NFL quarterback is the single most difficult position to play in all of sport. There are only 10-12 or maybe 15 people on the planet that can do it well consistently. If you are so convinced that Nate Peterman is good and a surefire second round talent there is a lot of reasons to take him in the first round. Overdraft him. It would be insane to think he is very good but no one else sees things like I do and no one else drafting knows he's a surefire second round talent except me so no one will take him to the fourth. That's nuts. It really is. Fwiw everyone liked him. Everyone saw his accuracy and quick release and pretty good decision making and leadership. If you read any scouting report they will all mention that. His arm is suspect, he doesn't always throw with accuracy, he struggles a little under pressure, he does a ton of things quite good but not great. That's why he was predicted to go where he did and then pretty much did. If you are a GM and think the way you described what you think you take him in the lower first round.
  14. If you watched him at Nebraska or even just his highlight reel that's how he plays all the time. He has really great timing and ball skills. He leaps up and catches in traffic all time and has taken a lot of hits if only because he is fearless. I don't think he is even in the concussion protocol after the game. They said Worthy was but didn't mention Reilly. He's a good 4 or 5 WR from what I have seen. Decent speed. Pretty good hands. Quite tough. Good effort. Great tracking, jumping and ball skills. It really stands out.
  15. I would bet it comes from Trump Foundation if or when it comes.
  16. Yep. Good post. And we maybe wouldn't have Tyrod. Whaley liked him but maybe he doesn't come here. Who knows whether Hue Jackson liked him a lot or not. There wasn't a lot of options. Tyrod and his agent could easily have looked around the league and decided the Bills gave him the best chance to play regardless of Rex. I do know the Bills were close to hiring Jackson. He was their top guy before Rex wowed Terry and Kim and Brandon, and Whaley was on board even if Jackson was his top choice.
  17. Unfortunately for them it's just as likely he is Jeff George. But he surely has a chance. I like him. I wouldn't bet on him. But you really can't bet on any of these guys more than 50%.
  18. If you put the offense of either of the last two years, with the Schwartz defense, we likely make the playoffs one or both of the years. And we could have had that.
  19. True. But so does Trump. He just has to have a space between the e and the r in therapist.
  20. This offfense wouldn't be bad if we had a guy, like, say, Sammy Watkins of the Rams.
  21. And they didn't take it away and we led the league in rushing and he passed over the top and we had a pretty darn good offense considering everything.
  22. If people did what you are requiring them to do there would be very little racism, misogyny, drug abuse, etc. there would, of course be a lot more murders and broken families and few people with friends and probably civil war, but not as much racism.
  23. Le'Veon Bell? Really? He's the best back in the league.
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